hi has anyone experienced an erratic heartbeat. At rest it can sometimes go upto over 120 or 130 and suddenly drop back down. Sometimes it will stay high for upto ten mins and then drop back down. Sometimes it drops down into the 30s and can stay at that for awhile too. This can happen every day for weeks and then stop it’ll just go back to normal for weeks again. I have ectopic beats. I have 7% burden of ectopics. I’ve had numerous tests, bloods, scan, mri, stress test and nothing is showing up.
erratic heartbeat: hi has anyone... - British Heart Fou...
erratic heartbeat

I add a 24 hour ecg fitted because I kept going dizzy, they found my heart was beating too fast at times and other times dropping . I'm waiting to hear from the cardiologist to see what can be done
Yes ive had the monitor too and nothing came back from it. Only the ectopics so I’m still no further on. I don’t get dizzy but I do have a strange feeling in chest going up in to throat which they say is not cardiac related but possibly caused by stomach acid. This strange feeling can last for weeks with the erratic heartbeat and then go and it all settles back down again for weeks or days sometimes. I hope you get to the bottom
of what’s going on and would you mind giving an update when you get your results. Thanks
Hi, i have also been told that my acid reflux is cause of some of my symptoms and reason for this is similaritys in chest/heart issues also have ectopic beat issues and again having 24 and 48 hr tapes only coming back with ectopic beats
Is it a really strange feeling starting in in your chest going up into your throat? I can’t really describe how it feels. I only get it tho when my heart is all over the place
thyroid test done?
Yes tsh was a little elevated but it wasn’t affecting my t3 or t4 (think I have those right) so not on medication
numbers for FT3 and FT4?
Hi tsh was 4.93 and and T4 13.3. I can’t find T3 results
sorry for the late reply. was out for some surgery.
There's T4 and FT4. For thyroid levels assessment, it's FT4 that needs to be tested and T4 will not be as useful.
Please see if you can confirm which has been tested. You will also need the ranges to see if you are in range or otherwise.
As I have been off the forum for a long time, if you need more thyroid related info, please head over to Healthunlocked Thyroid UK - healthunlocked.com/thyroiduk
I imagine the forum remains as helpful as in the past.
Best wishes.
You might find York cardiologist videos on ectopics interesting they are on you tube.I think cardiologist can be reluctant to do anything re ectopics as if heart normal structure they are seen as benign especially if no symptoms such as passing out are happening. My pac burden has been 9% and was told could take meds if I wanted but it not as such needed, the choice was mine.
I originally was on bisoprolol for these then my heart started racing within two hours of taking them. This happened after been on them for about four years. The doctor in a&e took me off them saying I didn’t need them and they were affecting my vagus nerve. Things were going great for a few months after stopping them then the erratic heart beat started again. Lasting for a few days going back to normal then it was a few weeks and going back to normal. I’m really trying to stay off medication if I can. Did your heart race and then drop?
Yes, but was told the 'drop' was due to Pacs and not being picked up by the devices so showing low heart rate. I also get regular runs of atrial tachycardia last 2 week monitor showed 62 within that period runs were short as in say 10 beats ( majority of which I wasn't aware of) although about 4 years ago started to get longer runs of atrial tachycardia for which I have ended up in A&E, although after the 1st two where I was given bisoprolol and then sent home once rate went down. I now take med at home and wait for rate to come down usually within 1 to 2 hours. I should say this has been agreed with EP consultant as I know a lot of people are told to attend A& E within 30 minutes. I have found after these longer runs I do often get more ectopics i.e. pacs where heart rate goes up and down.
I’ve been to a&e too with the racing heart and still no further on. Mine can last a few minutes or over ten minutes. This can happen several times during the day and my Apple Watch has woken me up at night when they last longer than ten minutes. This can go on for weeks and then just stop and I’m fine for weeks again. The low heart rate when it drops down into the 30s is actually more uncomfortable and can last much longer than the racing heart. Do you mean the ectopics were giving a reading of a low heart rate when in fact you didn’t have a low heart rate at the time?
Yes EP explained it as the sinus node doesn't fire as the extra beat from wherever it originates in the atria tricks it into thinking it has already fired.Think they often know what is happening in terms of what the heart is doing electrically but not necessarily why and 'treatment' is often trial and error as each patient varies in how they respond to the various meds.
I think previous research has been much more on the 'plumbing' issues of the heart rather than the electrics hopefully this is changing.
Yes I think you’re right about the plumbing. My doctor referred me to electrophysiologist and he did ecg, holter and cardiac mri. All good but I’m going to go back and try get answers from him. My own doctor thinks i might need a loop recorder fitted and has requested this because the other tests are short as just not catching what’s going on
I paid privately in the end to have a 2 week Zio patch and that gave EP better idea of what going on. Loop recorders only as good as how frequently they are monitored and I'm aware of people having difficulties with for example, travel insurance as they view it as you are undiagnosed and therfore greater risk and some won't insure or will charge huge premiums. Have you never had an 'episode' when wearing a monitor?
Yea I’m not sure about the loop recorder. I’m worried about getting a mortgage with it. Yes I’ve had some episodes but not like I usually get with the holter and when I was in a&e but they’re still saying ectopics
Where did you get the zio patch? I’m in Ireland and never heard of them.
From private consultation with EP I also see on NHS at Papworth, Sanjay Gupta York cardiologist also uses zio patch monitor I believe with his private patients.He also talks in one of his videos about link between gastric issues and cardiac issues in particular arrythmias. I often seem to get both at same time I think it's seeming like it could be linked to vagus nerve?
Could I ask if you've had the treadmill stress test done in hospital?
Yes and all good
This may not reflect on your condition: Well, all I can say is I have come across 2 colleagues at work who were wrongly prescribed heart meds which have now been stopped, all they have been told is - it's not the heart!
Some conditions remain a mystery even now! That is until something further developes.
My HR does this though not as low, easy to check with oximeter … one second 65 then well over 100 ( 125) just reaching out to pick up something from table in front of me. 150 putting coat on etc etc. , mine started with Long Covid and high BP, nothing seen on ecgs, echocardiogram , chest X-rays but was diagnosed in Jan. with tilt test table as having ‘postural hypotension’ as BP drops to 60/40 on standing 8 mins. and HR goes up to compensate to get oxygen pumped to brain. The TTT consultant removed my bisoprolol believing the suppressing effect on HR was bad for me ( I was fainting) but then released me back to GP for treatment, who is totally lost, and just been fiddling with my thyroid ‘ meds’ ( I have been hypothyroid 24 years) as his limited belief that I am ‘overmedicated on Levothyroxine’ is he only thing that raises HR! ( My free T3/T4 are mid range). Waiting for a 7 day BP monitor.
If your heart rates are accurate, you may have what I have, bradycardia tachycardia syndrome because of a sick sinus syndrome. Sometimes a permanent pacemaker is needed so we can tolerate medication to prevent or slow down rapid heart rates ensuring that our heart rates won't slow down dangerously. Your cardiologist will review your outpatient cardiac monitor readings and advise you appropriately.
Can you be ok for weeks, heart beats normally and then you get weeks off the up and down heart rate?
Hi Bluemoon and Peachy
I was a bit surprised to have to read so far down in this thread before brady-tachy was mentioned. I ranged 30-150 and required a PPM …… Medtronic. It’s set at 60 so no more brady, but tachy is controlled by meds which also reduce BP (90/50) and cause dizziness. SOB is still pretty rampant. Have EP appointment in 2 days and he’s foreshadowed a third atrial ablation attempt or ablating my AV node. I think (from his emails to me) he favours zapping the AV node.
Keep pushing for better diagnosis Peachy. The heart can be very tricky to diagnose. … sometimes it’s the combined effect of a few causes which if occurring alone would not cause big probs. Good luck to you.
BTW I’m of “Oirish” descent born n bred in Australia. We are lucky to have a pretty good public health system especially re cardiac matters and I feel sorry for many on this site who face such long wait times for even basic diagnosis. Cheers Peachy.