Hi everyone. I have recently been swapped from Amlodipine to Losartan (50mg) as A has caused palpitations and fast heart rate when prescribed at doses of 7.5mg and above. I was very happy to be off Amlodipine after 30 months of poor response and a GP who only wanted to prescribe/amend Amlodipine doses and Ramipril (caused cough). I insisted on a cardiac referral and cardiologist was quick to spot the pattern between higher doses of Amlodipine and palpitations which he confirmed was a common side effect. He also said that many cardiologists were not fans of amlodipine for same reasons and it was "lazy" prescribing by GP's simply following NICE treatment plans. So that's the good news. After 1 week on Losartan (and being off Amlodipine) I started to feel great again however this was short lived. After 3 weeks on Losartan I have big bouts of nausea and dyspepsia ( bloating / burping). My GP (not cardiologist) has advised that I need to get 4-6 weeks under my belt of Losartan before a true picture can be seen of its effect on reducing blood pressure and side effects which haven't cleared. I am trying to press on for another 3 weeks but have to say the nausea is ruining my daily life as I feel so poor.
Has anyone else had similar response to Losartan and if so how long did it take to clear?
I am one step away from going to GP and telling him I want off all meds as I feel so shocking and will take my chances with high BP. The Losartan has only just reduced my BP to 152/88 average and my concern is that GP will increase dosage and so the nausea will also increase.
I am 61 yo, ex gym bunny, ex rugby player (not beer swilling!!) very healthy diet and lots of walking each day with my dog as I am retired and love to be out and about, at least 8-10k steps per day for 2 1/2 hrs, 85kgs. I had a resting HR of 52-56 average 12 months ago but since embarking on a "precautionary" BP regime my HR average is now 70-75 BPM. So in my book meds have made me feel worse, not addressed any hypertension issue and increased both my HR and my misery. My wife is at her wits end as I am a pain in the derrier to be with lately as I complain of feeling so unwell. I have had all other tests and everything is fine (ECG/EEG/Holter etc) but cannot get a BP medication program which works without making me feel poor generally.
If the nausea is caused by Losartan clears then great, so I am hoping that others have experienced same side effects and can help me press on through for another couple of weeks as things will improve, otherwise its another trip to GP (who I am sure thinks I am a hypochondriac). If I am becoming one then its only a result of his prescriptions.
Words of support would be very welcome!!
Cheers everyone.