Wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas! Things have been tough for us all & this has been the worst yet for me . We had to say goodbye to our little old man cat George today ,some might say it's just a cat & we've all had so much worse happen but he was my best friend & gave me great comfort in some very dark days ,I am devastated at his passing. Let's hope the new year is better for all of us & I hope you all have a great Christmas with loved ones xxx
Merry Christmas : Wanted to wish you... - British Heart Fou...
Merry Christmas

I am sooty to hear you have had to say your final goodbye to your cat George.I hope 2025 brings you better heart health.
Wishing you and all those close to you a restful and peaceful Christmas.
My Scamp is sitting on the back of my chair. She is not "just a cat". I know how much of a hole in your life losing a warm and (friendly when it suits) companion can be. 🦊
Best wishes to you for the coming year. And indeed the ones after!
Thank you , I am devastated! He was almost 18 & has been the best wee friend I could have hoped for ,he fought right to the end but we couldn't let him suffer . My house won't be the same without him. I hope you have a great Christmas x
My Scamp is 18. I know it is a good age, but I will be equally devasted if anything happens to her. She is still sitting behind me, and sends her love and purrs.
my best cat friend died four weeks ago. I am devastated.
Not sure how we can get over our pet cats death. I hope time will be a healer.
I am too old to get a kitten. But perhaps you could give a kitten a home.
I enjoy my weekly hour visit to the local cat lady who has several kittens and a few strays.
Best wishes
Fellow cat lover, Sooty.
So sorry for your loss! It's been the worst day having to make that decision but he was really suffering 😔 and thank you for your kind words. At the minute I'm too afraid to think of a kitten, I don't want to go through this again xx
Have you thought of a rescue cat? My friend has just taken on an elderly moggie from a rescue centre. A kitten would have been too hard for her.
I'm so sorry you have had to say goodbye to George. I know how heartbreaking it is to do it. I have had many cat's over the years, mostly rescued and one by one I too have had to say a final goodbye to them. I currently have one cat, I gave her a home after her previous owner died. She is my best friend and makes me laugh with the antics she gets up to.
Thank you ,he really was my best friend, he went downhill so fast ,I thought I could handle it but it's really has broken my heart ,he kept looking at me as if he was asking me what was happening to him 💔
I have sobbed my eyes out many times and it never gets any easier. George, your best friend is at peace now. I can remember every cat that I have had, I often think of them. It may not seem it at the moment but it will get easier. Perhaps one day when the time is right for you, you will consider having another kitten or perhaps an older rescue cat.
Sorry to hear about George, he was indeed a good companion of yours.Hope things get better for you
All the best
Hi Helly75, so sorry you have lost your best friend George, take comfort in the fact you have given him the best life he could have hoped for. Kizzie, my yorkie, died a good number of years ago, she was my baby and I often think of her. Wishing you and your family all the best. 🫂
My doggie wanted to say hi to Helly75, but then she fell asleep.
Thank you so much for spreading the joy this holiday season! The loss of a loved one is always devastating and hard. I wish you peace and good health this holiday season and throughout your life!❤️
I completely understand j have two cats that are past 14 years old and dread the time they will leave me.It's not just a cat they are part of the family.
Try to distract yourself and not dwell on your cats passing but remember all the funny things George did to.make you laugh.
Try to have a Good Christmas and let the New Year bring you hope and good things coming your way
Best wishes
Sorry about your cat ,George. Pets aren't just pets but family members. And to be honest they are better than some family members. You are grieving for a valued member of your family . RIP George .
Merry Christmas everyone and hope 2025 is a good year for everyone here .
Sorry for your great loss. I know the pain you feel which is beyond words. All we can say is that love never dies and nothing can take George out of your heart. We do our best and God does the rest. Love and prayers. 🥰
merry Christmas and I’m so sorry bout your loss. Cats are family too
I am so sorry to hear about your loss, my thoughts are with you. Jan
I'm so sorry. Animals are so important to us, we tell them all our secrets, knowing that they keep them safe. Look forward to inew year.
Helly so very very sorry for your loss. Only people who have never loved a pet will not understand how truly devastating it is 💔. Only time will heal the pain but it’s still worth the price to receive so much unconditional love 🥰. Hope you find comfort with family & friends and still enjoy your Christmas. Best wishes 💖💖
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of George the cat.
No he wasn't only a cat he was a part of your family!
really sorry about George.
I’ve got two and was advised to get one to help my mental health - something that I had to take care of.
Well she got pregnant and had Buddy and they are both currently driving me mad clawing the doowop out of my new sofa.
Wouldn’t have it any other way and I’d be devastated were anything to happen to them.
So I understand the cat shaped hole in your life.
God bless and I hope things get better for you in 25.
Our pets in good times or especially in the darkest of days are a reason to carry on, go out and 'get going' - sending kind thoughts your way and Im sure you will have lots of lovely thoughts to give you comfort All the Best
Hi Helly75, Oh my goodness, people who say ‘it’s just a cat, have no feelings. My daughter lives on her own and she had a beautiful cat ( bluebell) and when she was away for work or holidays I had bluebell at my house. Two days before her birthday she had to have her put to sleep and it was very upsetting. I cried for a week so absolutely understand your feelings, and am so sorry for your loss! I hope you and your family have a good Christmas and I wish you and everyone else a happy new year, hope 2025 is better for everyone 🎄🎄🎉🎉🥰🥰
sorry to hear of your sad news.
Animals form a big part in our life, and losing one is losing part of your family.
But life goes on, and we have to be grateful for each day.
Let’s hope 2025 and onwards is good to us all.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone.
Merry Christmas when it comes Helly75 and everyone. I just wanted to say my Ectopic s have calmed down. My slow heart rate of 37/40 has been better and at normal 68 BPM. The only thing I have added to my diet is Magnesium. I do not know if this has helped but will wait and see. Take care.
We lost our dog while I was going through this, it breaks your heart loosing a family member, and yes pets are family. Sorry for your loss
Our pets help us through the most difficult times and losing them can be as bad as losing a human friend. Happy Christmas to you all. Keeeeeeeep positive. xx
So sorry you have lost your lovely George, they really do take a piece of your heart. Be comforted by the knowledge that he was dearly loved and had his best life. We lost our Pushkin last year at 19, she was a re-home we had since she was 5, we've had a number of cats over the last 50 years, every one of them with their own character and much loved, missed and remembered
Sorry to hear about George. I grew up with cats and now I am on my third one. The last one I buried him in my garden. Everytime I lost one, I got a replacement one with almost the same colour patterns (always black and white). I found getting another one a great help to soothe the pain of losing one. Hope that helps
Wishing you all a merry Xmas and a happy new year. May 2025 usher in better health, peace, humanity and -dare I say-love
Dear Helly I am so sorry that you have said your final farewell to George and I know how he has supported you through the tough times My 18year old cat Cappachina has done that for me They know when you are ill and give you the love and support you need You will miss him so much I hope you have under the circumstances the best Christmas you can and a healthier 2025 for you
No youre not silly at all at George's passing. Our pets are such a light on the dark days we have. We have lost little and big dogs over the years and each one hurts and leaves an imprint. Happy Christmas and look towards next year and maybe another little sou,l needing love and a good home, may steal your heart. Xx
Aww it's heartbreaking losing a pet - they are family too. Sending love xx
Happy Christmas ⛄ too Take care of yourself
So sorry to hear about your cat, they are so precious and do help us when we are feeling poorly. Wishing you all the very best for 2025 x
Our animals are our children, I shouldn't think anyone thinks it's silly. I lost my greyhound mid year and I'm still grieving him he leaves a huge hole on our hearts. Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
I am so so sorry I send a big hug to you . The pain is just awful and it hurts so much. We lost our fur baby a month ago he was 11 and had heart disease - not the same outcome as us, the clots go to the femural artery and cut off the blood flow to the back legs and front sometimes. I never want to see that again -ever - he was in such pain. He was our friend companion and like our second child we are deviated too . I hope you have a peaceful Christmas but I know sadly it can’t be as happy as it should be. I send lots of hugs and purrs from one cat mummy to another 😿xx
Merry Christmas to you too 🎄
Hi there, So sorry to hear the sad news. Profound sympathy at your profound loss partculaly at this time. Hope the future ahaead will be one of hope and good health. Take care. Kind regards.