Husband has had aortic valve replacement and bypass this week. What can I do to help his recovery and anything I should be aware of medically to catch early with our GP or hospital? Thanks so much
Aortic valve repair and bypass advice... - British Heart Fou...
Aortic valve repair and bypass advice please

Book an appt with your GP for both of you, and take his discharge summary along to discuss a care plan (I suggest also making sure first via the surgery admin that they have received the discharge summary. It should be automatic, but...). He should be booked onto a Cardiac Rehab Class when he's ready for it. Also talk about the different anticoagulant treatments, depending on whether he's had a mechanical valve or a tissue valve, and how this will be managed. I also suspect he will be on a beta blocker and a statin, so look at whether they are causing unacceptable side effects and what to do about that.
You're doing the right thing, to find out about what's needed. Unfortunately these days you have to manage your own case to make sure you don't fall between the cracks.
Best wishes
Thanks so much Cliff I'll definitely take your advice and book an appointment when he gets home. I just feel if I'm not pro active he will not want to be a bother.
I think everyone is different- since I had my surgery I’ve had no involvement with the GP - the hospital will guide you. I was allocated a cardiac nurse who phoned me when I was home (different health team to the hospital) she answered all questions and was on the end of the phone if needed. She also linked in with cardiac rehab. It was great as she was specialist support. The only think the GP did was agreed to fund my testing strips for my warfarin but I was given a letter to give him explaining why he should support this.
Hi, I had quadruple bypass & heart valve replacement Nov'23. It took me a few months to feel right. I would go to cardiac rehab if I were him. I did the six weeks. It won't do him any harm. Let you husband do what he feels like doing. I go walking and enjoy going on my ebike. That is when the weather is ok. Not forgetting the cycling helmet Your hubby will be just fine. He mustn't lift anything heavy. Take care. All the best for the new year.
I would say be prepared for him to be tetchy and a bit up and down. Try to be very patient with him. He might need assistance getting in and out of bed. If he has to wear compression socks, they're a dickens of a job to get on and off and he won't be allowed to do it himself. Get out for short walks and if you drive, take him on short trips, it's good to be distracted. Find some nice relaxing music. Make sure he drinks plenty of water and keeps warm.Just some suggestions. I hope he makes a swift recovery ☺️
Thank you so much for your help .. I can see already he is feeling quite down and shocked after his op. He has always been self caring etc and independent and this has knocked him for 6 and has been shocking to see him so frail looking post op. We will get there and gathering help now I'm hoping will help when I get him home!
Hello, By going to cardio rehab it gives a person confidence. A retired specialist who lives up the road, said to me it's not a week at a time, it's a month at a time. Give your hubby a message. Enjoy being waited on. He can't be chef as yet.