Hi, I have experienced in the last year or two, and period of time, usually lasts just over a week, where out of the blue I get a horrendous stabbing pain, which feels like its directly through the heart. It actually cripples me for a second until it passes and takes my breath away, can get about 5-6 of these in a day and brought on for no reason. Then after a week or so it passes. I was referred for a heart trace after describing this to my doctor and when I had 1 min trace it was during a period where no episodes etc, trace came back with no issues detected. Last week whilst sitting at my desk I got the most horrible pain between my shoulder blades, almost felt like I had food stuck, and then pain in chest and felt light headed, honestly got a fright a thought I was having a heart attack, but on never having had one, I couldn't compare it to anything. I was sat thinking do I phone an ambulance, call NHS 24, but felt stupid etc as could be something and nothing, and it passed after 10 mins. I do have high blood pressure, I don't smoke, am not overweight and am quite active, cold water swimming, walking, netball etc. Just wondering if anybody else has had anything similar and should I pursue with Doctors again?
Heart Pain: Hi, I have experienced in... - British Heart Fou...
Heart Pain

It is very worrying to get those pains. I have lately started getting sharp stabbing pains over my heart area especially when exerting myself. When I feel for my pulse there are long pauses as in skipped beats. Mine could be Bigeminy as I've had it before but without the sharp pain.
I have never had my Kardia on hand but will do some exercise and take a trace.
If you have a Kardia then check for some anomaly.

Welcome to the forum,
I suggest you keep a log of your symptoms to see if you can spot any possible triggers of your symptoms.
I live with vasospastic angina which is caused by transient constrictions, vasospasms of my coronary arteries.
I experience most of my symptoms at rest or at night.
I have chest pain just to the left of my sternum which radiates through to my left upper back.
I feel light headed, nauseated and feel a sense of unease.
Vasospastic and microvascular angina are types of ischaemia/ angina non obstructed coronary arteries.
Often overlooked as microvascular and vasospastic are more difficult to diagnose. These types of angina tend to effect women more than men.
The BHF has this information which you may find helpful.
If your symptoms do not get better, I suggest you discuss this with your GP and ask to be referred to a Cardiologist who understands microvascular and vasospastic angina so you can be offered the appropriate tests.
Many thanks for this, mine come on when sitting doing nothing in particular, never when exercising or exerting myself. I was at a nurse appointment today who advised I make a doctors appointment as my blood pressure is raised at 153/103 today.
Most people with vasospastic angina can exercise.
Another older name is variant angina.
I can have chest pain out of the blue without warning just sitting or during the night.
My stress tests was normal, I just got chest pain later at rest.
I hope your appointment goes well with your GP.
Hi, I definitely would see the GP and explain your symptoms. It might also be worth easing off the cold water swimming until you have been given the all clear. Take Care
Do you think it could be something digestive ie gallstones hiatus hernia my friends son has just been rushed into hospital suspected heart and it turned out ruptured gall bladder
Hope you get sorted and feel better soon
Hello Lucky14, sorry to hear about your stabbing pains. I too was getting quick stabbing feelings and my GP suggested it could be gastro related. I do tend to be more gassy after drinking or eating meaning I burp a lot more than before my NSTEMI HA. I’m not saying it is that but is it a possibility? Whatever the feeling is, I would speak to GP about it for sure, then at least it will be investigated and your mind put at rest ❤️ 🧚🏼♀️
Definitely not gastro related as only happens every 4-5 months or so. I had an appointment this morning, BP raised 160/105 so I've to do a week of monitoring and he's booked me in for an ECG, did have one last time which didn't show any issues. He asked could it be panic attacks, and most definitely not, never had them and have no reason to have them, no stress or issues in my life, for which I am very fortunate.
Sadly many women have their heart conditions overlooked.
There is research that suggests about 50% of women have their heart attacks initially misdiagnosed and then don't receive the same standard of evidence based care as men.
I have Microvascular Angina it was finally found during a stress test the symptoms you describe are similar to mine - at rest heart through to between shoulder blades. I get feeling of unease pain in my jaw ears under the tongue. None of this when I’m actively doing something. ECG never comes back showing this ( only odd when I’m having an attack) I’ve little to no blockage - angiogram showed. I would press for a stress test if everything comes out fine. As Milk fairy says women are poorly diagnosed- mine was done because mum passed away heart and diabetes - ( she was 86) They ‘humoured ‘ me and lo and behold found I had the same condition as her! Good luck with the tests take no prisoners 😉