I’m 67 yo, male, slightly overweight but otherwise good health but I have a severe Aortic Stenosis, that’s running at about 25% of full capacity. My only symptoms are slight breathlessness when climbing stairs. Saw a surgeon yesterday who wants to replace the valve with an animal valve, but he does not do minimally invasive surgery any more. So he wants to cut the breastbone, as it affords better access amd Im guessing is easier. He says it needs doing v urgently.
My problem is the thought of my breastplate being sawn in half, then wired back together seems much more invasive. He says it will hurt less during the healing process and my fears are unfounded. He says the min invasive op, between the ribs, is longer and less likely to produce a successful outcome.
I’m likely to have this valve replaced at least once in my lifetime and the thought of being sawn up again is a valid concern.
Anybody had the minimal invasive valve replacement, and regretted it?
If you’ve had good results please recommend a surgeon/hospital in the UK. Thanks.