So, it is almost 8 months since I had my 2 stents fitted after a heart issue.
It just occurred to me that I no longer seem to be getting bruised like I used to. It seemed to be that I had constant bruising, whether it just appeared, or as a result of a minor bump. Could appear pretty much anywhere, but more likely legs and arms.
To get fit I am taking part in walking football and got a good whack on ankle last night (some of those ladies are brutal with their tackling😆), so much so that it is sore this morning and I did think I would get a huge bruise, but nothing..
Meds haven't changed from what I was prescribed in January.
Just curious if this is normal, has my body kind of "adapted" to the meds ? Being a worrier, there is part of me thinking perhaps the meds are no longer thinning my blood like they should be doing.. Just after some thoughts initially, but will put a call into the GP next week I think.