My husband had a heart attack five years ago, was lucky & had two stents. No residual heart damage. Then more stents 3 months later, left ascending was blocked. Put on all the usual suspects statins, BP, Betablockers, aspirin. Last few years he has had sore fingers in the winters. Goes fully out fully gloved sub eleven degrees, despite this now has chilblains on fingers and toes. Just keeps being told he can't come off the betablockers. Anyone raised this issue with cardio specialist? He hasn't seen one since a year after his last stents.
Betablockers & chilblains: My husband... - British Heart Fou...
Betablockers & chilblains

my husband had a similar problem, though not chillblains, and the doctor thought it was Reynaud’s syndrome. Look it up on the NHS website.
He follows the advice there with heated gloves and - new addition - a heated jacket! There may be a Reynauds area here on Health Unlocked.

I live with 3 conditions caused by my blood vessels constricting.
Raynauds Phenomenon, migraines and vasospastic angina.
Beta blockers constrict your blood vessels and cause Raynauds Phenomenon and can make coronary vasospasms worse.
I cannot take beta blockers this is written in my medical notes. I ended up in hospital with unstable angina when prescribed beta blockers before my diagnosis of vasospastic angina was confirmed.
Your husband's quality of life is important. I suggest he asks his GP or Cardiologist to consider the alternative medication available.
I am prescribed Ivabradine instead of beta blockers.
My Raynauds Phenomenon has improved since I was prescribed calcium channel blockers.
my fingers and feet get very cold circulation and on warfarin main suspects.
By what i understand reynauds are simular condition. First port of call is gp.
Hello, developed Reynauds too following heart attack. Calcium channel blockers worked for me, the also stopped the excruciating angina.
I do hope your husband can get to see his GP and get some solid advice on what to do. Sufferring with chilblains is not nice and as I have gotten older, I dread the colder months. I was advised to keep my skin moisturised in the affected area, to keep yourself well hydrated, wear knee high socks which cover the lower leg if that is where you have them and keep warm. It doesnt stop them completley but I have found it does help. Take care x
I too am more prone to chilblains (in my right toes -- ouch!) since going on bisoprolol. I already had bad circulation. But, I too have to stay on beta blockers. What has helped somewhat is wearing shoes with wide toe boxes to make sure my foot circulation is as free as possible. I recommend the Altra brand of running shoes, and I also wear work boots a lot (they have space for thick socks). I also make sure that my shoe laces are not tight over the instep.
I have not noticed that my hands get colder than usual, but I already wear light gloves under 10 deg or so...
Betablockers don't directly cause chilblains abut can bring on the onset of Raynauds which does .
I was always on the verge of Raynauds, but since being on betablockers i now would class myself as having full raynauds.