I had my Icd implanted 22 years ago. I was wondering, how many people in the the uk, have currently got one implanted.
Icd owners: I had my Icd implanted 2... - British Heart Fou...
Icd owners

According to data available over 4,000 people have an ICD implant in the UK. In 2011 the cost per implant was £9692 so with inflation it is probably nearer £11,000 to £12,000 or more.
Across the USA some 650,000 have an ICD.
So we are not alone!
Hi sturon . I'm interested in this data for my day job (don't ask!😄). Where did you find this information?
The US data came from -
The UK data was a simple google search.
NHS England also have a paper, which is now probably out of date.
Sorry I am getting lazy I should have referenced the information. Hope that helps.
Hi sturon, I had an attempted pacemaker implant November 2022 but it didn't go to plan. The third lead pierced my heart, the implant was halted, and emergency OHS performed to repair the hole. I wonder how many failures are recorded, as far as I am aware, only 1% of implants fail. It has never happened in the hospital I was in. I won't try again for an implant but I feel really well thanks to the medication and keeping active. Take care.
According to a paper from the US National Library of Medicine:
A studies have reported overall lead perforation rates after pacemaker implantation to be 0.1–0.8%, and after ICD placement-0.6–5.2%.
Results of this paper are largely consistent with literature findings. It referenced 16 papers to draw its conclusions.
So in short you look to be right that only around less than 1% cause heart perforation. Still not great for you to be in that 1%. It is good that you are controlled by medication but if you need a pacemaker in the future the team would take into account what has happened to you and I am sure would only recommend an implant if is really necessary.
Good luck.
'morning sturon, thank you for your informative reply. I know I would greatly benefit from a pacemaker, but I was a bit traumatised at the time and just can't seem to make that phonecall to try again, perhaps in the future, who knows, but not at the moment. I didn't realise until joining this forum that EF could be improved upon, but I'm not sure if that is achievable without the pacemaker and LBBB, but I do try by keeping active. I love gardening and try to eat healthy. Thanks again and have a good weekend. PK.
hi I had mine fitted 12/7/2017
I had my first in 2010 then upgraded to crtd in 2018
Good morning Slobojoe1. Pacemakers are very common these days. You can suddenly for no apparent reason have a sudden drop of your heart rate. Just like I did over a weekend. It went from 78 on the Saturday to 45 on the Monday morning. I have had mine 5 years now. Hope your keeping well. Brian