today i had to start on entreso 49/51mg the heart failure nurse said they would make my blood pressure drop i am due to take the second one this evening but i just did my bloodpresure and its only 103/56 so i am now scared to take the second one how low cn your blood presure get? please can anyone advise me about what i should do
entreso: today i had to start on... - British Heart Fou...

no one here could possibly give you advice , we are all non-medics. You might phone 111
hi thankyou for your reply i will phone the hf nurse today ,i just wanted to know if other people had the same happen to them
I was on a water pill too when taking entresto. Lowest dose of 28/26. 2 times a day. My bp dropped to 90/58 at lowest. I was spaced out and very dizzy. They told me to come off both for a few days but stay on all other pills I did and all went back to normal. Started back on entresto but not flurisomide and all good. Flureisomide now only taking as and when. Speak to HF nurse or doctor. They will help you. Good luck
Hey. I take entresto too but I have the lowest dose 24/26. My blood pressure is normally 87/53 but I do also take a high dose of beta blockers x
Hello regarding low bp caused by medication, last week I had my open heart surgery. They put me on bisoprolol and my bp went sooooo low! It was regularly measuring 90 something over 60/70. As a layman I was rather alarmed, but everyone just kept saying it was great, because they wanted it low! I feel fine and it's come back up to a good 120/80 taking the same tablet. My point being, if you're concerned just ask if it's ok, but probably, they know just what they're doing👍🏽
Hi I am on the highest dose, my blood pressure is normally around 95/65 it causes me no problems.
I moved dosage gradually and initially my BP was around 90/60 and now stabilised at 105/65 at the highest dose. It does take take to stabilise.
Hi, I’m on the same dose as you and my blood pressure is normally 96/65. My personal experience is that it takes a couple of weeks for your body to get used to the tablets, occasionally I felt a bit light headed but that soon passed.
If you search the NHS website it has lots of good information but also the Heart Research Institute is good on blood pressure. And the British Heart Foundation is also a wealth of information. But as everyone says it varies from person to person. Less than 90 / 60 is defined as low and many fit athletic people will have healthy low blood pressure.
I’m on entresto and I’ve been on it for over 5 yrs. originally they wanted me to take 2 twice a day but my blood pressure was dipping very low, so I began taking 1 twice a day after consulting with my heart failure nurse and cardiologist.
Recently my blood pressure has been going 89/63 and I’ve been feeling dizzy. I also take 10mg bisoprolol, so my gp has halved that to 5 mg. My blood pressure still dips low but when I take entresto at 6 pm by 6-7am before I take my full batch of meds. Including diuretics, which also lowers my blood pressure, it reads 105/78. So I take my first dose batch in the morning and it reads between 83-96/65-75. I’ve decided to just try and tolerate it now because after a few hours it will climb again. I’ve found drinking water helps but I’m told I can only drink 1 1/2 litres a day of liquids, that includes sauces and gravy’s.
Try it and see how you get on if you feel like you can’t tolerate it consult with whoever put you on it. That’s what I did. But entresto helped my heart a lot. It was my last hope as my heart function went to 10%. Along with my other meds it’s now 23%.
mine dropped too far 75/55 and was reduced to lower dose. I never ever have had high blood pressure