Hi, I had a stent put in on 8th of December 2022 and it all went well. I did my cardio rehab and was doing great. In the June of 2023 I started to feel rotten again. I had quite a few tachycardia incidents which led to me attending A & E, and on a couple of occasions being admitted. I eventually met my cardiologist in September 2024 and he explained that I had an arrhythmia and he was going to put me on Amiodarone. He explained it was a medication of last resort and the side effects can be serious. I have felt pretty rotten since I started them and have fed this back to him via his secretary and also spoken to my GP. Nothing has happened. I was told that an ablation is the next step but my next appointment to see the cardiologist is January 2026. I feel really depressed that I have to feel like this for another year and a bit. Anyone have any advice? Thanks.
Amiodarone: Hi, I had a stent put in on... - British Heart Fou...

Hi Glenfiddich, the best thing to do is to see a cardiologist privately, it will cost in the region of £200, but worth every penny as then you can start to move forward, the longer you stay in a fib, the more difficult it is to get you back into sinus rhythm, so maybe if you get an appointment privately he can push things along a little faster.
good morning , I have heart failure and AF , Iafter my HA I had a stent put in to my left ventricular which pumps the blood back around , which I was told my blood 4 yrs ago when I had the procedure , I then had a cardio version because of my AF not being in sinc, was then put on Amiodarone ,I have had no problems ,I get checked every 6 months with my cardio nurse ecg and every6 months @ GP have bloods taken and ECG I also have an ICD fitted as I was told that I am @ risk of cardiac arrest , going back to Amiodarone I do not feel unwell and no side effects , I hope my story helps in some way .
I had two spells of SVT needing cardioversion and was then put on just about every combination of meds possible (I was put on Dronedarone instead of Amioderone and only lasted 6 days). The possibility of ablation was frequently mentioned but I was never referred. In my frustration after two years I went private. I ended up with a stent and an ablation and all was wonderful for a time. Sadly the AFib has returned big time. Despite numerous admissions to A&E nothing was ever done. So I bought myself a chest strap heart monitor that gives really good printouts. I can record 24/7 so can see what happens during exercise or sleep etc. Now, I present the printouts of the episodes of AFib (all my clinic ecg's and Holter were fine) and now I'm back on the waiting list for another ablation. Sometimes they don't seem to listen to what you say, but providing proof can have more effect. Good luck
Crikey, that sounds horrendous. Concerning that the ablation didn’t work as it was presented as being the very thing to fix the issue. Was the fitting of an ICD ever mentioned?
Sounds like you have had a hellish time of it. On one of the occasions I was admitted to A&E the cardiologist suggested I buy the Kardia ECG monitor, which I did. Like you I submitted the episodes of tachycardia. Despite this I have been admitted to hospital on two more occasions. The cardiologist is a lovely guy and well respected in his field, but my frustration is getting to me. Thanks for your reply.
i have afib and on thinners and bisoprol when at attack, what is the difference between SVT and AF, they seem the same to me. As for Ablation, sorry but all i read on this is even when considered successful its is for a limited time only and Afib returns. Sorry state I know for all of us with not perfect hearts.
Sounds disgusting, your treatment! Complain!!I had a heart valve repair,all good, then went back in because my heart started racing. Then I was put on amniodarone. I don't like it, not necessary as I'm on various other meds. I also don't like the side effects and possible long term effects. Light headed is my problem at the moment. I also am seeing various comments describing it as a last resort. Has anyone else seen amniodarone described like that.
Hi, yes I to am on Amiodarone and at my check up with my Cardiologist in May I was told that they cannot increase dose [currently on 100mg] once daily. I have had Bisoprolol and Sotalol prior to failed ablation last March. It is now wearing off as the day progresses and takes several hours to work when I do take it. I now have a GTN spray but have been advised Pacemaker is only option left for me now.
Other healthcare systems only use Amiodarone as a last resort treatment for life threatening arrythmias i.e. ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia etc. My cardiologist tried to get me on it for my (well controlled) AF, which I refused. In the US the stuff isn't registered for AF use, and it should be initiated in a healthcare setting. In the UK cardiologists seem to be using it as a prophylactic just to improve (slightly) the outcome of DCCVs. As a rhythm control for non tachycardic AF it seems overkill
Hi Glenfiddich, ( nice name, piper)?I hope you're ok & not too down. I have been prescribed Amiodarone & used it on several occasions between cardio versions & ablations ect & can only say that I am a big supporter of the medication as it was the main factor of stability for my AF. The risks were explained to me & I chose to take that path. I have recently had a second ablation & feeling great & starting to plan my life again.I would advise making sure that your bloods are checked to avoid any side effects from them. Best wishes 🤞
It took 5 months for my prescription for Flecainide to arrive. NHS cardiology has a massive backlog. If you're struggling, look to see if your NHS consultant has a private practice.
I had an ablation 28 November last year and my meds were changed from Flecainide & Sotolol to Amiodarone &Bisoprolol.
I had mt bloods checked after 6 weeks and tests redone every 3-4 months. The main potential problem with Amiodarone is it can affect thyroid. Luckily I'm fine so far.
Unfortunately the ablation only lasted a week before I flipped into AF and have been irregular ever since. However, for 90% of the time I'm symptom free and heart rate is between 70 and 110. Next step is cardioversion - awaiting a slot for that.
May I asked what dose of the Amiodarone & Bisoporal you were put on. On advice of cardiologist I am currently trialing being on 100mg Amiodarone- down from 200mg. Due to side effects on 200mg. I was told that adding the Bisoporal can slow heart rate down
I'm on 200mg Amiodarone and 5mg Bisoprolol, both once daily.
I had an ablation last December and the EP swapped me to Amiodarone but a couple of weeks later my AF came back so I contacted the Arrythmia nurses at Blackpool (where I had the ablation) and they prescribed Bisoprolol to lower my heart rate.
I do have a Pacemaker as I have Brady/tachy syndrome so it kicks in quite often when heart rate drops below 50bpm.
Currently waiting for cardioversion.
Sorry to hear of your problem and the wait.Amiodarone does indeed have bad side effects.In my case it ruined my thyroid and then you feel ill from a different direction.If you have A F then cardio Docs often prescribe Digoxin and Diltiazem.These drugs take some getting used to but dont have the bad rep of Amiodarone.Given yor wait time and if you can fund it see a Cardiac Consultant privately and he or she can advise and change meds if appropriate.The fee is usually in the region of £300.
I was on Diltiazem before and had no issues. I suspect, like many others, we are put on medications as the waiting list for any surgical interventions is so long.
When you came off Amiodarone- was it a case of just stopping it or was dose reduced. I'm wondering if it's possibly to come straight off amiodarone & onto something else straight away. I've been on amiodarone for 18months & have regular checks with consultant. But I've developed a tremor in my feet/legs which is a side effect of the drug. Amiodarone has been great as only occasionally get af.
Amiodarone is the go to drug for Docs but has many nasty side effects.It ruined my thyroid and now have Graves Disease.Endocronology Consultant confirmed it was the culprit.
Thank hou for reply - trouble is like a lot of drugs it can seemingly cure one thing but cause others. Are you on a different drug?
Digoxin and Diltiazem but not a great help for my A F so had a pacemaker 2 wks ago and await an A V Ablation.If your not to far into A F another type of Ablation may be possible but you need to be under a Cardiac consultant not a G P.
I'm under care of cardiologist- I've had 4ablations/cardioversions. Dioxin & Diltiazam didn't help me so put on Amiodarone. Are you feeling better following pacemaker? I didn't know you could have ablation when you have pacemaker. Thanks for replying
I've been on Amiodarone for 17months & it's definitely stopped af but I have developed tremor in feet/legs so may be coming off it - cardiologist didn't think it was linked although literature says it can cause this side effect. I'm undecided about pacemaker as apparently it doesn't stop af. . I've had 4 ablations + cardioversions.