Briefly, after many years of uncontrolled AF and five unsuccessful ablations, I had a Pace and Ablate procedure. After a few months I began to have horrendous VT episodes which were much worse than AF, and more serious. I developed moderate impairment and could not climb the stairs easily.
Soon, I had a CRT-D implanted to help improve things and the defib in case it got worse. For a time I was plagued by bigeminy and I was very stressed. Eventually, things settled down and I feel I am in some kind of remission at the moment. My battery should be good for another couple of years I think.
Last week I had a routine annual check with my GP and for the first time in my life, cholesterol was flagged up at 5.6. I am 72, have been vegetarian for years, no weight or blood pressure problems. My diet is very healthy and I consume very little fat. So why?? GP has suggested I take statins - he said diet would only reduce cholesterol by 10%, if that. I am going to suggest I do my best with diet for three months and if no improvement, then I will have the medication. Any advice would be welcome.