Does any female with any heart problems take Hrt? I am looking for any information on this subject.I am a 68 year old women who had a heart attack about 5 years ago and had one stent fitted ,no problems since with my heart.But I have psoriatic arthritis and it gives me a lot of pain. I have heard about all the hype lately about Hrt and I was also on it for many years but was taken off it because my 2sisters had breast cancer non brac gene tested, My quality of life since has deteriorated so much that I suffer with my mental health too. Am I clutching at straws thinking that maybe Hrt could help , or is there something in it. I would ask a doctor but am afraid of being rejected out of hand,without regard to quality of life for the now as am feeling it hard to contemplate any future with the level of illness I feel at present. I know this is a huge subject and there is no definitive answer,but anyone with experience of this I would be very grateful for a comment from you .Tia
HRT with heart: Does any female with... - British Heart Fou...
HRT with heart

Taking HRT is not straightforward if you live with heart disease.
The research I looked at suggested that taking HRT if you are over 60 may not be beneficial if you have heart disease.
Many Cardiologists advise women to stop taking HRT after a heart attack. However some women are offered different types of HRT later.
A family history of breast cancer can be an extra risk too.
The forum has discussed HRT before.
Quality of life is very important and perhaps what we all need is an opportunity to discuss the risks and benefits of HRT with a knowledgeable doctor.
Perhaps go and see a GP and ask to be referred to a specialist who understands women's heart health.
This could be a Cardiologist or Menopause specialist.
Good luck!
Well Junik that is a hard one because seriously there has been very little research done "on women" that would help. You and i are the same age difference is i had uteris removed 1996 then 2018 i had ovaries and tubes removed. I wasn't placed on any hormones they say because of my age. Next ..extreme anxiety, palputations, fatique, wrinkles and lots of depression etc. April 2020 major heart attack while hiking then two stents. I knew no estrogen was causing the damage to my health and they did not listen. Now they won't even consider hormones because of "clotting" and my previous heart attack. All i can do is suggest diet and possibly herbs like cohosh, vitex, don quai and many others however on another forum i have seen even with history of heart attack some have been placed on mild hormone patch.
Thankyou for your reply,it really is doifficult as a lot of doctors still go by the old rules and would never consider a woman of my age for Hrt ,but I do think that my symptoms have never gone away and I would like the option of a low dose patch or gel if only to quell some of the things that seem to be plagueing my life and ideally be on it till the day I die even if that would be sooner rather than later. I need to find the courage to ask the question of a sympathetic and knowledgeable doctor if I can even find one.
I'm in exactly the same position as you. Hysterectomy at age 40, now 74 and lots and lots of problems caused by lack of oestrogen. HA in 2018. I was on HRT for the recommended 10 years then taken off it. I would dearly love some sort of low dose to help me. Never had any menopause symptoms, hot flushes etc.
I recently listened to a very interesting podcast on HRT which talked about the terrible lack of research into the potential benefits etc and also presented evidence that the old research showing HRT wasn’t advised for women who’d previously had a heart attack wasn’t valid. It was a Zoe science and nutrition podcast with dr Louise newson who is leading the way in the uk talking about menopause and getting women the help they need. Id definitely listen to this, it was really fascinating. I would also talk to my gpAnd ask to be referred to an expert on the subject. Good luck
I just want to add, that ultimately it should be the patient that decides what they what to do with their body. If I was diagnosed with cancer, for example, I can refuse treatment and choose to die sooner. So if I want to take something that MAY increase my chances of getting cancer or causing heart disease and the research is contradictory anyway, why can I not decide what I want to do? This is very paternalistic and only seems to occur in women's health. Ethically, doctors should do no more than advise. Holding back treatment, that you feel is beneficial is in my opinion, unethical. Furthermore, as far as I know, patches do not increase the risks of clots. And finally, if you complain about your mental health deteriorating, I think the last thing you want is to be put on antidepressents, which some dismissive doctors may do. I have been on a few and hated the side effects. They were just as bad as the depressive symptoms.
Absolutely agree was reading a book by Maya Dusenbery. Eye opening and maddening. " The truth about bad medicine and lazy science leave women dismissed, misdiagnosed and sick". I also have read about the research for women and HRT in which because women tend to be off even hysterical, unpredictable hmmm hormonal! Most research was done not with women but with lab animals and MEN as test subjects. Are you kidding me! This is unfortunately true with many drugs we take. Hence how do we believe any of this science. Even when govt. health told drug companies that they were subsidizing to use women in their studies the pharmeceutcals did but only used them in placebo. How many women are suffering only because of a lack of hormones especially those who have had a full hysterectomies or were quickly taken off of HRT...because of "research".
hi, I think you should ask to see an hrt specialist whi will advise you on what you can take, I was taken off my hrt as soon as I had my HA without much explanation, I went to see a private cardiologist who said I could take hrt so I've now decided to see a specialist to discuss my options, I Hope you get the answers that your looking for please asked your doctor to refer you 😊
Hi, sorry to hear about your problems. I have been on HRT for 30 years, I certainly wasn’t prepared to come off it after my HA, I did the research and for me benefits outweighed the risks. Unfortunately you have to be assertive with doctors, don’t take no for answer, ask them to justify themselves, question things, if they won’t prescribe go to a menopause clinic. If you can afford it see someone privately, get a private prescription. Of course there are risks which you have to balance but do your research, don’t just take one opinion. Be aware that is often only an opinion and not substantiated facts.After all as I understand it most heart meds are tested on 16st middle aged white men and there isn’t as much research on women, certainly not on after the menopause and HRT use. You can tell I’m on my soapbox,
I had a hysterectomy at 29years due to endometriosis was on HRT until heart attack in May 2023 cardiac arrest and stent fitted Now having about 20 flushes a day and night and definitely feeling tired and mood swings just makes it even harder to deal with the life change due to completely unexpected heart problems Have made appointment for GP
Thanks,I am building up to making appointment on Monday if I can get one it’s a start
It always occurs to me that if Oestrogen and Progesterone, naturally occuring before the menopause are so dangerous to the heart, then why don't woman who have Heart Attacks young before the menopause aren't immediately advised to have a full hysterectomy? After all, as far as possible, HRT is only putting you back to the levels before the menopause. Just a thought.
Women are different! Is the menopause an illness or a phase of life?
Some women will choose to use HRT others don't feel it's right for them.
What is required is unbiased evidence based research which sadly just isn't out there.
Oestrogen and Progesterone are actually protective to the heart hence why women who have a hysterectomy before the menopause are offered HRT.
Perhaps another question could be why are women having hysterectomies when this surgery can be potentially harmful to their well being?
There are now none surgical options available to treat heavy periods.
Mirena coils are used to treat heavy periods and the menopause.
Hi Milkfairy, I had some gyne problems, saw a male Consultant who firstly wouldn't tell me his name, you won't remember it Dear, it's very foreign, how patronising is that! He then very roughly examimed me and said all women of my age needed a full hysterectomy, I'll put you on the list. He then went on to be more offensive, I just walked out and requested a second opinion at a diffent hospital. I've never needed a hysterectomy, just a bowel retrocel op.
I am sorry to hear of your experience.
I have had some moments with Cardiologists too!
Oh yeah and Internists! The nice part about being older and having gone through so much is i am done with the arrogance and authoratarian treatment from some of these males and the occasional female. I am respectful, polite, informative, take responsibility for my physical and mental health seriously BUT if you talk down to me and are dismissive i am not very nice. Argueing is senseless so because you are a doctor does not mean you are a god and no longer need to learn or listen and for some strange reason you are still under the old patriarchal mind set that women are weak and hysterical and not very bright does not mean for one minute that i have to partake in your unfounded bias.Question: where is the research that shows post menopause women no longer produce or need hormones? I believe that estrogen specifically is needed until we die. More research is done for old guys with testostrone and viagra than women and specifically female hormones hmmm why is that?
Hi junik53. I am age 73 I had a hysterectomy when I was 40 and have been on HRT ever since. My GP wanted me to stop it and I tried for 6 weeks but all my symptoms came back. My GP eventually referred to the Gynae/Women's clinic at our local hospital where I was seen by a wonderful Consultant who listened carefully to everything I had to say. I told her I didn’t want my life prolonged for a short time but be miserable for all that time. I would rather take my chances. She agreed with me although she did point out all the negatives about taking HRT.
I was allowed to stay on my HRT which I intend to take for the rest of my life…. However I have not had a heart attack although I have heart disease for which I’m being treated. Also there in no history of breast cancer in my family which consists of four sisters and many nieces.
Why don’t you ask to be referred to a gynaecologist or Women's well being clinic where you might be lucky to have someone as helpful as I did.
Good luck.
Thanks , referral sounds like a good plan x
Hi I had heart attack 2019, I'm 57 this Yr. I'm on hrt patches. When I visited the liver specialist she was not pleased that I was still suffering menopause symptoms. I said that I couldn't have stronger hrt because of my heart. Her reply was "I'm guessing a male dr informed you about that "! The liver specialist said if I wanted better hrt then I should be allowed it and really it makes no difference to do with the heart... just saying, but always check and see a menopause nurse or better still a menopause dr(lady) which I am waiting to see.
Good luck and ladies don't suffer
Hi, I had a hysterectomy when I was 27 (now 70) was on oestrogen only, had a ablation last July, failed so on waiting list for a second, my cardiologist said that as I’m on a low dosage was more beneficial for me as I stopped for a year and it was a nightmare