Sorry for lack of update. I was really tired yesterday. Saw the on duty cardiologist yesterday morning. I now know in more detail why they wont attempt to stent me. Problem is in a small branch artery close to a major one. Attempting to stent that narrower one carries a greater risk of rupture plus would require additionl stents in the main one. Basically several in a "y" formation in a tiny area. Was told I remain low risk, 🤞, of a "major" event but any future instances of pain, especially where GTN doesn't help, needs investigation.
Obviously, as always, it can be trial and error with medication but have been referred for clinic with with my cardiologist. Hopefully get more answers then, we'll be chasing that appt!
It's frustrating more than anything as I was fine until 3 weeks ago. I remain convinced that my "dehydration" episode at rehab has triggered all this 🥴. Glad I persisted though. I had two doses of nicorandil whilst in hospital and was monitered throughout.
Felt really young in hospital, the 2 other guys in our bay were in their 90s!
Been told to resume rehab.