hi all, I was diagnosed with critical heart failure and cardiomyopathy in March after a knee op in 22 found I had an enlarged heart, I am a full time nurse but now I am finding it hard to continue work, I am 64 due to retire in 22 months but don't think I'll be able to continue as I'm getting very breathless, does anyone know where I can get help if I finish work to get help with finances/ benefits as I feel at this time I can't afford to give up work
worried: hi all, I was diagnosed with... - British Heart Fou...

Hello try citizens advice bureau, benefits calculator (google various come up) and also pursue the issue of Ill health retirement - if you are deemed as unable to work due to Ill health you may be able to access your pension early. Dependent on how your condition affects you have you pursued Personal Independence Payments (can still work and receive this)? None of this is for the faint hearted (no pun intended), it takes time and effort to work through all of this but there may be help. Other options are reduced hours if affordable until retire. Good luck.

thanks went down the road of CAB advised to try the pip calculator but scored dismally as I can dress shower cook etc but thanks for replying, thought the BHF could give advise but nothing on the web site
Early retirement?

Thank you for your advise
Sorry you are now struggling doing your job and can see you have said you would not be eligible for Pip
I wonder if your Manager could put you on lighter duties it maybe a good idea to sit and have a talk with them the kind of job you do they should understand more than anyone and may have some suggestions and no doubt they will have come across similar things before
Let us know how you get on x
Are you a member of a union. If you are they should be able to give you all the information and advice you need. This is just the kind of situation one pays all ones membership fees for 👍🏻
You can apply for personal independence payment and may be able to get universal credit and housing benefit. If you contact your local dwp and your heart failure nurse may be able to advise also, hope you manage to sort things do you can finish work x
Assuming you to be in the public sector union you may well be able to take early retirement because of Ill health. This sometimes attracts extra years so boosting your pension. Make an appointment with the welfare department and check out your options
If you haven't already, speak to occupational health - they will assess you and offer recommendations for you and your manager to help you cope at work.
Pip is an option, know you have done the pip 'quiz' but worth still trying for it . You need to think about your worst days, how your illness effects you i.e fatigue, tiredness such as cant stand long in the kitchen to prep food due to fatigue, you cant walk far due to breathlessness, or when its a bad day do you need someone helping out or doing daily tasks. People make the mistake of thinking about their 'normal' days when applying. Hope that helps
Get Occupational Health involved as a starting point, and enlist the help of your GP. I couldn't get anywhere until my GP said I needed to give up that job. OH will explore the possibilities of adjustments to things like hours, duties, etc, which may enable you to keep on working, if you feel you could. Their role is to identify ways that would enable you to carry on, so you will probably need to take this route first. Your union could be a help in supporting you. If you decide to go I think you can claim a benefit based on ill health if your doctor would sign you off. Sorry, it's all changed since I went through this. There is a big gulf between a wage and a benefit so it isn't easy.
Good luck.
First of all, go and see Occupational Health for your organisation. You should be able to get Ill Health Retirement. See rcn.org.uk/Get-Help/RCN-adv...
Hi Pug lm in a very similar situation to yourself but have taken it a stage further and resigned from my job as RN in a nursing home a job I loved I am 63 and have Heart Failure and Arthritis It's unfortunate but I have poor pension provision I'm presently applying for benefits and do find it demoralising but keep reminding myself Iburnt myself out by working hard for 45 years and now need help I will let you know how I get on wishing you all the best
Another avenue you could try, is advice from the RCN.
Hi I was 58 when this happened to me, I was devastated, I was unable to work again and I still have a mortgage.I had worked for 30 years in the civil service so I took my pension and I was "lucky" enough at the they were offering voluntary redundancy so I managed to get that.
I applied and got full PIP and ESA which is contributary based and not means tested and being put in what they call a support group (for people that will never work again) I get it till I get my state pension next year. I had arrythmogenic cardiomyopathy and severe heart failure caused by a faulty gene.
When you apply for the above benefits get help with the forms from an advice centre, my council runs one, I am in Scotland, the citizens advice bureau are excellent as well. If I can help with anything else just message me. I hope your treatment is helping. Take care char
Hi Pug76, it isn't easy or straightforward, I wish you luck. Have you thought of going on long term sick? It may be worth, if you are a member, talking to your union rep, they can support you sometimes with the HR department. Or you could speak directly with HR. I don't know of any benefits you might be able to get other than early retirement on I'll health grounds, which you would probably need to discuss with your Dr and your HR department.
Hello, could you access your nurses pension early and the go back on reduced hours and or a less strenuous ward or department? I know someone who did that at a similar age.
You may also wish to look at the equality act which provides protection for certain protected characteristics, one of which is disability, No need to wait for OH recommendations ( but please ensure this is) to ask for reasonable adjustments under this act, Your employer has a duty to ensure reasonable requests to allow you to continue working,. I’ve posted info from Gov,Uk gov.uk/reasonable-adjustmen...
Good luck as It must feel overwhelming.
What figure did they give you about the enlarged heart. I had two xrays and one showed Heart of 0.57 and the other 0.55
Hello I took ill health retirement from civil service , I had 6 years to go but I was given the 6 years as the pension scheme enhances it by this.
Can you go long term sick while you wait for your pension? It doesn't happen overnight !
Contact HR department for details , your line management should assist you with this
Good luck.