Finally, after soooo many tests, mistaken diagnoses and trips to A&E, I am to have a pacemaker fitted. What can I expect afterwards? Will I be able to lose the weight I have put on since starting heart meds? Will my eyesight get back to normal ( my pupils no longer expand and contract, all due to heart condition according to my optometrist)? Might I be able to have a very occasional alcoholic drink without my heart going into palpitations, same with caffeine? Can I do moderate exercise once things have settled down after the op? I'd love to know the answers, please.
After the pacemaker: Finally, after... - British Heart Fou...
After the pacemaker

PMs are prescribed for a number of different conditions, we'd have to know what the problem is, and even then we're not medics in here, you really need to talk to your cardiologist and/or GP. Good luck though!
Thank you for responding. I have A Fib and Bradycardia. Also hypothyroidism.
A PM will sort out your bradycardia, but you may need to keep taking meds for the A Fib.
Untreated hypothyroidism can cause bradycardia, so make sure your hypo treatment is optimal.
I have a pacemaker to treat bradycardia and also have hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's) so have some experience of what you are going through.
Hi Julia I can’t comment on what you have wrong with you as it’s different to me but I have got a pacemaker defibrillator. It’s nothing to worry about having it done. They don’t put you out but just relax you and you will probably fall asleep and have a snooze. When the painkillers wear off it gets painful around the wound for quite a few weeks but it is manageable. You can’t raise your arm for weeks as well until the leads have time to bed in. Get button up the front pyjamas and day clothes so it’s easy to dress. Write down all your questions to ask when you speak to a professional. Good luck x
Had a pacemaker ,for twenty years ,and have led a normal life,all the things you mention
have been done ,dont worry over it ,,Good luck in the future.
I had a pacemaker fitted last year and it’s a bit uncomfortable for a few weeks but it quickly heals, I also have hypothyroidism and had OHS for an aortic valve replacement which left me with AF and finally Tachy-Brady Syndrome which led me to having a pacemaker. I’m fine now and lead and perfectly normal life as far as the pacemaker is concerned.
Hello. I am not aware of any other medical issues or medication you take but I would advise you to ask your GP or cardiologist treating you for advise firstly. I had a pacemaker fitting in February this year. Now 5 months on I am able to do most things I did before pacemaker apart from contact sport. I walk, swim and do gym work with light weight and so cardio work on the machines at the gym but informed not to go above 135 beats heart rate. My life has not changed apart from no contact sport and hope you find you too will also find the same after 3/4 months of having this procedure. I also have 2/3 beers at the weekend but please check with your GP before doing so as we are all different and on different medication, some which you may not be able to drink alcohol on. Wishing you well
I had my first pacemaker in 2007 I also joined Slimming World I think in 2009 when I was at my heaviest I’d ever been. Slowly the weight came off. You need to discuss any changes with your doctor be it exercise or this but as long as your monitored along the way.
Hi Julia, I had a PM for Arythmia, end of February, a procedure with sedative and local anaesthetic, (make sure they give you enough of both) they will advise about what not to do for about 6 weeks (no arm above head, no sudden moves, no driving for a week, advise DVLA etc., etc). Useful to have fleeces etc with zips, BHF have useful leaflets on these matters.Four months on, and things are back to mostly normal, sailing, pilates etc., So all should be well, all the best.