I am due to have urgent open heart surgery for a dilated aorta. I've been told I can choose where I have this done within the NHS and also choose the surgeon. This is an enquiry to ask if others have had this operation and what their experience has been. Also where they have had it done, particularly anyone within NHSsussex Trust area. I would be grateful for your comments and any advice.
Advice on Operation for dilated aorta - British Heart Fou...
Advice on Operation for dilated aorta

Mr David Rose at Blackpool Victoria Hospital is my recommendation. A bit of a way from Sussex I grant you, but it's all Gold Standard service guaranteed.
You might be suitable for a PEARS procedure. This is done in some London hospitals.
Full details and a list of surgical centres with contacts are on the exstent.com website. Your nearest options for NHS surgery would be either the Royal Brompton or St Thomas's in London (both of which offer the other aortic operations as well). One challenge is that it would take a minimum of a couple of months to set up, since a custom-made device based on a CT scan has to be ordered and made and signed off by the surgeon. It depends on your anatomy and size: they have been done on aortas up to 5.5 cm and maybe slightly larger, but they can't go beyond the root and tubular ascending aorta - so if the enlargement goes into the arch, it might not be appropriate. There needs to be some clearance between base of your aortic root and the origins of your coronary arteries to fit the part that protects the root. And it does need a functional aortic valve.
Thankyou for your comments. I've been very stressed about having this op and when my cardiologist asked if I preferred to have it done elsewhere, which I thought was an unusual thing to do, I thought it seemed sensible to investigate. But thinking about the time this will take to investigate and organize, now I'm not sure it's worth it.
How large is your aorta? Is your aortic valve working well? The Royal Sussex is your most local aortic centre, but Southampton is bigger and the London centres (Barts, Royal Brompton, St Thomas's) are all highly capable.
Hi Puffin, i cannot help with choice of surgeon as although i have met mine i am still waiting for my operation.I think that you do need to think about logistics of getting to and from the hospital when deciding. You may need a number of pre surgery tests, including a CT, a visit to meet the surgeon, will have to get to the hospital and back after the surgery (typical discharge times 7-10 days) . The waiting list is likely to vary between hospitals so if you can obtain any information on likely wait time that may help you decide. My understanding is that major NHS cardiac surgery in NHS is done in all specialist centres which has significantly improved outcomes and their performance is monitored each year. The success rate in the figures I looked at in the last annual alult cardiac surgery report seemed to me to be very good for all the centres . Best wishes for your operation Lexi
I had a very good experience of OHS aorta repair at the royal Brompton last July. In particular the nursing staff in intensive care and HDU were excellent. I am sure all surgeons that operate there are of the highest standard as it must be a sought after placement. So I hesitate to recommend one over another. If you are able to meet your surgeon as an outpatient and feel comfortable with them then they are the one for you. I chose Dr Rosendahl.
I would have thought (in my humble opinion) since you have been told you need "URGENT" open heart surgery, you would be grateful for just that and not running the possibility of delays whilst going through the process of selection of venues and recommended surgeons!