Hi,I was diagnosed with AF and HF with an Ejection Fraction of 18 in Nov24, echo showed valves all ok and angiogram showed blood vessels all ok, waiting for MRI, can't do much physically without getting breathless,basically what I am asking is will my heart get stronger with exercise, the heart failure nurses angry NHS website say yes and are very positive, I seem to be in limbo, don't want to push the exercise to hard but don't want to do nothing, your experiences would be gratefully received.
HF/AF with Ejection Fraction of 18 Wo... - British Heart Fou...
HF/AF with Ejection Fraction of 18 Worries

Hi. I still exercise all be it no where near as hard as I use to. I do find my heart feels like it’s pounding very very hard now during Which sometimes puts me off. And after exercise I don’t seem to recover very well. For me I find after I’ve exercised my symptoms start to get worse. I.e heart flutters,breathless, lightheaded, my muscles hurt for a lot longer. I’ve had to reduce my exercise to a steady pace walk now.
When I was first diagnosed with afib I was told my EF was 27%. I started the couch25k regime which is linked to this site and on next test is was 40%. I'm not certain that it was all down to the exercise but it must have helped. The only thing is to ask your doctor first as I was quite fit when I started. Even walking should help. I think some exercise is better than no exercise. Good luck
Hi, i would start with walking at a normal pace and see how you go, you can then gradually pick up your walking pace to the point you get a sweat on im sure this would be more affective than run in the short term anyway
Hi Chillpirate, are you taking medication? I was diagnosed with left ventricle impairment, LBBB, and an EF of 25%. A pacemaker implant was unsuccessful, so I only take meds to help keep my EF getting worse. I see my consultant in May and won't know if my EF has improved until then when I get another echocardiogram. It's important to keep active to keep a heart healthy, but speak to the cardiac nurse to see what she recommends. I think once you get the results of your MRI, things will move forward with a treatment plan. Try not to worry too much (not easy, I know). Wishing you well.
Thank you PinkKizzie, I am doing what I can to keep active, walking, shopping etc daily, I am taking meds, Bisoprolol,apixaban, entresto, eplerenone, dapagliflozin,ferusomide I suppose that until I have had the MRI, they will just let me plod on until they know exactly what to treat, I have been advised that MRI is at least 8 weeks more wait then another 12 wks before Cardiologist gets results, then another wait for Cardio appointment. Ah well... It is what it is.
Hi Chillpirate take a look at the supplementD-RIBOSE . I buy it in powder form (1 lb can) and add 5 grams to my decaf coffee every day.
Research has some very interesting observations about heart failure and D-RIBOSE. Stay Strong. You will get better!!