AF persistent what benefits are claim... - British Heart Fou...

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AF persistent what benefits are claimable?

Hipflask profile image
35 Replies

Hi all im new here. Ive suffered from Afib for a while now and have had two ablations and three cardioversions. One ablation i woke up during and screamed/struggled. I think more damage was done because of this however never got a straight answer from my consultant. Anyway as a resullt i had to give up building work that i was doing at the time. I went into mental health on a 0 hour contract then when the agency i was working for stopped giving me hours i got a job as a pizza chef which involves alot of standing. I am starting to struggle suffering edema and breathlessness and think due to it being hot in the kitchen i work at maybe this is not a job i can physically do. I suffer from depression and ptsd which i dont think helps my body either. I was wondering what benefits i could claim as its not looking like i will be able to continue working where i am. Ive never really had much luck with the benefits system and have always been self employed until these jobs. Thanks for taking the time to read.

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Hipflask profile image
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35 Replies

Hello :-)

Whatever you do don't walk out on your job or benefits will see you as making yourself unemployed even though you are not coping they do not take that into account and then you would not be entitled to any help for quite a long time

First you need to speak with your Doctor and Consultant if you still have one and ask if they would support you with letters to backup your condition and that you are not fit enough to do the job you are doing or if you feel you cannot work at all anymore that you are unfit for work due to your condition

If you can get this medical support then I would next talk with my employer and explain the situation if hey are good employees they will say they had to let you go which puts you in a good position to get benefits

But first I am just guessing and could be totally wrong but you need to know you at least have your Doctor on side or Benefits will see it as you are saying this is what is wrong but you have no prove and the prove they want is usually something I would guess in the last 3 months

If you can do this then you would be able to get ESA and possibly be able to claim for PIP but you and I know I a repeating myself but you need confirmation from your Doctor this is the case

I hope you can sort it and good luck

Let us know how you get on and as said if in doubt Citizens Advice will be a good source of information to :-) x

Hipflask profile image
Hipflask in reply to

Thank you for your reply. My doctors is a nightmare i never see the same person twice and its almost impossible to get an appointment (if they ever actually see you). The doctors just given me some water tablets for my legs and feet yet nothing else. My consultant died about a two months ago (a doctor furness). I was due to have another cardioversion and they started me back on amiadrone about 4 months ago and its gone quiet since. I will contact the hosp and find out if anything is happening.

in reply to Hipflask

Hello :-)

O dear I am sorry to read your care does not sound good at all , I thought ours was bad till I read what you have put

I would contact the Hospital you could mention you urgently need to see someone as you are struggling with work and even if you do see a different Doctor each time I would still try you just never know :-)

Let us know how you get on , I find sometimes in this world we have to keep pushing and pushing even though we should not have to because if we don't try and take care of ourselves no one else will and you come first :-) x

Hipflask profile image

Thanks. I just saw a doctor who gave me some water tablets for a week (which i started yesterday) I will contact cardio at the hospital and see where im at. Thank you for your reply

Hello :-)

Yes very true though I was under the impression the poster was asking about getting on benefits long term because of his health

Depending how your company is as my Sons will let them be of sick for as long as they need but they do not get paid if they are of sick and you cannot survive without been paid but it is a minefield out there and why some do end up keep going till they drop which is wrong but the system can be all over the place :-) x

Hipflask profile image
Hipflask in reply to

I kind of was asking, but i dont know that id get anything. Im not very good at form filling. All replies are welcome though. Ive never posted before because if i start complaining i wouldnt know where to stop lol! sometimes i feel like if i go back to the doctor they will just push for more ops which im reluctant to accept after having such a terrible time with the first ablation. They should have stopped when i screemed as they cut into my groin area....

in reply to Hipflask

Hello :-)

Well I am glad you have posted and started talking to us :-)

Obviously we only have an opinion and are not experts on any matters as such but we mainly reply on our own experiences

But touch base with Citizens advice and see what they say it is all confidential

Also they can help you fill out any forms if needed to and they are the experts at doing that so worth getting an appointment with them :-)

It sounds like in all you have not had a very good time of it , your reply regarding the cut made me feel ouch and it did not happen to me

Just take one step at a time with all this get the advice and whatever that is then do the next step and so on you will get there :-) x

I am sure citizen advice will be able to help the poster as been suggested and lets hope he gets the correct advice and support he needs as he deserves it :-) x

Bingofox007 profile image

Bless ya, hope you get sorted with some benefits soon. You’ve been through a lot. Every GP surgery should have a care advisor, they may be shared by 2-3 surgeries. They help with dealing with DWP and form filling/liaise with council etc. They may be able to help and have longer to listen that GP often does. They’ll have access to your records if need be to support your claims. If they can’t help they probably know who can. Good luck and take care ❤️

Hipflask profile image
Hipflask in reply to Bingofox007

Thank you :)

VelvetSky profile image

Hi Hipflask, so sorry to hear about your problems. Phone your cardiologist’s secretary, tell her you are struggling, get an appointment to see someone, if you aren’t satisfied ask for a second opinion, be pushy, those who don’t ask don’t get.See a Gp, ask for counselling for your PTSD. Everytime you see someone, get a letter. Go to Citizens Advice, they will tell you what benefit forms you need and will help you fill them in, the more paper back up you’ve got to go with the forms the better.

I know I sound bossy but you have to help yourself, usually at a time when you don’t feel well enough to do so.

You’ve paid your taxes when you were well, so you are entitled to benefits help now.

I have been struggling to cope and applied for Attendance Allowance, I think I must be a bit older than you, so you might be eligible for different benefits, quite expecting to start the long road of appeals. I had a letter yesterday telling me I have been awarded AA without any argument, totally amazed.

Big Hug for you, if I can do it so can you.

Hipflask profile image
Hipflask in reply to VelvetSky

Thank you

dogsneedwalking profile image

Hello there Hipflask - This is my story and I'll try to keep it as short as possible. I have SVT [they thought it was A fib]. I am currently taking Sotalol 40mg twice daily but my heart doesn't like it [resting Pulse 43/45bmp] and not much higher when I used to go for walks. Had a cardioversion because of recurring SVT then seeing Cardiologist [next one July]. I am now at the stage where I basically just sit around my house because any exertion [walking] and my heart says nope don't like that and starts surging/fluttering/dizziness/generally feeling unwell. They [Cardoilogists] are now aware of this but I keep a diary of every episode and how long they last - the more I try to do the longer they last [days]. I was signed off for 6 months then went back to work on reduced hours but couldn't physically manage [cleaner]. I lost my driving licence because of the dizzy spells but I lived rurally I went onto Social Housing waiting list and was so was lucky to be offered social housing back in Aberdeen [my hometown] and where all of my family live as I relied on my neighbour to take me to work and home again. I had no employment so signed on to Universal Credit - [this was not a light decision as I have worked all of my life - now 65]. I still have to supply them with regular Fit/Sick Notes so you would have to do the same if you went down this route. Several months ago I had to fill out a Capability for Work Assessment which was followed up by a telephone interview but I first gathered all relevant medical information to support my claim [I also have osteoarthritis in both hands/knees and feet] and am in constant pain with this. I am now waiting to hear what their decision is. This is a long process as I first started claiming in January of this year. I had to wait 5 weeks for my first UC payment so you need some savings to support you through this period for rent/council tax/food etc. I am a very proud/independent person and balked at the thought of claiming but found that because of my SVT and Osteoarthritis I could not 'function' in a working environment anymore and therefore would be 'unreliable' when it came to the workplace. Take care.

Hipflask profile image
Hipflask in reply to dogsneedwalking

Thank you for taking the time to post. We are not in this alone - though through depression sometimes we feel like we are. I know there are many of us that have these concerns. It does help to talk. Im not good stuck at home without ssomething to keep busy!

Puffin1963 profile image

I too advise against just resigning - my friend made that mistake years ago and ended up in a bit of a mess ! Citizens Advice is a must - they’ll help you get everything you’re entitled to - so many forms designed to put you off ! Best wishes

dogsneedwalking profile image
dogsneedwalking in reply to Puffin1963

No I must admit neither am I, but my body is tired and so is my heart. I have the Cardiologist mid July so I really hope to get more answers and perhaps get the ablation that has been recommended so I can get my life back again. Take care.

arTistapple profile image

Hipflask, there is good information here from many posters. However the ‘system’ is not easy to deal with, especially if your situation is not clear. I am happy to say that on this forum WE are all pretty sure of your situation but transmitting this stuff to bunch of bureaucrats is quite a different matter. When you are down and out it’s difficult to fight your corner! I have experience of being a member of the bunch of bureaucrats and then someone on the same side as you and failed. You would think I’d know better but being a person determined to help myself, I went down badly with the tick box system. The questions can be stupid and tricky. You have two things going on here. 1.) You need to get on ‘the sick’ ASAP. Self employment should not hinder you getting cash from the government as long as you have paid your insurance. You appear to have clear need. Do not expect your doctor to offer you this. You must explain your desperate need. Doctors are only required to confirm your illness/diagnosis on the forms they fill in for the authorities. They are not required to give an opinion on how it effects you. There are all sorts of things you need to discuss with your GP absolutely immediately - a double appointment will be necessary - all the things you have mentioned but perhaps be a little careful around the waking up thing. Discuss the PTSD but no blame here to ensure you keep the GP onside. Get some proper advocacy. Someone to help you fill out the forms. PIP is your most likely route after getting sickness benefit. 2.) I say hold off on ‘blame’ for the PTSD thing if you can because (if you are up to it) you need a lawyer for the incident leading on to the PTSD thing. Citizens advice is the place to start. I don’t think they have the manpower to help BUT they may be able to direct you. Some areas have local charities set up for just this situation. A lawyer on a No Win No Fee would have field day with this. Yes it’s a disgusting way of having to go about things but needs must. Your survival and quality of life frankly is vital. It’s only bureaucracy to them.

Hipflask profile image
Hipflask in reply to arTistapple

Thank yo for the support :)

Sprinst profile image

I'm a District councillor and have a good understanding of the benefits system. The first element is to look at the government website and I would start with potentially the Attendance allowance its not quite as it seems as its not means tested and is all about supervision and support particularly when mobility is involved. Its a detailed form but usually dealt with quickly. It's really important that all your letters from the hospital and consultants are kept as they can be used to support your claim including future appointments. They will ask mobility questions and its important to answer correctly. Many people don't claim the Attendance allowance even though they have an entitlement. It comes in a lower and upper level of support and if you get it , particularly the higher level it can trigger other elements which are means tested. Go have a look. As some people have said CAB can be helpful as are the benefits helpline team their role is just not to stop claims which is some peoples view but the do want to get the help to where its needed. BUT the system is abused and unfortunately I have seen and been involved in some outrageous fraud cases. I cannot say if your entitlement is strong or not as I don't know enough. Step one . Look at the Attendance allowance scheme. Step 2 list all the things you struggle with particularly involving mobility,breathlessness, leg swelling etc. Step 3 list all your current medication (you would be surprised what they can tell from this) step 4 have all your hospital letters to hand particularly those involving tests and reports. Step 5 think about what would happen if you did not take your medication and who you have to keep a check on you or to help. The form is long but if you prep you will find it easier.

Its a good first start and if you are awarded AA particularly the higher level it will trigger other support.

Good luck.


in reply to Sprinst

I claim pip , could I get attendance allowance ?

Sprinst profile image
Sprinst in reply to

No , but you may be able to get carers allowance. Be careful what you reveal in public (I'm not a nanny state person ) but there are some really nasty people about and its easy to get caught. A call the benefit office may help you, also local councils have hardship funds depending on where you are that can help. If you want to check my credentials just google Trevor AC Wright (Warwickshire) good luck.

in reply to Sprinst

Yeah I won’t get caters allowance due to my husband working and earning more than £128 per week . 🙄

Sprinst profile image
Sprinst in reply to Sprinst

No , but you may be able to get carers allowance. Be careful what you reveal in public (I'm not a nanny state person ) but there are some really nasty people about and its easy to get caught. A call the benefit office may help you, also local councils have hardship funds depending on where you are that can help. If you want to check my credentials just google Trevor AC Wright (Warwickshire) good luck.

Hipflask profile image
Hipflask in reply to Sprinst

Thank you

Hi hipflask , as everyone has said citizens advise are a good place to start but sometimes you can’t get a hold of them , where I live it’s impossible, the phones always off , and their office is only open twice a week. So personally what I would do is put in a claimFor esa straight away , you can do this online on your phone , also call up to claim for pip today , your claim starts the day you call so don’t delay . If you have paid stamp in the past two years you will have no problem getting esa and it should be dealt with within two weeks . Do it asap .

Thanksnhs profile image

Hi I am so sorry to hear about your situation money worries on top of bad health is awful. Your GP can sign you unfit to work and give you a line for your employer, I then claimed ESA I recommend going to the citizens advice bureau for help with the form they are a nightmare, they can award a standard rate or if you are not able to work again there is what they call a support group which has an enhanced rate and basically they leave you alone, this amount roughly £100 per week but is obviously not enough to live on I think it can be topped up with universal credit which is means tested. If you have problems with mobility, personal care, physical or mental health issues you could apply for PIP which is not means tested and is over £600 every four weeks once again the form is a nightmare and I would definitely get help with it. I really hope you can also get the help you require for your health conditions it's awful having to chase up doctors and hospitals. Take care char

in reply to Thanksnhs

I get standard on both living and mobility on pip and it’s £345 every four weeks not £600 , the £600 is for enhanced

Thanksnhs profile image
Thanksnhs in reply to

Hi I probably should have mentioned that the payments can be different for all claimants with a mixture of standard and enhanced for both elements, the DWP website explains it all char

in reply to Thanksnhs

Yeah it’s a minefield isn’t it

I looked it up you don’t need to be pension age at all , but you can’t have pip plus the attendance allowance as well .

Pension and disability

Government website
Thanksnhs profile image

It certainly is and leans very much towards DWP rather than the claimant, the process is awful

in reply to Thanksnhs

Oh I know , I’m on a few sites on social media and the stories are really heartbreaking.

Qualipop profile image

Benefits are a nightmare. Before you try claiming, phone citizens advice to see what you may be entitled to and then I strongly advise you to join the "Benefits and work" website. There's a small charge for a year's membership but it's invaluable. Masses and masses of advice on how to answer questions, how to appeal when you get turned down ( Which will probably happen)

Digger0 profile image

Hi. You need to contact Citizens Advice re the benefits. Some like PIP etc go on your abilities not on your conditions. Do not hand in your notice!

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