A couple of months ago I noticed I was getting out of breath when walking, not badly so but needing to breath more than the activity would normally warrant. Then a few weeks ago I noticed that with the breathlessness my chest also felt tight, although it actually felt like it was more around the diaphragm than the chest. I went to the GP and they said they thought it was heart related and referred me to the hospital. Later they did an ECG and this revealed I have A-Fib and they put me on Rivaroxaban. The hospital then phoned and they said they wanted me to come in for a cardioversion in a months time once I've taken the Rivaroxaban for at least 3 weeks and am currently waiting for that appointment.
I've been doing lots of reading about A-Fib and there's lots of info about the risks, symptoms to look out for to seek a diagnosis and treatments for when you are diagnosed, but there doesn't seem to be much info about actually living with the condition and what to expect from the various treatments and so I'm interested in finding more about relative to my experience of it so far.
My heart rate doesn't seem to be fast at all. My resting heart rate seems to be around 65bpm and when active I've never felt it go fast and seems to be around 100 - 110 bpm when walking at my normal pace (fairly quick). This might be because I also take a beta blocker (Propranolol), which I've taken for years because I used to be benign heart palpitations. I do however have an irregular heart beat and very occasionally it goes very slow, 50bpm or less, I can feel like I'm going to black out but it only last a few seconds and I've never actually blacked out or fallen.
My main symptom, other than constantly feeling a fluttering in my chest, is feeling lightheaded/dizzy and a bit 'shakey'.
I haven't really tried to push myself activity wise but I feel like I can do most things but probably not for long. The chest pains seem to have stopped and the breathlessness has either gone or is very greatly reduced but the dizzy/shakey persists and is pretty much all the time.
I should also point out that I'm 50 years old and very over weight, and so on a diet. I also believe that, whilst I haven't been told exactly what my A-Fib is, I believe it's either Persistent or Permanent as I've been monitoring it with a KardiaMobile 6L, and it always shows as being in A-Fib and I can always feel the flutter.
I know that the cardioversion is not going to keep me in normal sinus rhythm forever and that it may last for days, weeks, months or years, it may not even work at all. I also know that I could have an ablation if it doesn't work and failing that, have a pacemaker fitted. Obviously I'm hoping the cardioversion works and that it works for a long time but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
What I don't know is, if it does work will this dizziness go as well, as long as I remain in sinus rhythm? Will I have to avoid being over strenuous? Will I find that certain levels of physical activity are not really possible compared to what I used to do? I know I have to change my lifestyle and I'm already working on that but I think I'd find it very hard if this constant dizzy/shakey feeling is a permanent feature.
Just interested to hear other peoples experience of living with A-Fib, how you feel most of the time and any limitations you've had to accept?