I have been given a three day Holter Test, which I started today. Does it matter how I sleep. I usually sleep on my side, is it better to try and stay on my back, will it make any difference.
Holter Test: I have been given a three... - British Heart Fou...
Holter Test

Ideally you should sleep on your back as there is less chance of dislodging an electrode that way. You should also avoid getting magnets near to the electrodes and recorder, and devices like mobiles and microphones. Metal detection arches and wands are best avoided as well.
I've just had one for 3 days and slept as normal, shifting between the left side and then the right😉. The wires stayed on Lily
Sleep any way you like as long ast he electrodes don't pull off.
Ive only had a 24 hour holster but when I have needed to stop rollover I have used pillows either at my back to stop too much looking or cuddling one so I don't go over to my front
I had one for 7 days and just did what I normally do and slept the same way. The electrodes did pop off once or twice. I gather that they can tell if it is a detached electrode as opposed to your heart doing something weird. I clipped the unit to my bra and kept it on for sleeping seemed to work ok for me.