Has anyone else found exercise to be a trigger for their AFib? I walk my dogs every day and used to do longer, brisk 2/3 hour walks with a friend twice a week. I was getting episodes every two weeks coinciding with the longer walks and starting later the same day. I've now stopped those walks because of it but the AFib is getting more frequent. I am so depressed, I just don't know what I can or can't do any more. Should I go back walking and just take the flecainide as I need it? Sorry for the moan but I don't have a lot else and my life seems even emptier now.
AFib and exercise : Has anyone else... - British Heart Fou...
AFib and exercise

That sounds tough. Have you tried calling the BHF Helpline. Trained staff can advise you. Heart Helpline team on 0300 330 3311 Mon-Fri 9-5pm or email hearthelpline@bhf.org.uk

A friend who eliminated AF and Ectopics by excluding food triggers from his diet (caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and spicy food) found he no longer suffers them on exercise and now swims most mornings, Worth a try?
Hi there, I suffer with continuous Afib and I’ve been told I should exercise even if I feel tired and breathless because it keeps my heart pumping as I’m also in stage 2-3 heart failure and it actually as been improving my heart function. I do Aqua aerobics, I swim and I walk. It can be difficult but it is what it is.
I had a similar problem with AF episodes after doing manual work for 4 hours plus. I found that my trigger was I let myself get dehydrated. Were you drinking enough while walking the dogs?
I've had spells where I seemed to get AF on and off every few days, normally lasting no longer than 24 hours at a time. I used to go for a fast 30 minute walk to put my heart under stress and it used to go back into rhythm so I wouldn't worry about exercise being a cause. The fast walk rarely works now but I still try it.
Hi spj57, funny you mention but yeah I did the first time I joined the gym that happened when I got home but for me it makes sense I wasn't used to the work out. That being said I did mention to a bhf nurse and she said that shouldn't be happening at my age so kinda worried me a bit but hasn't happened since. Aw so sorry that you can't do your walks though 😢. Have you spoken to a gp or cardiologist about this?.
AF is a progressive illness, are you cutting out all caffeine, soda, alcohol. If taking Flecainide as and when would work for you that would be ok or maybe a low dose would work better. I take 50 mg twice a day and have been AF clear for 10 months now. But there will come a time as the illness progresses that it won't be enough to hold it at bay. Oh and drink plenty of water, dehydration can be a trigger.😀
My first episode of AF occurred on a 5 km run. I lost confidence to run for six months but once I had sorted out my daily medication (1.25 mg Bisoprolol and 150 mg Flecainide) I went back to running without incident. My 5 km run time has dropped from 24 mins to 35 mins as I now take it steady and my 10 km runs take over an hour. I am 67 years old.