good morning ,I’m due to have a pacemaker I’m very anxious about having it done and quality of life after procedure l have had heart failure since a viral infection 2013 any information from someone who has had one fitted would hopefully put my mind at rest .Thankyou all so much for being there for someone like me x
Grimshaw 30: good morning ,I’m due to... - British Heart Fou...
Grimshaw 30
Hi, I'm nearly 76 and had a pacemaker fitted in May of this year. The actual business of putting the pacemaker in was actually quite straightforward, local anaesthetic meant I was painfree, just a little uncomfortable at times but nothing really bad. I had a trainee with the consultant carefully giving instructions so I think it took a bit longer but honestly nothing nasty. I'm female with a short body also a bit bony so the actual pacemaker is quite close to my shoulder. It took me a while to get used to it and at times it was uncomfortable, especially when trying to sleep but that has also improved and most of the time I'm completely unaware of it. I have really benefited from having it as my symptoms can now be adequately controlled without my HR dropping too low. Try not to worry. It's a very common procedure and pacemakers are extremely reliable. Mine is monitored from my bedroom remotely so it's also saves me having to go into hospital for checks. Good luck.
Hi, I have a pacemaker. I've had mine almost 6 years now. The staff in the cath lab are lovely and will look after you. I had a local anaesthetic to numb the area. If I recall right I think they gave me antibiotics before they started. I was covered over with the sheets that they use and I turned my head to the right side while it was being done. I didn't feel a thing. I spent the night on the ward. I was in pain afterwards once the local anaesthetic wore off but I just took paracetamol. You will be given instructions on what not to do for the few weeks to give the wires time to settle, after that I carried on as normal. I don't notice the pacemaker at all. It's there doing it's job. I go to the pacing clinic once/twice year to have it checked.
I had one fitted 4 years ago as I suffered from heart failure. It was a fairly simple op under local anaesthetic. I was not allowed to drive for a week, and had to notify the DVLA.
You have to be careful for a couple of weeks while it settles down, but it was only at all painful for a couple of days. I have a bedside monitor, so only need to visit the clinic every two years. I have had no problems with it, and usually forget about it.
Hi, I had a pacemaker fitted 2 years ago following a sudden long pause (29 seconds) whilst sleeping. I didn't have much time to worry about having the procedure done and was so pleased that I got into surgery within only a few days of the incident.The procedure took about an hour and was done under local anesthetic, I was in hospital for about 4 hours in total. It was slightly uncomfortable but no pain whatsoever. As mentioned in other replies, I had to refrain from driving for a while and the DVLA had to be informed . Afterwards I had very little discomfort, ust some soreness at the wound site.
The device is apparent under the skin on the chest and I do need to take care not to knock or catch it. Having the pacemaker fitted was so uch a relief in that I no longer worry about possible slow heart rate or fainting. I wish you well for the procedure .
I am 50 (for 4 more days) and had one put in July this year to prevent pauses in the my heart.
There is a fair amount of discomfort on the shoulder for the first week, but other than that recovery is pretty rapid. Look up stretches to do after the pacemaker, doing those exercises will aid recovery.
The procedure is not major and if you can convince your anesthetist to give you fentanyl to calm your nerves while you are in theatre you may quite enjoy the procedure (serious advice).
As others have said the fitting of the pacemaker isn’t to bad really , a bit of pushing and pulling around while they get the pacemaker into the pocket that they make. I was lucky as I didn’t have a lot of pain or bruising afterwards, but it was very uncomfortable/ sore while it all healed up. Take note of what they tell you regarding stretching as you don’t want to displace the leads. For myself once everything had settled down and had a few settings tweaked life has been fairly normal. I’ve ended up on lots of heart meds but that will all depend on your condition. Hope all goes well for you.
Hi i have a pacemaker due to heart pauses got mine fitted 7 years ago with no problem it is a little bit uncomfortable but not painful at the time ,but that ease of over a couple of weeks ,and i have yearly checkups
Hi, I haven't got pacemaker , but 2 of my very good friends have . 1 has had it in for 4 years now and is living life to the full. She has no issues at all, procedure was quick and pain free. Home same day and is loving life , travels all over the world . My other friend is older and all he felt for a couple of days after was a little discomfort at the site of implant. And he is rocking his pacemaker. Wishing you well. Let us know how you get on. X
You've had some good comments re the procedure, I'd just add that the effect on your quality of life will depend on the particulars of your condition, people given them are surprisingly varied. For me it's as if I never had a cardiac issue but I know that's not the case for everyone. If you're on Facebook there are groups just for people with pacemakers.
hi. Please don’t be anxious you will be well looked after. I had my second one fitted a week ago . My first lasted 8 years. I have it for sick sinus syndrome. Both fittings were fine , I opted to have light sedation at both procedures and was actually really relaxed. The sedation was great I think I dozed through both although aware of the music and voices , but no stress. I could feel pulling pushing type movement but don’t recall any pain. Toast and tea after. Living with a pace maker is good , for me much better than without as my pulse is more reliable, I’m quite sporty despite being mid 60 and my running actually improved after the implantation. It’s a bit tender for the first few weeks , I find those first few days a pillow under my arm on the chair or centre of the the bed helps , but then fine. Regular paracetamol as well for a couple of days. You can’t put your hand above your head for a few weeks until your wires get bedded in , and no pushing pulling or lifting. Once it’s settled in I have to say that I hardly notice mine. One of my grandchildren often feels it with his head when he’s having a cuddle on my knee and tells me it’s what gives me my special powers 🤣. I’m not sure what special powers he thinks I have , I can say I honestly didn’t find the whole thing bad , I was anxious , it’s only human nature to be , but had no need to be. Good luck for your procedure, I am sure they will look after you well
my husband had a pacemaker fitted last year and it’s been a real game changer! Understandable to be nervous. Your doctor will explain everything and you should hopefully have a much better quality of life! Hope all goes well for you.
I had a pacemaker 4 weeks ago. I asked for sedation, and the procedure was weird, but OK. I had quite a lot of pain for the first week.. evidently, my skinny chest doesn't help. Had my first check, and it's calming nearly all my irregular beats and heart function slowly improving. I was very anxious despite lots of prayers. But definitely, I'm pleased I have it.
Hi I had a pacemaker fitted 18 months ago. Like any surgery there is some discomfort during and after the procedure. There are certain things you cannot do for a few weeks like stretching the arm on the side of the pacemaker above shoulder height. It does take a few weeks to get used to but then you gradually ‘forget’ it is there. It has not stopped me doing anything, I walk regularly go to gym etc and travel abroad regularly. Take your time with the recovery and you should be fine. There is always a technician available if you have any concerns at any time. Take care.
It really is nothing to get upset about.I am 80 and have had it for 2 yrs , actually due my second annual review tomorrow, and it is being done via a phone call. So I would say to you just relax.?? Good luck.
I had mine fitted a year ago (at 85) as a day-patient ...because a loop recorder showed a problem with my heart stopping. I can only repeat what has already been said, above, except that I am conscious of mine most of the time, the area feels 'bruised' ...but it is undoubtedly a life-saver!
Hello! I have my Pacemaker for 7 years now and I do not get any adverse reactions to it! Just go for it and know it’s for your health!!
I have had a CRT-D [3 wire] for 10 years now and just had my 1st battery change last November, and have to say both surgeries were very easy procedures with some minor discomforts. I forget I even have a pacemaker sometimes, and can do everything I could before the inplant. You got this!
Just echoing what others have said.
I’ve just had my first annual check and my pacemaker is working fine.
I had it fitted last November when I was 74 after an ILR revealed pauses and several years of unexplained fainting episodes.
Fitting was no problem,a wee bit of pushing feeling but discharged home within the hour.
I did not have much bruising or soreness and now can happily sleep on my left side and scar is hardly noticeable.
Hope all goes well for you.