Breathless lethargic .. been 2 year on it no prob. But last few weeks no right. Dr surgery say cme if it for few weeks. ??? Wht anyone opinion on ths
Bisoparal : Breathless lethargic... - British Heart Fou...

Both of those symptoms can be a side effect of this med so if your Doctors feel it is fine to come of it a few weeks to see if the subside then that is the way with them agreeing to see if it has been the med making you feel this way
Ley us know how you get on x

Thks very worried x
What is worrying you the most coming of them ? x

No sure just no myself. Could b depression but ths just started few weeks. I'm upset lot of losing our boy. . So don't knw if its both or what thks answering x
I am so very sorry you lost your boy this must be such a difficult time for you and I can imagine will be a big contribution to how you are feeling
You say you have depression I hope you are taking medication for that as you sound you really need it
It can be hard to get to talk to a Doctor but I would try and get to talk with one again and explain just how bad you are feeling there maybe more they can offer and do and ask what else they can do to help support you as you deserve to be supported
Please let us know how you get on x

Thks. Yes last few years b awful . Drs has me on dep tablets. But feel. Got worse . Thk you x
Let them know how you feel and maybe ask for some Counselling even if you have already had some
You take each day at a time it may not feel like it but eventually you will start having some good days x
Its been a long dreary winter so its not surprising you have been depressed especially with your loss. Brighter warmer days are coming and if you are a gardener its time to look ahead with planting seeds or perhaps getting out to see some of the great displays of snowdrops and daffodils.
All this combined with the various meds don't help as the meds seem to affect us differently at various times. Sometimes they are just in the background and other times they seem to be causing mood swings.
Could it possibly be a health problem thats causing it if you have been on this drug for 2 years without problems? I would ask the doc for a check up.

Poss depression

Drs done bloods etc BP heart thy say everything normal. I did hve chest infection in Dec Jan tht when left me like ths chest xray fine
Well thats a positive. Your vitals are ok by the docs. I know they dont always pick things up so dont be afraid to get checked again but they also do find things most of the time so think of it as a positive. I tell you. I have heart failure and have all sorts symptoms. Chest pains and fatigue. Sides from meds but top it off, i have health aniexity from the trauma of it all. My mind can literally add symptoms to the list.I find some days or weeks even just feeling rough and bad. I guess its just the heart failure symptoms in itself. Feels like i have ran a marathon alot of days. X
At hospital. It covid I've got bad was checked last week 5 day no sign at least heart oky thk for all your help x
Bisoprolol causes various side-effects in different people. There are alternatives, so your GP could easily give you something else instead.
Could just be a mixture of everything, depression, fatigue and losing your boy but if bisoprolol hasn’t given any issues in last couple of years it may not be that unless dose increased. If you only recently went on antidepressants or changed them it may be those or as we know combining certain drugs can cause different side effects and affect everyone differently. Perhaps make a list to chat with your doctors about - hope you feel better soon
Bisoprolol made me feel dreadful so spoke to GP who told me to stop taking it after being prescribed it post stunting. I felt so much better and nothing further was needed.