Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with a large hole in my heart last December, at which point my right heart was stretched out of shape. It was a massive shock as I had no symptoms. The doctor who gave me the diagnosis said that once I had the hole closed, hopefully the heart would return to normal.
Fast forward to today. I had the hole closed through OHS in June and the post-operative echo was very positive. Yesterday I had an echo at Papworth before a different consultant broke the news that my right ventricle isn't pumping normally. It's estimated to be moderately impaired. There's the hope that as my heart continues to remodel (and get over the 2 months of atrial flutter during the healing) it will see some improvement, possibly to being only mildly impaired, and they've added Spironolactone to my huge drug list to help this. I'll have an MRI in Spring of next year to look more closely at how it's getting on.
I'm absolutely gutted that the surgery has not spared me the heart failure that it was supposed to - though I accept HF may have been more severe and brought with it symptoms had I gone another decade with the hole. At the moment I have no symptoms at all - I've been back in the gym, cycling to work, and am on couch to 5k. I have no idea what to expect with all this, but needless to say I've gone from feeling optimistic about the surgical recovery to a very Black Friday indeed.
There must be other people on here with RV impairment. How are you getting on? How long have you lived with it, and how does it affect your life?
Thank you x