My husband has atrial fibrillation, a slow heart rate and missed beats. He is taking Indapamide, Bisoprolol, Atorvastatin, Esomeprazole, and Famotidine, and getting quite bad indigestion both at times during the day, and during the night. He takes the PPI half an hour before breakfast, Indapamide, Edoxaban and Bisoprolol after breakfast, PPI before evening meal, and Famotidine, Bisoprolol and Statin before bedtime. He has been taking these for about 10 days, and is wondering whether he thinks it may be Edoxaban, but just not sure. Has anyone else had problems with indigestion, and if so, what do you feel has caused it, and do you ever get over it?
Indigestion and Acid Reflux - British Heart Fou...
Indigestion and Acid Reflux

I've got Hypertension Gerd (Chronic Acid Reflux) Right Bundle Branch Block & low heart beat. I do get bad Reflux flares which always send my Blood pressure up a lot.Was on Amlodipine CCC same family as Famitadine. CCBs relax the Osaephagus Sphyncter ( sorry about bad spelling) That straight away causes Reflux.Taken off of Amlodipine now & back on Candesartan ARB. I get bad anxiety always in evening.Medication causes it with me as when not on meds no anxiety.
Perhaps look at changing from CCB ? May help. Looking at PH 24hr.testing in Jan.for Gerd.
Beta Blockers help a lot with anxiety but lowers my blood pressure too much so had to come off them.Shame ,as helped combat anxiety a lot.Gaviscon at night before bed.Dont forget anxiety causes Acid as well so knock on effect.
Forgot to say.Look at Dr.Sanjay Gupta Gastro Cardiac Syndrone.on UTube.When I get Acid I get palpitations.Pounding heartbeat plus missed beats.Sound familiar.All makes sense as Heart is right near stomach & Vagus Nerve.
Thank you for sharing your experiences on these meds. He found Amlodopine was one cause of his indigestion, so now takes Indapimide which is a diuretic instead of a CCB, and seems better. I think it is all a case of trial and error in the end to find what works. Certainly anxiety plays a big part, and it all becomes a vicious circle in the end. Finding that Gaviscon is a life saver!
I have been having indigestion/heartburn since starting on heart meds following an MI in August. Very difficult as symptoms mimick hear attack symptoms and cause me a lot of anxiety. All subsequent heart investigations have been normal but that doesn't stop me worrying. Still trying to work out wit GP what best approach is. So no answers but you're husband is not alone.
We are all different and our response to taking medication can also be different so if you have not done so already I suggest your husband goes back to the GP to discuss his problems and/or talks to a pharmacist. There might be something that can be done for him such as changing medication or dose strengths or taking medication at a different time, and its their medical expertise that is there to help. And although his problems are likely caused by medication you could also look at diet and posture which might help and is a cause of problems for those with reflux disease like I have, by avoiding trigger foods and ensuring you don't encourage food to flow back into the oesophagus by say bending down unless unavoidable, and by losing weight if necessary around the middle.
More here from a previous post
Thank you so much for sharing a lot of helpful ideas. I rang the surgery to see if we could talk to the pharmacist and was given January 10th!! However refrained from saying anything, and went to see our local pharmacist who was extremely helpful, and suggested quite a few ideas, very similar to yours!
I did appreciate your previous post, as well as this one - it does help to feel you’re not alone.
Happy Christmas!
assuming you live in the UK, your doctors group of surgeries employ one for more pharmacists. That person would be able to discuss medications and maybe timing, side effects and interactions with you. Pharmacists are the experts on medicines,
Thank you for your suggestion. Would you believe I rang the surgery to ask if we could talk to the pharmacist, and was given an appointment for January 10th!! However we went to our local pharmacist, who saw us straightaway, and was extremely helpful in explaining things, and set us on the right tracks. Sometimes you despair of lack of surgery help or advice!
Happy Christmas!
No problems with Bisoprolol for me. Apart from low BP sometimes.