Following up on a link and discussion kindly provided by Silvermedal earlier in another thread I came across very recently updated Guidelines for Secondary Prevention of CVD (dated July 2024), which is, using their own words, Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) aims to reduce the risk of a recurrent cardiovascular event in people with established CVD .
This is the link to the Guidelines
In my view it is worth us hearties plodding through it for of self education, although there is a lot in there that is medical terminology some of which may be foreign to folks as it is for me, since it covers what we should be being offered to lower our heart health risk, as folks who have already suffered at least one CVD 'situation', and because I sometimes get the feeling, borne out to some extent by my own situation, that GPs in particular have not followed previous guidelines to the letter and are now even less likely to, since they have been tightened up and also because we are led to believe GPs are under even more pressure than before.