On different heart meds Bisoprolol,Entresto,Dapagliflozin,after a few months one of my arms is painful when I raise it and can't manage to get it round to my back without pain,been like this for few months,has anyone else suffered from this,thanks
Sore arm: On different heart meds... - British Heart Fou...
Sore arm

Yeah I get this dead arm pain top of my arm and cant scratch my back like i used too, i thought it was due to cardiac rehab but was told it may be a statin, changed statin and still got the dead arm ache... Annoying.
Yea on Statins also but been on them for 8 yrs so I've ruled these out,attend physiotherapy they try move it more sore painful though,thanks for replying
Might be different then, my pain feels like it goes deep into my arm joint when i try and put it around my back or if i raise it or lift things up, the ache kicks in.... I am however on two of the same meds you are on, dapagliflozin and entresto highest dose
Yea that's the very same pain I get
I’m on all of the above and my right upper arm and shoulder hurt for months. Fortunately the pain went away on its own.
Glad is better,hopefully mines will do same
had it for two years, they even sent me to physio, changed from bisoprasol to Sotalol in June and the arm got 80% better in 2 weeks, still a little discomfort but nothing like it was, yes right upper arm also felt like shoulder joint.
yes, I went to the GP and was referred for physio. No idea how but after an xray and physio was diagnosed with frozen shoulder . So continuing with physio and cardio rehabilitation which has helped although I did get a steroid injection in the shoulder to help with pain,
To start with anyway you need to see your GP but sounds like frozen shoulder to me .
Your arm/ shoulder problem does not sound like a heart or medication issue. Sounds musculoskeletal. Have it assessed by GP or physio
I’ve just had an ultra sound scan and it’s a burser and inflammation in my right shoulder joint. I don’t get pain in my shoulder it’s referred pain and goes to my right bicep. Very painful for months now. Pain injection been offered so that physio exercises can be done. Waiting to see my physiotherapist appointment in a couple of weeks.to decide on next steps. I’m on Bisoprolol.
Strangely enough I often get a horrible dull ache in the top part of my left arm and like you are on bisoprolol and have been for several years due to a diagnosis of heart failure back in 2018.Never really thought it could be the medication though I know you can get side effects sometimes.Thank you for that piece of info next time I see my dr I will mention the pain again in my left arm and could it be related to the bisoprolol.
hi. I'm on those meds and have the same pain. I saw an orthopaedic consultant privately as I wanted reassurance that it wasn't heart related and he told me that it was a bicep strain and to rest it completely. He also gave me strong painkillers. After resting my arm for a long time it is still painful and I haven't been offered physio. I never thought it could be the meds but will look into this now.
Thats what I am worried about physio makes me work it which is so painful,wondering if it would be better resting it
I have the same. Started 4 months after ohs. I blamed it on lifting too much when I returned to work. Went to Dr after 3 months as couldn’t stand the pain and could only lift to 90 degrees.
Had an ultrasound which confirmed bursitis and frozen shoulder.
They suggested 18 months for it to go. The NhS waiting list in this area for physio was 12 months so I went privately but felt that the 4 physio sessions were hurting my sternum more than they were helping my shoulder.
Now 6 months since the problem started and no improvement in mobility but more toothache in my shoulder than searing pain. Apparently common post heart surgery 🤷♀️
Good luck!
Yep. I have the very same. Left shoulder pain. Like you I cannot reach round my back. It only hurts when I try to move or use my arm. It came on 3 months after OHS and I just presumed it was related to, and let's face it, pretty major surgery
I have a pain at the top of my arm too. It is where the top of my sleeve would be. Years ago I had a frozen shoulder but it was across the top of my shoulder towards my neck. I hope you don't have that as the pain was awful but thankfully helped by an injection.
Thanks everyone for your replies it's really helped x
Hi that sounds like beginning of a frozen shoulder rather than medication problem hopefully for you it's not as that is unfortunately very painful and can last about 18mths may need some physio
I'm the same and thought it was the meds. Turns out it's a rotary cuff injury.
Ouch,hope it improves soon
Sounds like a frozen shoulder Physio should help a lot
I can ba rely even get my arms up to my shoulders and have pain trying to reach round my back but mine's arthritis in both shoulders not any medication. It's not always related. You shoudl at least get an x ray of yoru shoulders.
Thanks,I have athritis in fingers so could be that,waiting for xray apt
Mine is in both elbows. Goes away after a week or so. Comes back every month or so.Only drug e have in common is Bisoprolol and maybe statins.
Probably no relation to your problem at all but I had a 3X bypass March 2024 and my angina returned a few months later so I went back to my cardiologist and he put me on Isosorbide Mononitrate (50mg) once daily. Since then I have been terrible pains in my right shoulder/arm and sometime in my right elbow. I seems to be spreading to my left shoulder now. It's mainly when I lift it upright or try to reach out for something.
I'm have been on Bisop for almost 14 years (2.5mg) but never had the arm/shoulder pain before starting Isosorbide Mononitrate.
People think joint or muscle pain originates while sleeping because they wake up in pain, but what it really is an over stretched muscle or joint "wear & tear" as my doc called it. As we age our joints lose their elasticity & gel pack in between bones and when we are physically active one day doing something mudane maybe lifting something heavy we 'pull' a muscle which doesn't show much pain till the next day. The ongoing remedy is to do daily stretch exercises until healing takes place (sometimes several months later). If you don't do this 'frozen shoulder' or elbow may result. Yes, statins aren't good for muscles and so we need to keep up with exercises.
Good afternoon. Thanks for letting us know this interesting symptom. I looked up the cocktail of medication you are taking but none of them cause the symptoms you are having. Which shoulder has been affected. If it is the left shoulder, it can be a cardiac in origin. In my opinion a resting ECG is a good idea to exclude that. In that case it's probably musculoskeletal in origin and x-ray or scan is a good idea to exclude arthritis of the shoulder joint . Hope that helps. Regards.
Thanks,appreciate that
I'm on bisoprolol amongst others and have pain in right shoulder joint plus numbness in upper arm first thing in the morning. Physio helps,
If you can't lift your arm up then surely you go see a doctor especially after a few months.
Hi, I'm only on a statin . But I also had the same pain, couldn't get dressed , hoover , sleep on that arm, push shopping trolley etc . I though it was do to muscle injury after gardening . But after no improvement in 4 months , I self referred to physio. They sent me exercises to do, but even some of them were too painful to do! So I went into see them and they diagnosed rotator cuff injury . It can take months to improve . Very gentle stretch exercises are helping vastly . Not on painkillers anymore , although it does hurt , but its manageable. I'm back to gentle gardening again . I feel it will take a few more months but its improving . Physio can refer you to have injections if stretches and muscle strengthening exercises don't help .
I hope this helps you to be pain free .
Regards xx
I hope you do too ! Just takes time , I think .Xx