Worried: Hello. I'm a little worried... - British Heart Fou...

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Lawrence78 profile image
17 Replies


I'm a little worried because I've been getting the odd occasion where my chest feels tight. Every now and then it happens, nothing major but just a bit tight. The sensation also seems to occur in my throat (adams apple down) which makes me suspect it could be pyschological. It can last for some time but again I don't know how much is me making it worse by thinking and worrying about it. I don't get any other issues at the same time, although I did recently have a 5min spell where I did suddenly feel a bit faint/ill but at the time I didn't have the tightness sensation.

I'm 45 and I do have high BP (not super high) which the GP is monitoring, I'm not on meds. Cholesterol was about 5.7 at last check. Thing is I'm a very nervous/paranoid person and this issue does seem like it started after I found out about my BP. So I'm just wondering if its just me or there might be a problem.

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Lawrence78 profile image
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17 Replies

Hello :-)

No one can tell you of it is just you or there is a problem but it sounds like you are an anxious person which I relate to and this can make things worse and make our chest feel tight as well as other things

You feel this has come on since been told you have high BP which is under control because you are now on meds and the Doctor is monitoring you so that is a positive

I wish I could give you peace of mind as I know how important that is and if I could say it is just you and I am sure it is I would be curious to see if your symptoms went away but the person that can do that is your Doctor so get an appointment and let them put your mind at ease :-)

Let us know how you get on :-) x

Lawrence78 profile image
Lawrence78 in reply to

Hi. Thanks for the reply. I do think my worrying is a main factor but I can't help but think something is not quite right. I'm not on meds for BP right now by the way 🙂 Doc wanted me to try to reduce it naturally, but that was a couple yrs ago now (being monitored). Kinda thinking maybe I should be on meds? 🤔 Don't really want the pills though.

in reply to Lawrence78

Hello :-)

If your Doctor is happy with your BP they will not put you on meds but if at any time they think you need them they will

I had to go on BP meds in my 30's I did not want to go on them but when needed then it is sensible to so I did

I would make an appointment as I said with your Doctor and it will put your mind at rest to know is it you getting anxious or does something need to be looked at and it is better to find out than do nothing and wish later you had :-) x

Flimflab profile image
Flimflab in reply to Lawrence78


I would agree with BeKind speak to your doctor about your chest tightness so they can at least put your mind at rest.

Something that may be relevant to your doctor, but you did not mention in your post, was any family history of heart disease. This was important for my GP when I saw them with slight chest tightness.

Lawrence78 profile image

What you describe in your chest does sound similar, ditto in my throat (not so much the face), especially the thick sensation (sometimes my throat seems to 'throb' at times behind or below the adams apple, or it feels like it). Do you get the odd minor headache? I do get the odd thud or flutter but its mostly the tightness. I often put my hand on my heart when its happening to check and it usually feels normal, not rapid beats or anything.

Tos92 profile image

It sounds like you may be having potential palpitations. I also experience these and can feel them in my throat and they can make me feel faint/dizzy. Anxiety can be an underlying cause to this as you state that you are an anxious person; however, it may also be related to other things not connected to anxiety and it isn’t always a good idea to put our symptoms down to anxiety as we are heart patients so it requires proper investigation.

You’ve been recommended to speak to your GP about this, which is a wise idea. Also, if you have any way of checking your heart rate during these episodes and your BP, that is good information to present to your GP or cardiologist.

I hope you can get this resolved soon.

Lawrence78 profile image
Lawrence78 in reply to Tos92

Checked my heart rate today a few times with a tight chest sensation. BP was around the same as it usually is ( a bit high). Heart rate went between 53 - 56 which again is usually where I tend to be 🤷 Although sometimes its low 60's.

Tos92 profile image
Tos92 in reply to Lawrence78

A heart rate like that doesn’t usually indicate palpitations; however, that doesn’t mean you’re not having them throughout other times in the day.

It’s probably suitable to have your heart monitor repeated, maybe for longer this time such as 48 hours to a week. Suggest this to your GP and see what they say.

The chest tightness should also be investigated in my opinion. It could be as simple as anxiety but you don’t want to take the risk.

Cee-Cee1 profile image

Hi Lawrence - my brother (55) was diagnosed with A Fib in his early thirties and currently takes flecainide and bisoprolol together with a low dose statin every day. He is otherwise strong and fit but still has the occasional episode, particularly when he's under a lot of stress at work or even emotional-type stress (when our Mum passed away for example). Our GP looks after him well and he has regular check-ups.

He tells me that he knows an episode is on the way as it seems to start with an odd feeling in his throat in the little hollow just under his adams apple, like a sort of tightness or full-up feeling. He doesn't have chest pain or tightness when it happens, just a very fast, thudding and irregular heartbeat with palpitations once it starts in earnest. He's had numerous tests over time and has been told his heart is strong and healthy so he's learned not to panic. They have recommended a trip to A&E if an episode continues for a longer time than usual - he's only every had to do this twice and on both occasions the episode has worn off by the time he's been seen. The conclusion over the years is that it's an 'electrical-type' problem. Oddly enough, he also suffers from migraines and has been told that these might exacerbate or bring on an episode when they occur but they're not really sure whether the migraines bring on the A Fib or the A Fib might be causing the migraines!

I'd suggest another wee yarn with your GP to explain how you're feeling which may give you some reassurance and help with the very real anxiety.

momander profile image

Hi Lawrence 78, I think.you know what I'm going to say!! Please don't ignore this!! Get ot checked out as soon as you can!! Call 111 for advice or go in to A&E. It could be nothing but it could be something!! Best ro be safe

cimarosa profile image

I am older than you but since a BP alarm last year have been on BP meds and have been anxious since about my BP and especially about taking BP readings. I experience various feelings similar to some of yours from time to time but I am convinced they are psychological. My ECG is fine and that is very reassuring. Ectopics would always show on an ECG. Anxiety can mimic cardiac symptoms, so try to address the anxiety problem. Relaxation techniques , Meditation etc. Good luck.

Lawrence78 profile image
Lawrence78 in reply to cimarosa

Same here. Before I found out about my BP I obviously didn't know anything about this and checking my BP would give a solid reading because I would be 100% calm. But now I know its high I'll probably never have a 'pure' reading ever again because I will forever be anxious about checks knowing my BP is high. I reckon they shouldn't tell you, the ignorance might actually help by reducing anxiety and equal better readings. I have also had a few ECG's in the last few years (blood tests, X-rays etc...) and all have been fine 🤷 Just the BP.

Lawrence78 profile image

Funnily enough I have had a heart monitor before (24hours), many years ago when I was much younger. I think it was for the odd dizzy spell that occurred and possible palpitations. It came back normal because nothing happened whilst it was on. Although they did say my heart was doing something different (can't remember what) but it wasn't anything to worry about, they weren't concerned and that was that 🤷 I will get myself checked but I have actually done this a few times over the last 2/3 years and everything has been fine (ECG etc...). Dunno if its something not being picked up or just me and my anxiety/paranoia from the BP.

KIMMY60 profile image

Ask to be referred to a specialist, sounds like something isn't right

Lawrence78 profile image

One reason I'm thinking it could be my anxiety is because I've had issues before with my anxiety and other health issues and I know I get myself worked up and scared reading about symptoms that I can get said symptoms (to a degree). Another factor is sometimes when I'm having a tight sensation, it will sometimes go away if I interact with someone or I have to do something (be it at work or whatever). Its often worse when I'm alone and simply thinking and worrying about it (which I know doesn't help). But I will get it checked none the less as I know my BP is high.

Lawrence78 profile image

Hello all. So I have still been suffering with this issue for almost 3 weeks although it comes and goes a lot. Last night I went to A&E to get checked (ironically I had almost no issues leading up to that trip for a few days). I have been getting the odd sensation of a heavy heartbeat for a few seconds, not often though.

I had blood tests which were apparently all fine. Blood pressure was obviously a bit high. X-Ray was apparently fine. ECG was seemingly about 95% fine apart from one issue which was labeled as 'borderline' for that one ECG. Something about the two arteries running down either side of the heart or something, I can't remember. But I was told that despite that its nothing to worry about 🤔🤷 For all I know this has happened in previous ECG's as I've had a few before.

I was told it could be a GERD issue after a check on my breathing with a stethoscope 🤷 but the lady didn't seem overly sure. Will be getting a follow up appointment with someone later but at the end of the day they thought it wasn't anything serious. I wasn't too happy with their reactions about the ECG though, but apparently they aren't entirely accurate because they'd need to do about 10 ECG's throughout the day the get a better idea (like blood pressure).

So I dunno. Its so weird how one day I'm fine, the next I have this issue that has lasted a few weeks now. There are times when it seems like it might be gone but then I think about it and it happens or it just happens whenever. Doing active things doesn't trigger it 🤷

Lawrence78 profile image

Hello. Dunno if you saw my last reply but I did get checked (went to A&E) about 1 week ago now.

I had blood tests (4 vacutainers taken) which were apparently all fine. Blood pressure was obviously a bit high. X-Ray was apparently fine. ECG was seemingly about 95% fine apart from one issue which was labeled as 'borderline' or 'incomplete' for that one ECG. Something about the two arteries running down either side of the heart or something, I can't remember. But I was told that despite that it's nothing to worry about 🤔🤷 For all I know this has happened in previous ECG's as I've had a few before.

I was told it could be a GERD issue after a check on my breathing with a stethoscope 🤷 but the lady didn't seem overly sure. Will be getting a follow up appointment with someone later but at the end of the day they thought it wasn't anything serious. I wasn't too happy with their reactions about the ECG though, but apparently they aren't entirely accurate because they'd need to do about 10 ECG's throughout the day the get a better idea (like blood pressure).

So I dunno. Its so weird how one day I'm fine, the next I have this issue that has lasted about 1 month now. There are times when it seems like it might be gone but then I think about it and it happens or it just happens whenever. Doing active things doesn't trigger it 🤷 I was fine for about 2/3 days then it started again 🤨

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