It is a long read...
Interesting Article on Vulnerable Pla... - British Heart Fou...
Interesting Article on Vulnerable Plaque

Thanks ever so much 😊
Thanks Michael, I found it long winded without any clear conclusion myself. But that may be because I'm not used t these medical articles, until recently. From a purely selfish point of view, I wonder how this will feed in to current treatment. Sadly, they say more work needs to be done.
Long read but very interesting, thank you
Me too outfox. Besides, enjoy life or don't bother. From what I have read, the statins are the only long term drug worth taking. I exercise too
This is surely one of the most important issues for all of us who suffer from atherosclerosis. The uncomfortable truth is that some of us have multiple heart attacks from a relatively early age with what are actually quite low levels of arterial blockage. On the other hand some of us end up with disabling angina and very high levels of arterial blockage, but never experience any heart attacks.
This article explains why this difference exists, the plaques that form in our arteries (like acne of the arteries) are of different types, some people get angry spots/plaques that are quick to burst, thus causing heart attacks or strokes. Other people get more solid/less liquid spots that almost never burst and therefore these people can have serious heart disease but without the heart attack risk.
What can we do to cut down the risk of heart attacks? As far as medication goes statins are our best hope, statins tend to stabilise the plaques/spots, reducing the risk of them bursting. In addition life style changes that lower our weight, reduce blood pressure, remove nicotine from our bodies, etc will all help to improve our odds.
Thanks Michael for posting, sure there's no a silver bullet solution, but it's good to know the general advice we're given is still consistent with the latest research.
Yes, it is a topic that needs talking about. I had a phone call from relative who knew I've been struggling with angina and constant stents, who has unfortunately done Google. Even health foods can be dangerous at certain levels. Everyone has to make their own decision, being shamed for it is wrong! Take care. Moni