Hi lovely people. I have HF and a CRT-d. Been ok for a while but had to have a chest X-ray recently for another issue. It’s come back showing a trace of copd/bronchitis damage? The doc said if I start having symptoms they’ll give me an inhaler. One doctor said don’t worry about it but another asked if I had life insurance!! Of course I’ve googled and scaring myself silly now thinking worst. Just felt I had to get it off my chest (no pun intended). Xx
Pretty stressed: Hi lovely people. I... - British Heart Fou...
Pretty stressed

I think that the remark made about life assurance was in very poor taste.
Sorry these things showed up on your Xray but I am sure they can be controlled
I have to say though even if that Doctor who mentioned life insurance said it in jest it was way out of order and if he was really serious well I am lost for words there seems to be some very insensitive Doctors at the moment and it would have upset me
I know this will have upset you but try not to go on Google it does not have your personal records so will only make you feel worse easier said than done but let the people that you are in their care look after you
Remember the Doctor who said there was nothing to worry about and not the one that was insensitive and rude
Let us know how you get on x
Hello BeKind. Thank you for your reply. I know you’re right and I shouldn’t Google. I’ve just got myself in a real pickle this last few weeks with worrying over my health and thinking the worst case scenario’s. I’m a worrier anyway. My poor sister has had to put up with my stressing cos she’s the only one I’ve spoken to about it. I think that doctor didn’t mean anything, it was just a throw away remark but sometimes they don’t realise what that can do to a worrier. Anyway thanks again. Sorry that you’ve been unwell just recently. Hope you’re feeling better now X
Seems we may be worrying about different things regarding our health but you sound very similar to me I have and still am have a few things to sort out and I have had a rotten Christmas been ill still am and my poor Husband has had to listen but they must care or they would not listen to us
It was no doubt a throw away remark but I do think sometimes they should think before they say things as when you are a worrier it can cause so much damage that is why I like to stick with my Doctor she knows how I worry so knows how to put things to me without causing more anxiety
I Google I won't lie even though I know better but was just saying try not to as I know what it does to me when I do
I am sure things will be ok do your best to know they are looking after you x
I too would be stressed with all that. What I find stupid is the doctor who asked if you had life insurance!
Many people even without a life threatening condition have life insurance because they have commitments like family or a mortgage. I personally opt for being a rebel and not having life insurance my reason for that is I'm single, my children grown up, and more importantly I own the property I love in and I'm absolutely certain as I don't have any debts either that the sale of my apartment after I die will more than cover my funeral expenses and leave enough to my grandchildren to do what they wish with.