I'm going for a CT scan tomorrow to see if I have heart failure as I have all the symptoms linking it to it , I'm scared so nervous , I have bad anexity aswell and I'm feeling extremely anxious about having a scan I get panic attacks quite bad , what I'm worried about that if I do have heart failure and I have a bad panic attack on the bed with the scanner as I get palpitations terribly with it will that cause me to have a heart attack??, I'm sorry guys to be full on like this but I'm so nervous right now
Hi I'm new here 47 years old and scared - British Heart Fou...
Hi I'm new here 47 years old and scared

Hi a cat scan is nothing to worry about at all, and takes very little time I have lost count of the amount I have had. As for heart failure I was told I had it in 2019 and with medication it has made little difference to my life. I still ski and mountain bike. they really need to change the saying (heart failure ) as it doesn’t mean your heart is failing merely that it isn’t working as well as it might.
Ok thankyou
Many in this community have been through these scans, with and without existing anxiety. There are sure to be replies soon that I hope will help put your mind at rest. As Hanibil says, heart failure is a prognosis or diagnosis that should perhaps be renamed.
When I joined Health Unlocked it was because I had really bad anxiety then several years later I find myself on here because I had 3 heart attacks a triple Bypass and the heart attacks have left me with part of my heart been damaged
I had to go through a lot of tests and I was a wreck my anxiety was so bad and still is at times I never thought I would get through it but I did
They are used to people with anxiety and suffering for years the one thing I have found that helps is telling people , tell the Nurses just how anxious you are and what your fears are they are more understanding than what you may think they will be and they will firstly be aware you are a very anxious person and do all they can to put you at ease
You will not have a heart attack while you are been scanned see this scan as a positive thing at this moment till they do the test they are not sure what the test results will show but this scam will tell them anything they need to know and then you can have treatment if needed
If I can get through all the tests I know you will
When we are anxious by nature sometimes it is the fear of the unknown that gets to us the most but when we are there we usually surprise ourselves and do better than what we thought we would do
Let us know how you get on x
Ok thankyou , I'm just worried because the palpations start coming on when I'm anxious they get so bad that's why I worry if it will cause me heart attack , I'm so sorry I'm very new to all this and having g hear the doc say I got to get this done because of my symptoms is scarey for me
We can all feel this way and so many of us have done
Tell the Nurses your fears and I am sure they will reassure you x
Thankyou so much I appreciate your support , I got through it with help of the lovely staff and the reassurance I got here , was a bit anxious through it at first but then I calmed a bit thinking if something else and then it was all over just like that ,I was like is that it , I'm so happy I got through that now its just the results I got to wait for and I guess that's the hardest part, thankyou so much for your support and understanding its very much appreciated x
So pleased to hear that the scan was less than feared, Shamzie2. The nursing team sound amazing, but you did well, too. When anxiety next rears its head, don't forget that.
Best of luck with the results, and let us know how you get on. 🙂
This is brilliant but we knew you would be fine
Yes waiting for the results is never easy and does feel like the hardest part
The way I try and get my brain to think is it has been done now and whatever the results I cannot change them and they will give me whatever I need if anything is needed and so try and just tell yourself the results will be whatever they maybe but you will deal with it and we are here if you need support or to talk so you are not alone
For the rest of the day try and relax and feel proud you did it x
Don't let the CT scan scare you, they aren't a tight cylinder like an MRI. I have acute claustrophobia and CT scans are no problem for me. Try to relax yourself in whatever manner works best for you. Panicking will make your symptoms much worse and can trigger major problems, Keeping yourself calm and rational will help you get through this. Actually think about your heartbeat slowing down and your blood pressure steadying while concentrating on not letting your fear get away with you. I have had to do that a lot over the last year and it isn't easy at first but when you finally get what works for you it does get easier.
My brother had his first heart attack 21 years ago and 4 more since. He has 5 stents and is still going strong and living a fairly normal life. I was having a horrible time for months with shortness of breath, constant fatigue, falling asleep all the time and having my blood pressure going haywire without warning even though I was on meds. I had an aortic valve replacement at the beginning of this month and am doing a lot better. My heart surgeon told me after the surgery that he was surprised I was still on my feet at all as I was quite critical.
Both my parents had the same thing. Dad lived 20 years after his and would have lived longer but refused to take the medications needed properly. My mom has had hers 29 years and is still going at 89. Yes it is frightening but you can get through it.
I managed it was a bit anxious at first but got through it , the staff really helped they were amazing so understanding and awnsered all my questions and also the advice from here has helped me so much , now just got to wait for the results I guess that's the most scarey part , I appreciate your support thankyou x
The cat scan is nothing awful, …just close your eyes, really concentrate on your breathing and think of a lovely day that you have had with family or friends, it will all be done quite quickly, then you can be given the right medication for your condition and will soon be feeling much better than you do now🙂 it’s always the unknown that frightens us the most!
Yes very true the unknown frightens me , everyone I've spoke to so far says it's painless and nothing bad going to happen, the machines are noisey I've watched it on YouTube I guess I'm thankful it's not an MRI I'm having because they would have to knock me out to go in that thing ..oh god ill be ok I keep telling myself , its just all new to me , sorry to ramble on thanks so much x
CT scans aren't in as tight a place and also don't completely enclose you so not as unnerving. MRIs are very difficult for me as I have very severe claustrophobia. They have to give me a Valium and I wear a sleep mask for one of them or I can't handle it. A CT scan is easy for me. They also take a lot less time than an MRI.
Hi, I had a CT scan last week, all straight forward, the staff were excellent.Everything will be explained clearly, nothing to worry about.Be positive, It is better to know exactly what is causing an issue so that something can be done about it.
I have only posted once on here as also new but feel much better as there are a lot of other people going through the same.
All the best, hope this helps.
Be reassured it's a simple procedure.Perhaps asking you to take big breathes most they will ask.
Stay calm.
hiya, have you tried essential oils, like lavender or sandalwood? they help with anxiety and can be used in a diffuser at home as well,I’m sure these would help you…
lt only takes a few minutes and the only difference is that you are lying down instead of standing up. I am the same with the anxiety and for me that is the hardest part of any test. My anxiety goes through the roof, but listen to BeKind on here as she is very helpful and reassuring. You will get through this and when it’s all over you will be glad and relieved you are being looked after. The worry won’t go away until you get it done so love and prayers to you. Let us know how you are.
I done it and it was so quick I could not believe how quick it was , I stayed reasonably calm throughout but that's from all the support and reassurance everyone had gave me on here , plus the staff was amazing so they understood my anexity , thankyou so much I'm so glad it's done now x
It's been a long time since I had a CT scan but it's like a big doughnut. You lie on the bed and it moves you through the hole. Just lie still and try and breath in slowly and it will help claim you down. The staff are lovely just tell them you are nervous. If you have palpitations during it don't panic just try and relax and look at it this way they will be taking pictures of your palpitations and it may help with your diagnosis and there get you on the correct medication.
When I was first told I had heart failure my cardiologist said they really should call it something else as people think they are dieing when it just means your heart isn't working properly.
I am nearing 66 only found out in 2020 I was born with a hole in my heart. I had to laugh when the cardiologist told me as I have had 2 minor ops and 3 major ones all with a dicky heart. It's small and in the side of my heart .
I know palpitations and heart flutters are frightening I have both but since diagnosed with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and on Flecainide and Apixaban I don't worry about them and just relax and they are over quicky.
My brother had permanent AF and 2 stents in his heart ,had angina and a mini stroke. He will be 65 this year . And doesn't let his heart stop him living a full life . He swims 50 lengths every morning at 6.30 walks 5 miles a day ,has an allotment and is carer to his wife and father in law .
Try not to worry once they have the results they will get you on medication to help you .
Thankyou so much I got through it I never needed the dye apparently so they never gave me it, the staff there was amazing they understood that people can be quite anxious so they awnsered all my questions first which really helped x
Hi I wish you well for your scan, the nurses will help you every step of the way and the scan itself won't take very long, my last CT scan was a bit different from the usual, I got sent to the sick children's hospital I am 65 😂as the general didn't have any availability, it certainly made me smile I needed a cannula for a contrast die (it was cancer not heart) they only had 🧸 bear plasters and the bed was tiny in fact everything was tiny, bright and colourful.I am sure everything will go alright on the day. Take care Char
A CT scan is easy. YOu are not in a tunnel like an MRI scan. It's an open table that goes through a sort of ring. They can get you off it at any time. If you tell them how anxious you are they could give you a sedative but you honestly don't need one.
BY the way my mum developed heart failure when pregnant with me. She had full blown eclampsia which damaged her heart. She never had any treatment for it ( I'm going back to the 1940s ) and she lived a perfectly normal life. She had another pregnancy with eclampsia again, smoked woodbines, walked her dogs for miles every day. The only thing was she couldn't have a general anaesthetic so had to have a hip replacement by epidural. Heart failure is treatable. It's a horrid term that sounds as if you heart's going to suddenly stop. It won't. It just means it isn't as strong as it could be. Oh and I've had palpitations now for about 20 years. They haven't caused a heart attack yet LO L. I did have a heart attack but that was caused by smoking and a blocked artery. Anxiety causes palpitations to get a lot worse.
I got through it and that's thanks to all of you on here supporting me and reassuring , I was actually quite calm when getting it done I could feel myself getting a bit anxious but nothing too extreme thankyou so much x
I'm 47 too and I was diagnosed by chance with a CT scan of my lungs (they could see part of my heart too). The CT scan isn't scary at all and relatively quickly over. They're watching you and if you get stressed for whatever reason they stop. With heart conditions, it's really important to catch it early. So CTs are heaven sent really. Staff was always amazing and empathetic. Just tell them you're scared and they will reassure you, I'm sure.
I sympathise…I felt the same when I was told I had ‘heart failure’. My wonderful rehab nurse started using the term ‘heart inefficiency’ instead and it made it much easier to cope with. All of the tests are to find out more about the inefficiency and then work out how to help the heart become more efficient. Don’t worry about the scan, it’ll be fine.
You are NOT alone, most of us know exactly how you feel, it is horrible and then you anxiety takes over. Try to be calm and think positive thoughts.
I tried to start a group up but did not get very far, I thought it would be good to have like a chat room so that we could chat day or night rather than through hear, let me know if interested, or even better get a 'get together' group running to meet and chat face-to-face?? anyone interested??
I did it and the staff was so good with me it was over in seconds I'm so happy I done it now x
I did it yessss it wasn't that bad , I find I felt a bit dizzy when it started spinning near the end fir some reason but I got through it, never had contrast so that's gd , I actually controlled my anexity quire well too that's because of all of you supporting me before hand and I can't tell you how thankful I am for that, now just got to wait fir the results but for now I'm quite calm , thankyou all so much xx
Ask your GP for diazepam or something similar. Phone the surgery ASAP and explain to receptionist and maybe you can pick up a prescription straight away. My GP prescribed it for me before I went to stroke/TIA clinic as I was really bad and visibly shaking. Hope you're ok.
Hi. Shamzie.......Don't worry....
A CT scan is now with modern tech just a big doughnut.. And you slide through it.. And done in a few minutes...
An MRI.. Is the long tunnel...... With a panic button so if you do it will stop immediately and u are wheeled out straight away... All medical team are there beside u to cater for anything......... I am an awful bad patient....
I had a CT doughnut scan 3 months ago for recurring pneumonia and pleuracy last year... To check the chest and blocked arteries showed up...
I was paralysed with shock after it and had no symptoms.. Fit as a fiddle..... Paddleboarding.. Sailing...... And here I am.....
3 weeks post stents...... And feeling great although I get tired easily but it's improving every day.....
I had 3 blocked arteries
1..the widow maker completely blocked
2 and 3... 95% and 85%......
All stented at the same time up through my right arm and I watched it all on wide-screen......!!!
My doctor said to me
Heart trouble is the scariest diagnosis... BUT.. the easiest fixed........
I am 54......and a coward but everything is good now...
I am lucky to be alive and my heart I cannot hear it beat... Which I thought was.. Normal.. For everyone....
The best thing to do when u go in.... explain how nervous you are and explain how worried u are.. And they will mind u and put u at ease........ Like they did me....
U got this and whatever they discover.... Will. Be... Fixable.....
Medicine has advanced so much..
Sending hugs from.. Ireland....
Well done for getting through scan. If it is heart failure it is not the end of the world. Your cardiologist will put you on a treatment plan that is right for you. I understand your fear, as it is scary until you know what, is what. I can say from personal experience, it is life changing but you will be ok with right medications and treatment. I am going back to work April and feel really good and looking forward to rest of my life. I am 58 and was previously very healthy. Please keep us posted. X
Hello Shamzie2, I was diagnosed with heart failure back in July 2023 and have had loads of test and scans. The MRI was the most daunting, I to was nervous to. But the MRI was fine, took about 20 minutes and you have to breath in and hold your breath and breath normally. The machine is nosy but you are giving headphones . And you are in constant contact throughout scan. My meds combo has improved my Infraction from 35% to 51% in about six month's. And I've made a few life style changes. And now have a more positive outcome. Try to stay positive.
Best Wishes