Called 999 : Spoke with my auntie who... - British Heart Fou...

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Called 999

Yumz199725 profile image
ā€¢43 Replies

Spoke with my auntie who is a nurse and she told me to call ambulance it's on its way, so sick of this can't catch a break šŸ’”

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Yumz199725 profile image
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43 Replies
Rhinos67 profile image

Bless you lovely. I hope that you get answers, a resolution or reassurance



Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Rhinos67

It's so frustrating isn't it when you aren't feeling well and keep getting fobbed off!

JHutton1994 profile image

I know the feeling, in and out of sodding hospitals. Worst places in the world sometimes. Hope it's not too serious.

Valentina98 profile image

Oh Yumz

I'm so sorry x x

Make sure you keep us updated, remember if you do need to go to the hospital you'll be in the best place.

V x

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Valentina98

Thanks hun x gona call gp tomorrow and see if they can refer me to a department at the hospital so I don't have to sit in A&E for hours on end ā¤ļø. Hope you and your hubby and little bubba are OK x

Valentina98 profile image
Valentina98 in reply to Yumz199725

That sounds like a good plan ā˜ŗļø

Me and Evangeline are doing well thanks x

Turnipgirl profile image

I remember when I called 999 when I was frightened when I was having breathing problems but decided it was quicker to go to a and e myself and called them back to say not to come as I was making my own way there which I did do and I was terrified!

Turns out it was blood clots in the lungs and they gave me the relevant treatment and kept me in overnight and sent me home the following day after dinner.

I'm doing really well now and made a full recovery.

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

Not sure if you have gone to the Hospital or ambulance came as I read your reply about you are going to phone your GP tomorrow but I hope you get sorted and everything is alright as well as so sorry you are not well and still struggling

Let us know how you get on :-) x

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to BeKind28-

It's infuriating isn't it when you aren't very well and it appears that no one wants to help you!

LindaLittleBear profile image

Oh dear, I am sorry to read your post! Life can be so very challenging. How are you now, is there any change????Sending love and support your way! šŸ™ xx

Seal59 profile image

Hope you get sorted and start to feel better x

Stent2024 profile image

hope you get it all sorted out x

mesally profile image

Hope you got to hospital and they have got you sorted. Chin up

Allyboy1973 profile image

After my Heart issues , Everytime i got pains of any sort which before wouldn't have worried me , were magnified and played havoc with my Head i phoned an Ambulance on many occasion . I Hope everything is ok .

Callie456 profile image

Oh, sorry to hear you're feeling so unwell. Hopefully you'll get seen to quickly and they sort out what's going on. Thinking of you ā¤ļø

Dyllibobs profile image

Hope it arrives asap & you're ok xx

Anginalady profile image

so sorry to hear about all that youā€™ve been through, you are incredibly brave. I hope the hospital can do something to alleviate your pain and discomfort.

Please keep us posted..

Blueflags profile image

Hi Yumz199725,

I can empathise with your frustration, as many on this forum can as well. I had another episode of AF yesterday and called 111 who sent an ambulance. So landed in A/E from 12.30 and saw numerous Drā€™s and it was decided to give me magnesium and metoprolol through a drip, and was told if that didnā€™t work they would ā€˜zapā€™ me!! So eventually the drugs worked!!! Thank goodness, A/E is not the best place to be, and at one stage the Dr was saying itā€™s a 50/50 chance I may be able to go home that evening, so I said Iā€™d rather go home because I would get far better rest and sleep than on a ward overnight which can be like being in a supermarket with the hustle and bustle all night. I agree itā€™s far better to go to a specific department than hang around in A/E, very best wishes and hope you find a resolution to your health issues, šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Blueflags

Sorry to hear you had such an awful night x and thanks hun ā¤ļø

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Blueflags

I'm always amazed how the nurses and the healthcare assistants in a and e always manage to be so nice in spite of being under so much pressure!

When I got admitted I was kept on a ward overnight and it got busy and noisy!

Deejay62 profile image

Sorry to hear this Yumz. Youā€™re going to be in the right place so hopefully they will do some tests and get you sorted. Let us know how you get on.

All the best x

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Deejay62

When I took myself into a and e back in 2017 I found the healthcare workers and the nurses were nice and explained things when I asked them to when I said I was frightened!

How are you getting on anyway?

I am doing well now and just been to a job interview in the pouring rain!

This afternoon we are off to the new beetlejuice film as its nice to have things to look forward to!

Deejay62 profile image
Deejay62 in reply to Turnipgirl

hey I hope youā€™re well and how is the job hunting going? You do need to make time to relax. Iā€™m struggling on like lots of others. All the best

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Deejay62

I'm glad the things are over and done with for the day in regard to job hunting and then back on the case on Monday!

I can't say I was impressed with them at this mornings interview as it was like an interrogation rather than a 2 way conversation so I won't be heartbroken if I don't get the job!

I have had interviews on Tuesday and yesterday this week and I was supposed to have had one on Wednesday but it got cancelled so I had a day out instead and a day out outdoor swimming on Monday as well which I enjoyed!

Did you hear I got told off on one of the other boards as I supposedly am angry all the time all because I dared to talk openly about things?

If I had sworn at them directly then I can understand them being upset but that was ridiculous!

Deejay62 profile image
Deejay62 in reply to Turnipgirl

Good luck with the job hunting, the right one will come along.

Sorry to hear you got told off. Donā€™t worry too much about it. I donā€™t participate too much anymore, I find it difficult health wise.

Iā€™m glad youā€™re still swimming itā€™s good for your heart.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Deejay62

Thing is with people like that where there's no sense there's no feeling either is there?

I really enjoyed the cinema this afternoon and lunch out after my morning interview and have just arrived back home after a long day!

I hadn't been to the cinema for a long long time but it was well worth the effort to have gone and also build up confidence and stamina in doing long days out like with today and Monday to prove to myself everything is fine and there's no call to get frightened!

Deejay62 profile image
Deejay62 in reply to Turnipgirl

Well done!!

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Deejay62

Today has been a nice quiet day in catching up with the washing and it's nice that everything is done and up to date as I had no time last week due to having lots of social engagements to put in loads of washing in the machine so today was an ideal time for a catch up and also to make some plans for future events as well as I was absolutely shattered yesterday evening after that hectic week so today was ideal for a lie in and a catch up with the washing and enjoying a home cooked lunch as well!

Gaithersburg profile image

Really feel for you and hope you actually manage to get some answers. šŸ¤ž. Take care

Sambobs17 profile image

hope this is resolved for you today - Iā€™m so interested in what they will do to make this better Iā€™m the same as you take care xx

Murderfan58 profile image

Sorry to read this . I hope you are getting the tests and treatment you need. I had been back and forth to A&E.every time my heart went crackers but by the time they put me on the ECG machine my heart was back in rhythm . Luckily I woke one Saturday morning at 6am heart going mad my daughter got me to A&E before 7 had ECG straight away and the nurse said don't move you are in AF. Spent the day on the resuss ward just incase all wired up .. . The doctor in charge had read all my records and had put in urgent request for me to a cardiologist and AF clinic. Once my heart was fine after being there all day went home with strict instructions at the first sign of it happening again call 999.

On the Sunday had a call from AF nurse for appointment at the clinic on the Thursday saw the cardiology the following Tuesday . First thing AF nurse was taken me off Amlodipine because of my swollen legs and told me they hate GPs prescribing it . He started me on Flecainide and Apixaban. Went to AF clinic every week for a month ,then twice a month ,then monthly twice before they where happy I was doing well.

Cardiologist wanted me to have an MRI on my heart with dye. MRI machine I don't like but never refuse as they are brilliant machines. Had it in November 2021. I already knew from January 2020 there was a problem with my heart after an echocardiogram and bubble echocardiogram in May . Born with small hole in the side of heart. The MRI showed it was between my heart and lungs . Apparently we have flaps round our heart which close before birth mine didn't. But glad to say the connections between the chambers of my heart where intact and have strong heart failure.

I have PAF it doesn't bother me often when it does just do my prenatal breathing and sit quietly and it calms down. I do get breathless at times but as long as I don't get chest pain the hole is safer to leave alone which I am happy about.

Hope you get the help you need and ask all the questions you want .

Sambobs17 profile image
Sambobs17 in reply to Murderfan58

Hello had to jump on your feed - Iā€™ve been to A&E twice ectopics and bradycardia second time going to A&E with twinges in my chest thatā€™s only been last couple of weeks but for ten weeks now had the ectopics which I feel are going worse! felt bad going to hospital dare I say embarrassed but it outweighed how I was feeling had ecgā€™s bloods trop test was ok so not cardiac handed in a heart monitor yesterday had that for 24hrs awaiting an appointment for an echo - Iā€™m not sleeping I think you are probably the same Iā€™ve rang my surgery to ask if I can see a GP but it has to be ring on the day but she repeatedly said to me they wonā€™t do anything until we have your test results back which I understand but feeling really quite poorly with it, thought if I could speak to a doctor to see what they say? clearly I canā€™t do this - I worked in general practice for 32 years and I donā€™t think in fact I know, I would have dealt with my concerns differently towards the patients at the surgery I worked as I viewed it was not my place to decide on someoneā€™s health I would have told the patient I will speak to a GP at least to see what they can advise I will get back to you did that on a daily basis they certainly have a mantra now no can do - Iā€™ve only been retired 3 years how things have changed - Iā€™m also on amlodipine - I hope you have got sorted and it all settles for you please let us know how you go on if anybody out there is waiting in no manā€™s land for results would love to hear from you best wishes to everybody on here take care xx

Furryears profile image

Hope you feel better soon and get this sorted nothing worse than feeling poorly x

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Furryears

Are those your dogs then?

We have a cat who is 20 years old and is very spoilt!

Furryears profile image
Furryears in reply to Turnipgirl

Hi yes both my dogs Mack who is 7 and Molly who is 5 two very spoilt beagles

Hope you are ok x

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Furryears

Yes I'm doing great thanks and just returned home after a long day out firstly doing a morning job interview and then on to lunch out and watching beetlejuice at the cinema and then decided to take the long bus home to get experience in doing long days and building up stamina which I saw through with flying colours even though I was shattered after doing all that!

One of my friends has a very spoilt beagle called Poppy who is 5 in a couple of weeks time and i have been invited to her birthday party!

I have found it extremely rewarding going out and setting myself challenges like with today and Monday just gone with the long days out and seeing them through!

Monday I went outdoor swimming and didn't come back home until 7.30pm same as with today's challenge!

Furryears profile image
Furryears in reply to Turnipgirl

Absolutely brilliant I do that too keep up the good work x

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Furryears

I have been extremely spoilt last week same as our cat Baby in regard to going out on social engagements as Monday it was outdoor swimming and yesterday the trip to the cinema to see Beetlejuice and lunch out after a job interview in the morning and a carvery lunch out on Wednesday after an interview got cancelled which I enjoyed so staying in today was a welcome break from all that catching up with the washing and relaxing and thinking about plans for the future and seeing about being selfish for a change!

Classof1988 profile image

Praying for your recovery and for sustained good health going forward

Murderfan58 profile image

I moved from the black country 5 years ago to Merseyside. My old GP did an in house ECG said I had LVH no heart medication given no referral to cardiology. I was also under a neurologist he could have done for me what my new neurologist has but didn't.

My new GP had my bloods done and told me I had heart failure and said they must have shown up on blood tests previously but my old GP never said anything.

My GP sent me to the cardiologist and he said have you ever had an echocardiogram as I hadn't heard said we will have one dine but don't expect to see anything . He said my missing heart beats were ok he gets them. But had strong heart beat. When I saw him a couple of weeks later he said we found something and that's why I had the bubble echocardiogram. Which I was happy to have done . What made me laugh was the radiographer was he said we can see bubbles just not where we expected and repeat the test twice more.

When I saw the cardiologist and he told me about the hole I had to laugh as I have had 3 major operations and 2 minor ones. All with a dicky heart and no one knew. Wasn't put on heart medication then this was 2020 about June/July then. Covid was in full force .

Started having problems about Christmas time the rest I have already written about.

Not only was I born with a small hole in the side of my heart. But had pain in my legs all my life and always falling . As a child told it was growing pains and I was clumsy every time my parents took me to the doctors or children's hospital . Started having limb jerks in 1988 . Long story shorter. Saw my first neurologist in 1992 my GP at the time found the best neurologist in the country at the time Professor Marsden at neurological hospital London. He had me in for a week and ran every test available at the time. Even when I had my head covered in electrons and videoed during my limb jerks which I had in my sleep as well my brain waves were normal .

He put me on medication to try and help with my symptoms. Could tell me everything I hadn't got but said whatever it was it wasn't killing me.

January 2020 saw my now neurologist after having to go too A&E because 4 months running had a seizure which lasted 8-10 hours and took my speech for a couple of hours. Still in constant pain and having limb jerks . My neurologist put me on the lowest dose of Clonazepam and within 2 weeks my limbs where still after 32 years and no seizures. Had my blood sent to Cardiff to have my whole genome genetically tested.

He finally had the results in March 2022. So 1st April 2022 aged 63 finally I knew what I was born with hereditary Hyperekplexia gene mutation SLC6A5 type 3. I wasn't weird I had HPX as it's shorten to he had never had a patient with it nor his colleagues and I go to one of the best neurological hospitals in the country.

Had to double my dose of Clonazepam March last year as my legs felt like I had planks attached as I couldn't bend my knees walking. Within days I could. Seeing him again in November.

But I am a member of a Facebook group who have this condition and it can only be detected by having your own genome genetically tested. It's world wide but was started by a man in the north west who didn't know anyone with it. There are different gene mutations for the same condition. There are 1,028 of us on it. But I now know what my body has done and does is normal for HPX . I am no longer weird or alone having this my life makes sense.

But the main thing is I know so I don't live with what ifs or if onlies . I am now 66 my gut healthy husband got cancer and died 20 years ago . We had been together 29 years and married 22. But he was a wise man he knew what I needed to live without him and it was a series of promises then made one is life the best life you can and I do. But only since I moved here before I just existed . After he died had both parents and mother in law to look after.

But I am very lucky to have found the other half of myself when I was 16 and he was 18. To be loved and love in return is precious and I had that. But half of me died the moment he did and haven't been whole since. But I am happy and live a good life. My grief gets worse every year but that's the price we pay for love .

I haven't rambled on for sympathy as I don't need or want it but to show never give up fighting to find out what is wrong with you and you can live for a long time before getting the answers you need. I have 2 children and 5 grandson's unfortunately only see my daughter and 2 grandson's. My son estranged me via email May 2020. His choice I never saw it coming and I haven't done anything wrong. My daughter is 41 and my son 37 . But come to terms with it's my grandsons who are missing out he not only cut me out of his life but all our side of the family.

But life is to short and gave up hope last year of ever seeing my son or grandsons ever again and happy with my decision. My daughter,son in law and 2 grandson's love and care about me so I am lucky and happy.

No matter what happens in your life you can over come anything just have to want to and fight but live the best life you can

Jetcat profile image

I hope youā€™re feeling better very soon Yumz.šŸ‘x

Your in the best place to be yumz hope the hospital can sort out this situation for you quick and you feel better soon wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you return home soon enough x

Smitty1956 profile image

Hi, Yumz,

Iā€™m reading your post and the replies a couple of days late, but I hope that your trip to A&E was successful. Hopefully, the doctors got you sorted and you are feeling better.

As John Lennon once said, ā€œEverything will be okay in the end. If itā€™s not okay, then itā€™s not the end. ā€œ That quote is simple, but inspiring to me.

Take care and know that I am sending you my best wishes that you feel stronger and more well. šŸ’•

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