Cleveland Clinic - Update: So I took... - British Heart Fou...

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Cleveland Clinic - Update

FernCottage profile image
16 Replies

So I took the option of going out of area to The Cleveland Clinic in London for my angiogram that I had been pushing for a year, as I knew something was wrong, although the general opinion was that I was fine and I was beginning to think that I was imagining it. If you feel something is wrong don't give up pushing for it and if you get an offer to go out of area, take it. It felt like a long way to go but it was certainly worth it.

I had the angiogram on Thursday and it transpired that I needed 4 stents (a huge shock) . 1 artery was 90% blocked and one was 99.9% blocked and as the cardiologist said, if it had blocked totally I would have been in serious trouble. The stent that was inserted in 2019 was actually too small for my artery but was patent so he didn't touch it.

It was very traumatic and I am now home to recover. The team at the Cleveland Clinic were exceptional from start to finish and I can't thank them enough for essentially saving my life. I guess I was lucky enough to get one of the top cardiologists. The consultant was so reassuring and the whole experience was so much better than the first. Physically I feel better than I did after the first stent but I had a heart attack the first time but I am feeling very emotional - I remember this from the first time and it all feels so unfair as I am relatively young.

Now the hard work starts again, particularly getting my triglycerides down, which have remained constantly high despite me managing to lower my overall cholesterol to within a normal range and following a healthy diet.

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FernCottage profile image
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16 Replies
BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

Thank goodness you were in a position to go private and you listened to your own body as you knew something was not right

It sounds like you had excellent treatment and I am so pleased to read this

It can be an emotional rollercoaster after that can sometimes be harder than actually getting back to your fitness levels but you will get there and if you find you are struggling then ask for some Counselling or talking therapy you can even self refer for talking therapy if you find you need it but as this is early days hopefully physically and mentally everything will start to settle down

Let us know how you get on :-) x

FernCottage profile image
FernCottage in reply to BeKind28-

Hi. I didn't pay to go privately. The NHS in my area are trying to reduce waiting lists and so offered the option to go. There is no way I could have afforded to go there, but there is no doubt that there is a huge gulf between NHS and private care. 🙂

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to FernCottage

Hello :-)

Well you struck lucky getting that offer and glad you did , I am not sure they do it where I am

Hope your recovery goes well :-) x

FernCottage profile image

Thanks. I definitely struck lucky! 😀

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to FernCottage

:-) x

Judym profile image

You say you knew something was wrong,might I ask what your symptoms were?Im convinced I too have a problem but my gp says because my angiogram 2016 was clear there’s little chance of there being a problem now,I’m not convinced of this but not sure where to go from here.Would appreciate any advice.

FernCottage profile image
FernCottage in reply to Judym

I had chest pain and breathlessness on exertion. I also had palpitations at times. It wasn't constant but having had previous small heart attack and stenting in 2019, I recognised the pain as the same. I started on Isosorbide Mononitrate and the pain went but was really being masked by the medication. It's difficult because it is so different for everyone but you know your own body. If you are concerned you can ask the GP to refer you to a cardiologist.

WardijaWardija profile image
WardijaWardija in reply to Judym

Persist, persist and Persist !!Unless you have been diagnosed with a chronic Anxiety disorder (and even then . . ) Persist . . .

You KNOW your body ..

You may not make yourself popular, especially with your GP, but at least you'll have a chance of staying alive.

roughquest profile image
roughquest in reply to WardijaWardija

What they said! If that fails go for a private consultation at a NHS hospital so you can be referred back into the system.

Judym profile image
Judym in reply to roughquest

That's what I've decided to do,I'm going to get an appt with my previous consultant privately and take it from there.Thanks for your views everyone ,you're right we know our own bodies best.

Art-99 profile image

I’m so pleased for you, anxiety about what might be wrong can be so debilitating. An angiogram is essential for determining problems with arteries but usually involves a wait unless you’re classed as an emergency. I live in Cyprus and had to wait a year for an appointment despite having been diagnosed with a leaky mitral valve. Wishing you all the best moving on.

RumblingChest profile image

I’m glad to hear you went ahead and now have some answers for your condition, even if it is not the most welcome news. Best wishes for your ongoing treatment.

DWizza profile image

I’m so pleased for you FernCottage , really down to your persistence. I went to my GP because of a heavy fatigue that was coming over me during the day. I felt like I’d lost my vavavoom.. I’m retired law enforcement and now manage our smallholding , keep myself fit & strong with weights , cycling etc and found I couldn’t do the farm work and then my normal weights routines, I’d write my training plan out and fall asleep, started getting in bed in the afternoons, so tired.. GO tested B12, Thyroid and testosterone.. all came back normal. Tiredness had been going on for months .. 6 weeks later I had “painful trapped wind” … yeah , a heart attack.. ambulance crew convinced me to go into hospital to get a trop count blood test done, it confirmed heart attack. Angiogram confirmed triple bypass was required , ended up with quadruple.. All the medics kept telling me the tiredness/fatigue was a huge indicator of a cardiac problem. It was never considered by my GP..

I feel lucky that I had my MI , no heart damage and new pipes , another chance , a rebirth . They said I could’ve carried on and been a silent death , dropped down on my own in a hay field . Frightening. You keep pressing for action/answers, go with your intuition. Wishing you all the best , Wizza

Cavalierrubie profile image

I don’t have anything near to your problems but just wanted to say l am so glad they found out what was wrong. It must have been so worrying for you and a horrendous experience. I think you have been very strong, brave and an inspiration to us all. I hope you soon start to feel a lot better physically and mentally and you can once again enjoy life. All the best for the future.

ez4u2c profile image

So glad you persisted Fern Cottage!! I have to do that here too in US.

same thoughts as those who have already commented.

re the Triglcerides: my GP put me on Rousouvastatin to lower the triglerides. She said that med targets the triglycerides as well as lowering overall cholesterol. Brand name is Crestor.

Noodlesalad profile image

You have done amazingly well. Hope you're efforts get the results you have worked so hard for.

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