I posted in January after my third heart attack that I was not feeling so good and now almost a year on I'm wondering if it will ever get any better, I've lost 4 stone lowered my cholesterol from 8 to 3 , I'm active and eat healthy but I'm still hampered with chest pains , heaviness palpitations, stomach is like a washing machine, fatigue half the time , feeling I'm gonna faint a couple of times a week and lying down and trying to sleep seems make my heart play up a lot , and when I've mentioned this to cardiologists they don't seem interested , I feel so low
Is it ever gonna get any better - British Heart Fou...
Is it ever gonna get any better

Are you monitoring your blood pressure ? Is it dropping when you feel faint ? Could be your meds causing some issues . I had to come Off Artovastatin, gave me quite a few side effects including zombie episodes, low blood pressure, cognitive impairment, aches /pains ..
Thanks for replying, my blood pressure has been checked a couple of weeks ago and they said it was on the low side of good but they wasn't overly concerned but maybe it gets lower at times that I'm not always able to check
Dear Rbok, I have had a heart attack earlier in the year. You have to to take things very slowly, and keep your stress levels down. Rabbit55
Hello, sorry to hear you are struggling. You could ask for a second opinion. Could you afford to see a cardiologist privately, after consultation they will often do investigations via the NHS. Also consider seeking some advice regarding your mental health / well being. It can take a long time adapt to health problems. Good luck
Thanks for your reply I think a private consultation may be the way forward, would they have access to my notes prior to consultation do you think
Does the GTN spray help with chest pains?
Hi, Rbok,
First, please let me say that you have made some amazing progress! Isn’t 4 stone over 50 pounds of weight? That is amazing to have lost that much weight and to keep it off! Good job, you! 👍❤️
Plus, you have made tremendous strides in lowering your cholesterol level! Again, great job with that! Plus, you stated that you are active and eating healthy.
It sounds like you are doing so many things well! You should be feeling better.
Is it possible that you could schedule an appointment with your GP and/or cardiologist to review your progress, medications, and perhaps schedule needed tests or bloodwork? It sounds like there is more going on with you and it can be scary.
It sounds like you are making progress—and it can be slow going after a heart attack. You didn’t mention your medications. Is it possible that something might need tweaking or a complete change?
I honestly would try to see my doctor and discuss what is going on with you. You might try keeping a journal of symptoms/issues that you are having over a few days and take the notebook/journal with you to the doctor.
It is hard to feel poorly for so long. I really hope that you can discover what is causing you to feel this way. You honestly have done some amazing things despite feeling poorly—losing 4 stone—staying active—eating healthy! Imagine what you can accomplish once you feel better. 😊
I looked back at your cholesterol level. I am going to share this data that I read:
Recommended Target Levels for Those Who Have Had a Cardiovascular Event
Total Cholesterol: <4.0 mmol/L
Non—HDL Cholesterol: <2.5 mmol/L
LDL Cholesterol: <1.8 mmol/L
With your prior cardiac events, you may want to try to get these numbers even slightly lower than suggested. Perhaps, discuss this with your doctor. I’m not suggesting that this information has anything to do with how you are currently feeling —but cholesterol level and plaque deposits are one risk factor for potential future cardiac events.
Best wishes to you in sorting everything out.❤️
Thanks for taking the time to reply and indeed give some good food for thought, tbh losing weight and lowering cholesterol was a simple case of eating zero processed foods and cutting out nearly all treats , but I do sometimes think that it could be medication related, unfortunately the doctors don't or won't discuss anything heart related with me and the consultant just refers to the notes from when I was in hospital last January and says everythings good so I'm going round in circles, I think I may need to pay for a private consultation and hopefully that my provide some ideas , thanks again for your kind words ,
Thanks you for taking the time to do that , I'll definitely buy trying it

Hi, just a reminder that content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and your doctor. Please avoid making any changes to your medication or advising others to do the same, without speaking to a health professional first. Many thanks.