My Dr has changed my aspirin75mg to a clopidogrel 75mg , to reduce my bruises,but reading the leaflet in the clopidogrel it states about bruisesSo what shall I do
Clopidogrel: My Dr has changed my... - British Heart Fou...

Clopidogrel and aspirin both cause bruising, but I found clopidogrel to be far worse for bruising. I would try it for a couple of weeks and if it's not right for you, go back to the GP and request something else.
When I took clopidogrel I found I would get bruising just by looking at a hard surface! The older you are the thinner the skin gets and the drug ramps up the effect. I stopped taking it after a year, as was always intended, and my bruise levels are much better.
Was there some other reason you were changed to this drug, such as to prevent clotting?
Aspirin and clopidogrel are both within the group of drugs known as anti platelets and so the effect on your body will likely be the same in my view i.e. you may be susceptible to bruising and bleeding. It seems to me that unless the bruising is really bad or the bleeding is serious as in internal you just have to put up with it. And the older you are the worse it gets. I have been on long term aspirin for well over 5 years now and have noticed the tendency to bruise is getting worse. There is another group of drugs known as anti coagulants which are also used to stop blood clots (like anti platelets) but I understand the bleeding side effect is the same. So in the end if the bruising and bleeding side effects from taking these drugs is too much to bear the option is to stop taking them, and accept the increased risk due to blood clotting.
I was started on same dose of Clopidrogel last year because of angina and told to stop taking asprin. All I can tell you is now after many months of Clopidrogel if I take a knock on any part of my body it goes into a lump immediately and the bruising can sometimes go into a cut. It certainly takes longer to hear I've had one bruised area on my lower outer left leg for about there weeks now, the swelling had virtually dissipated and the bruising is fading. I have not spoken with my GP regarding this, will be interested to see what other responses say.Try not to worry and do speak with your GP.
Hi, my understanding is that some bruising is a sign that the medication is working. I don’t know the extent of yours, but I am on Clopidogrel and aspirin and have quite a few bruises on my arms and legs.
I have been on both (am switching back to clopidogrel from aspirin in hopes it helps my stomach issues). i had more issues with bruising on clopidogral, but if I can get my reflux under control with it I'll be happy. I almost never bruised before I started taking heart meds...
Take it. What are a few bruises? I bruised more on clopi but it wasn't terrible
Yes I agree take it and see how it reacts. Aspirin can be very hard on your tummy and Clopigogrel is a lot less so. Also Clopidogrel is a far better anti-platelet than aspirin.
Look up dr cywes on youtube especially his vodro on aspirin he talks about clopidogrel and other things
I took aspirin and then was changed to clopidogrel because it is a more efficient anti-platelet drug. The bruising shows it is working as one consultant said to me. I am now on edoxaban but still bruise at the slightest touch so I think you have to decide which suits you best and just live with the bruising. My husband is not on any of those pills but bruises as badly as I do probaby due to age-related low platelets and thin skin!
I was prescribed Aspirin in 2020 and it quickly became apparent that I was bruising very easily, had bleeding from the mouth etc and had to stop. I’ve since been prescribed Clopidogrel and whilst I do get some similar symptoms (Scale of 3 where Aspirin is 10) they are nowhere near as bad. Others appear to have had the opposite experience so it seems to depend on the person.