Bisoprolol : Morning all, I've posted... - British Heart Fou...

British Heart Foundation

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10 Replies

Morning all, I've posted on here before with regards to my journey over the last 2 years but was wondering has anyone weaned themselves off bisoprolol?

I'm currently on 1.25mg but I'm not sure if its making me feel worse being drained with a very low heart rate around 34-42 each day .

Has anyone stopped taking them by orders of their gp or their own decision? If so was it gradual like only take it every other day etc?

Also how did they feel afterwards? Did their gp prescribe an alternative instead?

I'm not looking at stopping them without my doctors approval just wondering has anyone been in a similar situation.

Regards Taz.

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10 Replies
ChoochSiesta profile image

That heart rate is too low. I came off 2.5 Biso 6 years ago because my heart rate was too low. No problems at all and felt normal again.

in reply to ChoochSiesta

Did the doctor recommend you come off them or was it your own decision? Was it progressively over days/wks or straight away? How did you feel while coming off them?

ChoochSiesta profile image
ChoochSiesta in reply to

I took the decision, being fed up of being dizzy. I came straight off it and felt normal again. I told my GP at a later appointment, who agreed with me.

But, that's me, you may not react the same.

Buscaglia profile image

I went off metropolol a similar bed last year. I was having low heart rate with some 5 second heart pauses. I was on 25 mgs 3 times a day. Total 75mgs. I went off it a half pill at a time over a period of 8 months. I had been on it for 22 years. My heart rate would sometimes jump to 125 just walking through my house and I watched my Fitbit all the time. I had to do it slowly. No more heart pauses. My heart rate is now 62 at rest and about 116 to 120 when exercising. Good luck to you. Do it at your own pace and your heart will adjust better

Qualipop profile image

I would never stop any tablets without my GP's agreement. I was on the same dose of bisopralol after my HA. It dropped my BP far too low so my GP stopped it. I didn't taper the dose. I just stopped. No problems at all.

Crazyface profile image

Due to my tachycardia and frequent visits to A&E, I was ratcheted-up from 1.25 all the way to 10 on various visits. I told my cardio people that I couldn't tolerate the high-level dose and was eventually stepped-down to 5. Off my own back whist waiting for an ablation, I reduced to 2.5 and accepted the consequential increase & severity of the episodes rather than the Bisoprolol side-effects.

I had the ablation on 29 November 2021, and it was a great success. A few hours after the procedure I was visited by the Prof who carried it out and advised to stop Bisoprolol & Edoxoban immediately. I feel like a new man and have had no adverse reaction, or, side-effects on stopping Bisoprolol....quite the reverse.

DazzyB profile image

I guarantee cardiologist or GP will state it’s a low dose just stop taking it. The best way is to get a pill cutter and cut it in half to .625. Do this for a month then stop.👍

Goldfish7 profile image

I was on 1.25mg Bisoprolol per day and told to stop taking them without weaning myself off slowley following a 'successful' ablation. After being on this site and reading a lot of people had problems following a fast withdrawal I chose to cut down slowly over a few weeks - halving my dose a couple of days per week, then more days; then having a half dose 5 days per week and none on the rest, dropping the half dose days until I wasnt taking any at all. It all went pretty smoothly apart from maybe a few more ectopics or short tachycardia runs. I just thought it is better to be safe than sorry as I wanted to avoid triggering an AF attack. I did feel a lot better once I was off it as I had a lot of unpleasant side effects.

Whatever you do I hope it works out well for you.

MikeBB profile image

Talk to your medical professionals. Personally, I will never, ever, take it again. However. Others, including one of the cardiologists I’ve spoken with, report no issues. We are all individuals, and if you’re going to experiment with meds, involve the proper professionals.

INTHEUSA profile image

I did for awhile. I cut dose in 1/2 for 1 week. 1/2 again for another 2 weeks, then stopped. I had no issues.

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