I had an angiogram about 18 months ago after having a heart attack. The procedure was horrendous as I wasn’t sedated. The catheter didn’t work through my right wrist artery as my artery was too narrow and they put a clamp on my wrist to stop the bleeding. They put the catheter through an artery at the top of my right leg. I was in a state of shock, shivering and shaking during the whole procedure.
The nurses made me shift from the operating table to a hospital bed. I couldn’t use my right arm because of the wrist clamp and I was worried about my right leg because of the procedure. I lifted myself unaided partly with my left arm. I was in a lot of pain and my left shoulder never recovered.
I had lots of swelling and bruising and couldn’t move my right wrist for about 2 months.
My GP prescribes painkillers and a cream as my left shoulder sprain pain is now chronic and I can’t lift or hold anything heavy over my left shoulder as it gets worse.
Any advice as to whether I might need a orthopaedic shoulder support or an MRI scan of my left shoulder will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.