hi I had an angiogram on the 12th December it has come back as diagnosis 2 vessel disease and I don’t really understand the diagnostic findings as they look really scary. I don’t know what happens now as nothing else has been said yet. They have increased the Bisoprolol to 2.5mg and put me on ISMN SR 30mg I have been on them for a week now and have been having chest pain regularly and my arm muscle aches have increased. Heart palpitations but I think I am super stressed after receiving this letter and wondering what will happen next. I am wondering whether to give it another week of these new tablets and then ring my doctors as I haven’t had much luck with them.
feeling worried : hi I had an angiogram... - British Heart Fou...
feeling worried
Hi there,
I was diagnosed with triple vessel disease in September here in Australia. They didn’t let me go home but transferred me to a city hospital and three days later they did coronary bypass op.
The new medication is what they call a beta blocker it will slow your heart rate down it made me dizzy when l first started taking them.
Please try not to stress about your heart as it’s the worst thing you can do. Yes keep on at the docs though as you have to advocate for yourself.
I wish you health and send healing light your way.
thank you I hope your doing ok after your bypass. It’s the not knowing that’s playing on my mind.
of course the not knowing is hell but l wonder whether l want to know. My recovery was going reasonably well then l got covid. That was three weeks ago it was awful worst flu l’ve ever had. My chest is sore from coughing and sneezing but over the worst. I refuse to have long covid so not going to bring that into our new year of health and vitality. Think happy thoughts.
Hi Fourwhitesheps,I'm so sorry you are experiencing all of this. I've had 2 heart attacks and 2 stents and am.also on bisoprolol. I was started off at 2.5 then increased to 5mg, and now I'm on 7.5mg. The higher the dose the slower the heart rate and blood pressure!! The lower the dose the faster the heart rate and higher the blood pressure!! The side effect for me is I'm judt so very cold all the time as it effects your circulation too!! Perhaps a wee call to your GP sooner rather than later just to put your mind at ease? Take care and if there is anything else you need to ask me please feel free, even if its just for some moral support. Xx