Spoke to the clinical pharmacist and she said my blood pressure is well controlled she suggested I ask my GP to lower my dose of Bisoprolol which is currently 5mg and the Losartan which is currently 12.5mg do you think its a good idea to suggest it to the GP as frightened to in case my blood pressure goes up again.
Changing beta Blocker dosage and Losa... - British Heart Fou...
Changing beta Blocker dosage and Losartan dosage

We can't go against advice given by a medical professional I'm afraid...
When you speak to your GP perhaps you could discuss a plan to monitor your blood pressure if you have concerns.
I would speak with my GP first to double check and if they agree to then I would try it and the worst thing that could happen is your BP goes up again which I know you would monitor and then all they would do is up the dose again so there would be nothing to be afraid of even though I know any changes can make us feel that way
When you have spoken to your GP let us know how you get on x
It’s certainly worth discussing it, but imho your blood pressure is under control because your medication is doing its job.
I’m reminded of a young lad who worked with my wife. He was on medication for epilepsy and hadn’t had a seizure for some months, decided he was okay, and stopped his medication. You can guess what happened … yes, he had a seizure!
I’d love to lower all my medication now I am stable but like you worry about upsetting the status quo. If your BP is normal maybe it’s bc you are on the right dosage. Think tho we should all be attempting to take the minimal amount to remain stable but if something is working it’s hard to potentially rock the boat. Please update us on what your GP says as I for one are very interested.
While everything is working ok don’t tip the Apple Cart 💖
Hi. If your current doseage of both medications combined has brought your bp down to a good healthy level. And previous dosages had not, then I fail to see the reasoning for lowering them again. Personally and I can only give my you opinion as a long suffering heart condition patient. I would discuss any medication changes with your GP or cardio nurse/consultant.
I had a similar experience - and TBH was not even aware that my surgery had a clinical pharmacist, working hand in hand with the GP. The way it was explained to me and made sense was that they are the experts in terms of how the drugs are working and with the right evidence will make the decision ref dosage changes etc not the GP. I'd collected a lot of readings ref my own H/R as I was feeling woozy/light headed, typically during early evenings and could see my H/R was dropping below 40. She suggested we change the dose on the Bisoprolol from 2.5 to 1.25 which seems to have done the trick - minimal change to the upper end of my readings but has stopped the sub 40 readings. I was impressed by her approach and knowledge.