Merry Christmas : Just wanted to thank... - British Heart Fou...

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Merry Christmas

Helly75 profile image
59 Replies

Just wanted to thank you all for the support & wish you all a very merry Christmas! My health has not been great so I've been quiet on the forum & don't want to depress you all with my misery posts 😅 I hope you are all able to enjoy Christmas with those you cherish xxx

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Helly75 profile image
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59 Replies
Gumbie_Cat profile image

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, and a happy and healthier new year.

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to Gumbie_Cat

Thank you & same to you xx

Bekindonline profile image

Merry xmas lovely. I am rarely on here too. Hope you feel better soon xxx

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to Bekindonline

Thank you xxx

Hello :-)

A Merry Christmas to you to even though if you have not been doing so good you may not feel it is so Merry and I know that feeling but I do hope it turns out a good one for you :-)

As for depressing anyone with misery posts this is what the Community is here for to try and support or at least listen not just through the good times but the not so good times to

I am not sure I have done one positive post on here yet and I always feel guilty when I post as they are so miserable but everyone is always so kind so please if you need to talk then tell us what has been going of and we might be able to give some advice to help but even if we have none we will listen and that can be such a big support to know someone is listening to us :-) x

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to

I've been having a nightmare with my health & anxiety recently, I'm not getting any stability health wise which affects everything else ! I always feel bad when I post here ,we are all going through it but it's usually a great place when we need help ,I hope you have a lovely Christmas xxx

in reply to Helly75

Hello :-)

I can certainly relate to the anxiety , 16 months now since my Bypasses and it is no better in fact I feel it has got worse , I cry a lot and every day feels like I am just battling through it

I have a few health issues here and there which does not help either just bits and bobs but all gets you down

You of course don't have to answer but I do wonder what has been happening with your health and where you are at the moment with it

When we are struggling with our health the anxiety always gets worse then that can make the symptoms worse it is like a merry go round !

Please don't be a stranger you need to come on here like now when you are struggling

Here to listen and help if we can :-) x

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to

I can't even imagine what you've been through ,very traumatic! I've just had ongoing myocarditis symptoms & I'm no longer being listened to ,the meds they gave me caused erosive duodentitis so I'm unwell all the time with that & gastro consultant won't even talk to me . I waited 3 years to speak to someone about a pots diagnosis to be told cardiology don't deal with thatsort of thing. I got some blood results, iron is 2.8 ferritin 7.2 ,my blood count is off & I have low folate ! I never get peace from it all ,just had enough now 😕

in reply to Helly75

Hello :-)

O Bless you it does not sound like you are been looked after very well at all and it is going to drag you down

I know the feeling that you feel you have had enough but never give up even when you feel so low

I am not one for speaking out but sometimes over the years I have realised that if I do not get assertive then no one will listen

That reply it says everything to me , I can clearly see what you are saying and I am not sure if you have ever sat in front of your Doctor and said exactly what you have said to me in those words even if I had to write them down and read it to them but you know I would and I would add on the end of it

What are you going to do for me ?

I wonder if you could make this your New Year's Resolution that you will tell them straight and not be fobbed of you could pre book an appointment now ready for after the New Year :-)

Speak up for yourself you deserve the help you need and to be listened to :-) x

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to

I find that really hard, I'm in so much pain all the time & my situation is so complex I fully expect to get brushed off ,I usually end up crying which ends up being put down to mental health. The reality is my mental health is in the state its in because of what's happened to me & I can't just positive think my way out of 5 years of not being believed . Even my psychologist agrees with me lol 😆, I shall try my best to keep going though xx

in reply to Helly75

Hello :-)

I do hope you have family to support you it would be good if someone would speak out for you

I know exactly what you mean even though I suffer with anxiety I have got brushed of in the past things been put down to my anxiety which is frustrating and I also have said so many times my anxiety would not be this bad if they sorted me out !

Is the psychologist helping ?

Do you have a good relationship with them because I wondered if they sent a report in and expressed their thoughts about your situation if that would make the Doctors listen more

I have just started psychology again it is someone I have had in the past through the NHS I find the sessions helpful but that they just do not last long enough as you are only allowed so many

I once paid private but that is a long story and did not go as well :-)

If you need to talk just come on and talk with us if it helps at all :-) x

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply to Helly75

I do not know your personal financial circumstances but I wonder if you could identify a private medical practitioner close by that is conversant with your problems and pay for a consultation?

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to devonian186

I've spent thousands doing that already ,only place it got me was very short term peace of mind & an empty bank account 😁 xx

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Helly75

Maybe you could speak to Sanjay Gupta the cardiologist from York. He does do telephone consultations and I believe is absolutely on the ball

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to GrannyE

I've spoke to that many cardiologists who all have very different opinions, I'm literally sick of them all ,I have an absolutely brilliant neurologist who I will see tomorrow for some very rare test results ,I'm terrified 😅

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Helly75

Good luck.

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply to Helly75

Will you let us know how you got on? You are still very young and hopefully you can get your health back on track if you manage to identify those people who can give you the correct diagnosis and treat you..

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to devonian186

I certainly will ,I'm beyond terrified lol , I can't see me sleeping much tonight but my neurologist is brilliant & has went above & beyond for me ,I'm so thankful for him xx

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Helly75

I am so sorry you have been going through a tough time. As BeKind said this is what this forum is here for - to support each other. At least we know what A/F is like and can empathise. Don’t forget A/F makes one feel anxious cos your body knows something is not quite right and so the A/F itself makes one more stressed which is a negative loop. Enjoy all the upbeat TV and for goodness sake do not listen to the news!

annpavitt250448 profile image

Happy Christmas to you. Like you will be glad when this year has gone. Between being diagnosed with angina, breaking my arm and my mum passing away it's been not a very good year. I am hoping in March (as part of Orbita trial I Signed up for at Basildon cardio thoracic centre) that I had find I had a stent for my blocked LAD.

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to annpavitt250448

So sorry you've been going through all of that & I'm sorry for the loss of your mum too . I hope you get through Christmas & next year will be better for you xxx

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Helly75

I am afraid that only time will help with the loss of a loved one. It does become easier. As one reaches a certain age one increasing loses friends and relatives which is not exactly jolly. I walk through our village now and can point to umpteen houses where people I knew and loved are no more. My husband and I are now the oldest in our families. Sad but you could say we are lucky to still be around when so many have gone before.

annpavitt250448 profile image
annpavitt250448 in reply to GrannyE

Mum was 104 still living independently apart from a cleaner once a week, up to when she had a fall and broke her hip from which she didn't recover. Sad when is not here but she had a long and fulfilled life.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to annpavitt250448

Wow. 104. That is a good age esp to be living independently. That is something to celebrate. You must have good genes!

McFox68 profile image

Hey Helly, Merry Xmas to you to !! I'm much the same as you, had a rough 6 months myself, but thankfully getting back on track.

Unfortunately I'll be spending Xmas on my own, that's my fault and choice. Long story short 4 kids 3 ex wife's. Prefer my own company and can't figure out you women lol.

Have a Great Xmas and New Year !!

With your friends and family, that goes out to all on the chat board.

Make as many memories as you can and make more next year !

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to McFox68

I like my own company too ,just aswell really 😅 Christmas can be difficult at the best of times & I just want it over with because I feel so unwell but it's just one day ,take care x

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to McFox68

I don’t know how young your children are but I hope you are reaching out to them. You can have a brilliant relationship with your children even if you don’t get on with your ex’s. Your children are your children for life and need to know that they are loved and always will be.

McFox68 profile image
McFox68 in reply to GrannyE

Don't get me wrong, I have a great relationship with my kids 2 live away,vOxford an Aberdeen, one lives with her partner and their kids locally and the other lives with there mother. They've all got plans this year. My eldest daughter is my best friend my next of kin incase of medical issues, we talk everyday. So all good.Have a great Xmas an New Year ! x

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to McFox68

Great. Good for you. It makes all the difference doesn’t it?

Shellac profile image

big hugs ❤❤❤

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to Shellac

Sending hugs 🫂 to you aswell xx

fairyfeathers profile image

I wish you a peaceful happy Christmas with the hope that 2023 is kinder to you. x

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to fairyfeathers

Thank you xx

Etblue profile image

Thankyou. And a Merry Christmas to you too and to the whole community. 🎄🧑‍🎄

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to Etblue

Thank you xx

Coopergirl52 profile image

Thank you and to you as well and the same to the rest of the community.

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to Coopergirl52

Thank you xx

MountainGoat52 profile image

Many thanks for your Christmas greetings which are duly reciprocated - Merry Christmas! I do hope that you get some enjoyment out of this time which can be difficult for so many.

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to MountainGoat52

Thank you ,I'm finding it so hard this year ,my mind is fully willing to take part but the body says no ,very frustrating! Hope you have a great Christmas xx

MountainGoat52 profile image
MountainGoat52 in reply to Helly75

Understand fully where you are at. I'm sure those you spend Christmas with will just be happy to have you with them. Christmas should be more about being with family and friends. xx ☺

I know how you feel. This time of year is hard. Especially when you have physical problems. I keep reminiscing of the past. When I thought I knew I was normal. But then alot of people have had issues all their lives. And i suppose are use to it. It's their normal. Like my son had a turn in his eye had it straightened and it looks good. That was done done 25 years ago. But would he wear a patch. No. But he regrets it a bit now. But what he sees Is his normal. So he knows no different. I suppose that's what I like about this forum you can let off steam and read other people experience, which may give you some thinking. But it's Christmas so we have to enjoy it and move on. So have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to

I've been doing the same ! Accepting a new reality/ normal is so hard, I'm still not managing it 4+ years down the line. I actually spoke to my psychologist this morning & asked him how on earth am I supposed to just erase the person I was before ? I know that person doesn't exist anymore but I'm still here 🥺 have a lovely Christmas xx

in reply to Helly75

It is hard. Feel like iam a broken toy. Any way I will keep going so purchased a book, cbt for dummies. As people keep saying try cbt. And iam joining out nhs mental health college. What my therapist told me about, I thought I was being sent away. I suppose I might come back with a degree in how to be nice to myself and except what has happened. Oh well onwards and upwards take care.

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to

I've done the cbt thing multiple times ,in my situation I found my mental health was focused on & real medical problems weren't. My mental health was great until one day I got sick & life was never the same again . Lots of doctors blame psychological problems as the root cause instead of medical conditions . It's taken me 3 years to get any diagnosis & now it's up in the air again! I have also not been kind to myself because I couldn't just push through anymore ,acceptance is not easy 😕 xx

in reply to Helly75

I totally agree acceptance is not easy. I personally think that the experts in what ever field, cardiology or cancer or any thing are good in their field but the mental health aspect is completely ignored. We are not a car we are more complexed. With me my anxiety may have always been there since birth. I am a person who tries to control, to not have hassle. But life is not black and white. For example went on holiday from Gatwick, never flown from Gatwick. So a month before drove to Gatwick to get my bearings. And to feel in control. Unfortunately this situation of a heart issues has caused me to be worried, concerned as I have no control. I have to trust the experts and hope and pray they know what they are doing. But the waiting is horrendous. Plus it is the unknown. Unfortunately there is no magic wand or pill. It has to come from within. But your mind can be cruel.

Legend2 profile image

merry Christmas helly

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to Legend2

Thank you xx

Newstart3 profile image

Sorry to hear that your health is not do good and with what you are going through, no wonder you would like things to be better. Thanks for your Christmas Wishes and I hope you are able to have a good one yourself.

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to Newstart3

Thank you & the same to you xx

citygirl65 profile image

Have a merry Christmas and hope new year will be better for you...take care

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to citygirl65

Thanks & same to you xx

colourblue profile image

Happy Christmas, I hope 2023 brings better health for you. Best wishes.

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to colourblue

Thank you xx

cappachina profile image

Hi Helly I hope you get the help you need and that Christmas if not merry may bring you peace and that 2023 will be the turning point and you will be much better

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to cappachina

🥺 what a lovely message ,thank you so much & merry Christmas xx

cappachina profile image

Be fairly quiet as I am having problems with more than my heart at present but my daughter is coming to stay for 10 days which will be lovely. I live near the sea and we have always gone for long walks when she's here in fact I used to walk about 4 miles every day but I am afraid that's out of the question for me now its more like a amble round the block and then I am exhausted Take care of yourself

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to cappachina

A quiet Christmas I think is great in my opinion & time with your daughter is so precious & important. I used to be very fit & active too ,be lucky if I can manage to make Christmas Dinner this year 😅 you take care too

sampaloc0624 profile image

Wishing you good health also!

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to sampaloc0624

Thank you xx

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