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Aries17 profile image
16 Replies

Hello everyone, hope you’re all doing well.

I’m in my late 20’s and have recently been told that on a recent 7 day ECG it was picked up that I had Mobitz 2 AV block. This came as quite a surprise to me (and my cardiologist, due to my age presumably!)

For this reason and my on-going symptoms it was decided I would have an implantable loop recorder to keep an eye on things as he said he would need to be really certain that a pacemaker is the right thing to do for someone my age. I am due to have that just after Christmas.

I keep having spells of feeling very strange, the usual feeling of ectopic beats and mild breathlessness/feeling out of sorts and I can almost feel my heart slowing down then racing back up again.

I have a Braun pulse oximeter and whilst using it, it started at 58bpm and went down and sat at 40bpm. Then eventually it races back up.

Has anyone else experienced this? I don’t want to stress over it too much as I’m not certain on the accuracy of these types of at home devices, but it is making me feel pretty unwell.

Any thoughts appreciated.

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Aries17 profile image
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16 Replies
Yumz199725 profile image

Hi Aries

Sorry to hear your 7 day ecg monitor picked up few issues especially something like a Mobitz 2 Av block. It's scary going through this especially when your in your 20s. I'm 25 so I definitely understand that side of it. I haven't experienced same issue but my last 7 day ecg holter picked up that I was slightly tachycardic my heart rate would range between 60-158 so I was started on verapamil 40mg x2. I've only ever heard of a loop recorder Is it like a pace maker or replaces the need for one? Hope operation goes well. ❤️

I was thinking of getting pulseoximeter never had one only remember having it on my finger at appointments my mum said I used to hate having to have that on my finger lol.

It's alot to process can be overwhelming so please take care ❤️ hope everything is sorted out for you soon.

Aries17 profile image
Aries17 in reply to Yumz199725


Thanks so much for your comment.

From my understanding, the loop recorder is essentially an ECG device that sits under the skin near your collarbone and records your heart constantly. It has a battery life of up to 3 years. Within this time the cardiologist is hopeful we can get a clearer understanding of how often the av block is happening and then eventually decide whether there is definitely a need for a pacemaker or not. If I do need one, then the loop recorder will be removed and replaced with a pacemaker.

I think having heart problems at any age is difficult, but facing these things so young can definitely be overwhelming and strange can’t it. I hope you are doing well ❤️ I really appreciate the support.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Aries17

Ooh that's interesting so it's like constantly wearing an ecg monitor but under the skin wow! 😮. Hope you don't need one but if you do I'm sure everything will be fine 😊. Yeah your right about it being overwhelming I was actually born with my heart condition but your not fully aware and responsible for it until you get into your 20s so it has become overwhelming and stressful. Thanks for asking yeah I am good well I hope i am ill find out properly on 21st November next year if anything has slightly changed or if they need to do any surgery ❤️.

Aw your so welcome for the support it's hard going through anything like this on your own so it's great having this forum for support and advice.

Have a good week! ☺️

Taz70 profile image

Hi Aries17,I've been in a very similar situation for the last 3 years with episodes of bradycardia as low as 30 and tachycardia 160 + at times with ectopics and palpatations and erratic irregular heart beats. My symptoms are feeling lightheaded, fatigued and breathlessness too and I can actually feel my heart slowing down as well.

I've been told I have mild left ventricular hypertrophy, mild leaking mitral valve and I may need a pacemaker too but like you they need more information so I had a loop recorder fitted in September and I have an appointment in the next hour to download 3 months data to them. I'm still waiting my angiogram results so hopefully i will know more in the new year. At 51 they are worried I'm too young for a pacemaker but if I need one then they will fit one. It's like being on a roller coaster some days your up and other days your down but please try not to stress too much as this won't help and look at it positively in your treatment going forward.

Good luck and keep us all updated on your journey.


Low heart rate on 10th Dec.
Aries17 profile image
Aries17 in reply to Taz70

Hi Taz,

Thanks so much for your comment and sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope your loop recorder is able to help confirm the best treatment for you.

I am pleased my cardiologist is being thorough and I am hopeful that once I receive my loop recorder I will get more answers. In the meantime I am trying to stay relaxed and not stress too much, but that is easier said that done with a toddler!

Best of luck with your appointment today.

duchess1226 profile image
duchess1226 in reply to Taz70

ok, after seeing your pulse ox I need to stop worrying about mine!!! I am sitting at work and my resting is 40. I have been FULLY evaluated by a cardiologist who said its around 40 while I sleep as well...its just worriesome. I have NO symptoms either. I am fit but no athlete. Does it ever worry you?? xoxo p.s. I am 47 year old female :)

Taz70 profile image
Taz70 in reply to duchess1226

Yes it does at times but it all depends on how I'm feeling during each event. During the low pulse of 31 the other wk I felt a bit lightheaded but ok but other times at 45-55 I would feel terrible. I just can't work out why but some days are worse than others. The annoying thing is prior to this I would cycle 3-4 times a wk and kept myself reasonably fit . Thankfully your not getting the symptoms but like you said it can be worrying at times so it needs looking into or monitoring at least. Hope you get some answers soon.

R3mi profile image

Hi Aries 17

Not having any medical knowledge but we all get to know our bodies to some extent. Now this might be totally off point and raise some eyebrows but have you had your iron levels checked as for years I was told various different things could be responsible for my condition eventually after nearly collapsing was found to have seriously low levels of iron after a blood transfusion everything returned to some normality. I still had a pacemaker inserted and now my levels are at the right level as well as can be expected I am feeling decidedly much better. Things can be missed but these medical heroes are genuinely caring and will do everything they can to make sure that you go away in as good health as you can. It costs nothing to ask and no one will think you are silly. Good luck with everything.

Aries17 profile image
Aries17 in reply to R3mi

Hi! Thanks so much for your thoughts, I have had my iron levels checked within the past few months alongside my thyroid levels, etc. I have had low iron levels in the past, most recently a couple of years ago after having my daughter. I had an iron infusion (to which my body didn’t react well to initially as I became extremely shaky and dizzy!) but eventually I had it and as far as I’m aware my levels have been fine since!

It’s definitely something I will look into again though so thank you! Hope you are well.

R3mi profile image
R3mi in reply to Aries17

Glad to have been of some use but don’t dismiss lack of iron it can if not checked affect the heart. I hope everything goes well for you and your family. Have a great Christmas and new year

Stanley18 profile image


If a pacemaker is the solution then please don’t be afraid. I was fitted with a PM for bradycardia at 50 (older than you, I know!). I live a full life again.

In the meantime, I hope that the loop recorder will quickly give you some answers.

Take care.

Aries17 profile image
Aries17 in reply to Stanley18

Thank you so much, that’s great to hear!

EMBoy profile image

I have Mobitz type 2 which was diagnosed when I was 63, and even at that ripe old age, the cardiologist told me I was too young.

Nevertheless, after a lot of research into the condition, I discovered that, although it usually happens in older people, it can happen at any age. Some people are born with it.

For about a year before diagnosis, I could feel the ectopic beats and noticed that my heart was skipping beats with quite long pauses when my heart didn't beat. I felt lightheaded and breathless and eventually, I fainted and was taken to A&E. The next day, I was taken to the cardiac care unit and had a pacemaker fitted.

I haven't had an implantable loop recorder, but I can say that if you need a pacemaker (and with Mobitz type 2 it is usually essential), you will not regret it. Mine has given me a new lease of life and I feel really good.

All the best.

Aries17 profile image
Aries17 in reply to EMBoy

Hi there, thank you for your comment!

It’s really interesting you say that, as I am noticing my heart “pausing” more and more recently between ectopic beats and it’s very odd! It’s good to know that I must be becoming more aware of the av block instances happening, as initially I couldn’t differentiate the feeling between them and my usual ectopic beats/arrhythmia. I quite often feel confused and breathless like I can’t think straight during these episodes. Yesterday my heart went below 40 which was very uncomfortable. Was that the same for you?

I’ve also been researching and reading a lot to do with Mobitz 2 as I’m trying to understand what the original cause of it might be (that’s assuming that I wasn’t born with it). I wonder if you mind me asking whether you believe there to have been something that may have caused it for you? I know many people with this this condition often have structural heart problems (I’ve been told my heart is okay other than a mild mitral valve prolapse) and I can’t help but think there must be a reason for this!

Really appreciate your thoughts and so pleased to hear the pacemaker has helped you. Best wishes.

EMBoy profile image

Thank you for your reply.

That feeling of breathlessness and confusion are due to your brain not receiving enough oxygen because of the missed heart beats. It is known as pre-syncope which is feeling like you are going to faint but without actually fainting. If it gets bad enough, you may faint, which is what happened to me.

In my case, I am still not sure what the cause of my heart block was, but I smoked heavily for nearly 50 years and this probably had something to do with it.

Additionally, I have an under-active thyroid for which I take daily medication. I know that Mobitz type 2 can be associated with hypothyroidism, but it is usually thought to be reversible once the thyroid condition has been treated. There are, however, a few suggestions (but no real proof) that Mobitz type 2 with hypothyroidism may be permanent.

It probably wouldn't do any harm for you to have a thyroid function test to rule it out.

I know all this is very confusing and frightening for you at the moment, but treatment is available and there are plenty of people on this forum who will give you the help and support you need.

I would, however, suggest that you take care whilst driving - you don't want to faint at the wheel.

Best wishes.

Cjb12 profile image

i have had afib also, got a loop recorder and tells the dr anything he has programed for. you will also have something like a garage door opener to press when you feel anything weird. this will make the recorder go back 5 minutes and record everything. So if you get that model you doctor can see exactly what is going on when you dont feel anything or hit the button when you do. You wont even know you have it in you. Also it is way better than have a ekg stickers on you for a week or more. It only take about 20 minutes to implant. best thing going for this. Good health ahead.

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