I’m 58 and suffered a heart attack (STEMI), on a plane followed by cardiogenic shock in April 2022. I have 5 stents fitted to two arteries supplying my heart. I went into cardiogenic shock shortly after the first 4 stents were inserted during the heart attack. I was taken into intensive care and had an intra-aortic balloon pump inserted for 3 days to help, while my heart recovered. The 5th stent was inserted in a planned procedure a week later.
Whilst I have some damage/scarring to my heart and moderate mitral regurgitation, 6 months later I completed a 20 mile cycle and half day strenuous walk over the moors in the last week. Although fit and healthy prior to the heart attack, these are things I feared I might never do again lying in ICU. The hospital quite rightly focused on my physical recovery, but the mental side has been tough.
It seems silly now, but recall lying in my bed afraid to even move in case I dislodged a stent in the first few days. I know every case is different, but I wanted to share this as a message of hope. It’s normal to feel scared (or terrified in my case) in the early days and weeks after such a life changing event . Speak to others and use the BHF resources. I called the BHF helpline when I came home from hospital. The specialist cardiac nurse I spoke to was amazing. I told her all the things I was concerned about and the twinges and pains I was experiencing. She gave me so much reassurance and had the time to listen without the restriction of a 5 or 10 minute appointment slot.
I still have concerns about my future health; what the mitral regurgitation and scarring means. However I also need to keep reminding myself not to borrow problems from the future. Right now I feel lucky and can lead a reasonably normal life.
Huge thanks to the NHS and BHF.