I have just joined. Had a heart attack on Monday. Home now but finding it hard to come to terms with. Worrying all the time about things.
Worried : I have just joined. Had a... - British Heart Fou...

Thank you so much for that advice.
Hi Sopi
It’s all so raw. I had a HA last September and with all the treatment and follow up I have scarcely had the time to think about it properly. It’s the feeling that your body has let you down and you are no longer in any control which is the worse thing. But as many on this forum will tell you the first thing is you survived the event and there are many paths to recovery. These paths are all tried and tested.
Allow your feelings, emotions and fears to be expressed. That is totally natural. Speak to those close to you. I have found the support of family and friends to have been so important but the main person to give you that support is yourself through being calm and focussed. Not easy but essential. Listen to the medics and make whatever life style changes are necessary. Wish you all the best.
Hi. i know exactly how you feel. had HA on 17th Feb - about 3 weeks ago. I’m 45.
Did you have any stents fitted ?
i had 2 and was released 4 days after HA. I have been back into A&e twice since. first time they kept me in for 2 nights but last time (Thursday) they released me after a couple of hours.
it’s mentally hard to distinguish between ‘normal’ chest feelings and what could be another HA.
It’s only the last day or 2 that i have really started to feel more positive. i am starting to understand my body and what the feelings i’m having are. I’ve also started to do ‘normal’ things ágain (school run , cook dinner etc) which does help.
good luck and keep posting here if you feel the need. there are some incredible people who have been there, done that and read the book and can offer superb advise.
Thanks for your reply. I haven’t had stents. I also find it difficult to distinguish different pains - in fact I think I imagine some. Why did u have to go back to a and e?
I had some pains (not really overalls painful but....) it was a very isolated pain. right in the centre on chest. tight and numbness feeling. also had some burning sensations. wasn’t the same as the heart attack but was enough for me to think “best get this checked!”
first time they kept me in and kept monitoring me. my troponin dropped so it showed it wasn’t heart. Cardiologist did say that if pain is as isolated as i described then it’s very unlikely to be my heart?
on tues evening i had similar but kind of ignored it, but it was still there on thursday morning so i made an urgent appointment with Dr. they said i should go to A&E, just to be sure.
I had bloods, x-ray, ecg and ultrasound. all fully ok and luckily there was a cardio DR on duty.
he said it could well be my pericardium that’s causing pain for me and or stents settling.
Hi sopi, Glad your home. The British heart foundation has a helpline number, they are very really helpful, if you have any worries. Did they say what caused the heart attack. Its alot to take in. I know I didn't have HA, but I was on verge on having a ha, when they fitted stents , when I came home, it was every any pain I worried. I spoke to bhf support and the hospital also gave me a number to ring. Try and relax over the weekend and do you have support around you, then once the weekend put a plan together, looking at healthy eating, if you drink or smoke then look at cutting it down till you feel safe and not worried then try stopping. I don't drink but I smoked 30 a day, I cut it down to 5, it's hard, but instead of saying I'm given up, I say I just don't want one, that has helped me, if you smoke then find your own way.
I would say go through your cupboards and just read what they put into tin food. We did my brother, as he loved tinned food. Hope this has helped. Have a relaxing weekend.
It’s a tricky time but you will get through it. Like most things in life you will have ups and downs. Your body will need to get used to the meds (and they might need tweaking). However if you keep focused on improving your underlying health you will feel much much better as I and many others will tell you. Good luck.
Hi... You're probably suffering from PTSD, a lot of us have after the heart attack. Divide your worries into 2 sets, those you can influence and those you can't. You'll find that there's a lot that is out of your hands so don't worry.
My PTSD lasted about 3 months. You will get better.
The other thing to do is each day look for 10 different things that make you happy. It's a way of retraining your brain to think positively. It works.
Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions if you need to.

I have always suffered from stress and panic so there is no wonder I am worrying so much. My main concern is having another hear attack. I will work on your advice.
I'm the same. I'm back at work after 9 months off, 3 weeks in and I'm off with stress due to office politics... Keep smiling, its all you can do
Congratulations, you’re a winner...you survived. It’s an unusual way to look at it but that’s how I do now. I had my ha in November and 3 stents fitted. Don’t get hung up too much on the why me etc. Some risk factors you can’t change eg family history, but others you can make big step changes.
Take note on the positive vibes you will get in here and if you are offered the rehab classes by your cardiac team grab them as fast as you can.
Start off slowly with the exercise, if they say 5 minutes then that means 2 and a half out then the same back. Build up slowly and consolidate each step then push a little further.
Rehab classes for me were the acceptance that I can exercise and improve without risk.
Good luck with your new journey.👍👍
Hi had CA 18 months ago, a real shock, what you should think is my god I've survived and been given another chance. Do what the docs tell you and try not to worry as it does get easier and better over time. There are so many positives , you need to focus on them
Good luck
Hi welcome to the survivors club. Had my first HA in April 2019 right out of the blue really cut the legs from under me and I know exactly (as no doubt we all do) just how scary a time this is for you. I know its an old cliche but it does get easier and the scary feelings will drift into the background in time . Having read the replies for many others it seems we are all very much the same and really just do as you are told don't try to force things and look to the positives you are still here to join in with the discussions . Take care it will only get better.
This is the American version of Webmd. The UK version is not so good.
What You Should Do After a Heart Attack
It happened to me towards the end of Jan it's taken me till now to actually take in everything.all of a sudden you cant do what you used to do anymore I did a lot of walking now I have to choose my distance and route . I live on the edge of the peak district so not exactly flat.I saw my surgeon who explained to me what was to be done when I got back to my car I was near to tears:repair or replace mitral valve replace leaking aortic valve and patch up a hole I'd had there since being a child. I had a viral infection last year and my heart has been a bit vulnerable due to the hole and its thought the the valves were attacked-but I was being treated for asthma and wondered why the inhalers I'd been prescribed didn't work.So I've felt cheated to say the least. I've screamed shouted and cried when I got out of hospital. I just want it done now so I can get back to normal ut although they'll fit it in as soon as I could be looking at may so by then I'll be pretty stir crazy I'm off work so the usaul things about finance an stuff as well as everything else.Ive just joined by the way too
yes it seems good Ive set myself tasks to do each day-because it takes longer for me to do thing it sort of makes the day pass quicker but yes you have your down days im regularly in touch with work colleagues and other folk and that takes your mind off things I find
Hi sopi don’t worry I had a ha over four years ago and I still worry and panic some days will be good some will be bad but try to live your life as normal and happy this forum is very friendly and helpful take care
Hi Sopi,
It’s only natural to feel your heart more once you’ve had a HA. I’m 18 months since mine and still feel anxious every few hours. If I could give any advice it would be listen to your own body and don’t be afraid to get as much help as you need. Hopefully you will have a cardiac rehab nurse, they are great for help and advice. Have been guided and helped by the members of our club also. Good luck with your recovery.