Hi everyone. im probably on here just looking for a bit of support and maybe some words of wisdom as i dont have many people to confide in. Im 37 and had an ablation for atrial flutter 15 years ago. i have since been having the odd one or two ectopic beats on a daily basis but yesterday i had a total of 1000. This is the second time this has happened in two months. i took a trip to a&e and managed to see one of the cardiologists who is going to fast track me to see my usual cardiologist down here in the south east UK. Although he did say if it happens again i should come back to a&e and i might have to be admitted. My bloods came back fine and i was able to show them my results from my wellue 24hr heart monitor. The cardiologist said ectopics were harmless but was maybe concerned that i have now had an increase in them? MY reply to him was 'yeah but i cant live like this' and he agreed. I usually feel sick and light headed with so many. i suppose what im hoping for is maybe someone on here in a similar situation or someone with some positive results to help me feel better. im probably currently scared. Anxious. Tired. Currently worried about what to eat. When to eat. Triggers that i cant seem to find etc. Most of all overwhelmed. I usually take my bisoprolol as and when but have now been told to take it every day. im hoping this might help. Thanks
Multiple PACs : Hi everyone. im... - British Heart Fou...
Multiple PACs

hi I had 34,000 extra ectopic beats a day and diagnosed with Bigeminy. You can read it in my profile. Everyone is different though. I’ve now had a CRT-D fitted. X
Wow 34,000. 1000 already feels enough for me. How are you feeling now?
Since having the cardio resynchronisation therapy device CRT-D fitted I feel great I can do more and can’t feel palpitations any more. He said I’ve got about 15 a day now because the device has been set to stop the majority of them. My pumping rate was 35% and with this device it’s gone up to 45 and may increase more when I have another echo. Hope something is sorted for you.
I suffer/suffered with ectopics ive had all the heart tests done and they found nothing, i do however have a Hiatus hernia and suffer with gerd, so the train of thought its actually gastro induced either the HH, vagus nerve or oesophageal spasms. coffee, bending over (picking lifting stuff) can trigger them even cutting the grass and emptying the clippings box ive had tem start. ive had them for a week constant this yeah, not the great big thumping ones but they felt more like internal hicucps anyway i doubled my PPI meds and then settled down, im due to see a gastro so hopefully get some help. might not help you but it might give you food for thought.
Well it's funny that you mention that as I also have a hiatus hernia. I currently take omeperazole and have recently been to my GP to get an appointment to see a gastreologist as I would now like further investigations and my hernia removed. I have the exact same symptoms though. I also get ectopics when I bend over and suffer from hiccups pretty much daily. When I get multiple ectopics I also feel really gassy and bloated but I can't work out if thats a result of the ectopics because of the anxiety and worry that follows.
Yup you sound exactly the same as myself, it was all put down to anxiety (no sh#t you would be too if your heart was flip flopping all over the place)
Forget to add yep massive bloating/distended stomach, like im 6 months pregnant, belching all the time again like yourself question whether what comes first, im convinced its gastro induced and im just fearing the fear of the ectopics.
Good luck with the hernia for some reason the NHS dont deem it an issue and are happy to pump us full of PPI's even though they arent intended for long term use, im going to push for the HH to be repaired and a solution to my leak LES (which causes the gerd) either a flundo or the linx. let me know how you get on.
Yep exactly the same, put down to anxiety and IBS. I did however pay to see a well recommended gastreologist privately about 2 years ago and he said removing the hernia actually has great results and all done by key hole surgery. I'm hoping I can push for this but I am concerned about my heart. I've been on omeperazole for probably over 10 years now. How about yourself?
I'd be happy if they agree to repair the HH tbh mate, but if they are going in anyway why not fix the cause of the gerd also would be my argument, it would mean no more PPI's which ive been taking for nearly 15 years
Yeah I was wondering if there was anything I could take when Im getting the multiple ectopics. I'm also having to take bisoprolol daily but I haven't found that it does anything for me. Ive been trying for a while now to look out for triggers but when I think I have my finger on something I'm then thrown a curveball. How often was you in AF for?
hi I have also been told that ectopics are harmless unless you have a very high ectopic load. 10-30 per cent load Like me. Biospropol has not helped me either and in my case they have recommended me for an ablation. It must be really upsetting to have lots of ectopics iall of a sudden, I cannot feel mine even though I have loads . I don’t know what sort of cardiologist you have but think that you may need an electrophysiologist to see if there is anything else you could try. They look at the electrical activity in the heart and are like an electrician and not a plumber for the heart. It sound like that you may have tried to avoid the common triggers like alcohol, coffee tea chocolate spicy food (everything nice). Hope that you get it sorted
I really do hope an ablation will work for you. Do they make you feel any different when you have them? My ectopics are like thuds in my chest. Yeah I'm currently caffeine and alcohol free and just about to start the low fodmap diet but in all honesty it feels like I'm not really living at the moment.