Tesco Drivers - full of information! - British Heart Fou...

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Tesco Drivers - full of information!

Heather1957 profile image
56 Replies

I have an elderly 90 year old mum who lives in sheltered accommodation so it makes life easier to have a regular Tesco delivery for the both of us so I limit my contact going out and about.

I always find the drivers very pleasant but today the driver was full of helpful little hints re eating options.

He told me he was a vegetarian (the joke is true). He picked up my mushrooms and told me how he had mushrooms for lunch and some other things, then said he was having chick peas (and something) with rice for tea.

He also told me to try garlic rubbed into toast, with mashed avocado topped with tomatoes fried in olive oil.

What I did find interesting (as a diabetic who can't take Ibuprofen) is he recommended ginger, garlic or turmeric as alternatives to anti-inflammatory drugs.

Do they work?

All that from picking up my mushrooms!! LOL

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Heather1957 profile image
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56 Replies
RufusScamp profile image

Mmm. That toast idea sounds good!

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to RufusScamp

I have to agree!!

Hello :-)

Your delivery charge this week was good value with some healthy eating tips thrown in for free :-)

I have Tesco every week delivered mainly because I am agoraphobic and we have had a few drivers that have not been to great not many though but we do get some really helpful one's to and when I was waiting for my Bypasses I had one that knew all about the op and he would be great at trying to keep my confidence up :-) x

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to

I started having regular deliveries in 2017 when I had my bypass and I have only every had 1 miserable driver. The pickers though can be very random!!Last year a group of us went to a cabin in Welshpool for a few days and I arranged a Tesco delivery, due to a road closure, a diversion and us getting lost the Tesco driver rang me to ask me a few questions and it became clear we would be late for his delivery.

The cabin was left unlocked so the driver took the shopping inside, unloaded everything, putting the frozen food in the freezer and the chilled in the fridge, I couldn't fault it. I sent a complimentary message to customer services.

Today was a new one on me when I had nutritional advice!!! LOL

in reply to Heather1957

You certainly get the best ones delivering to you no matter where you are :-)

How lovely to have put all your shopping away :-)

Now I shall be looking out every week what you get next with your Tesco drivers :-D x

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to


in reply to Handel

:-) x

jeanjeannie50 profile image

I often have garlic rubbed into dry toast, topped with sliced tomatoes and a little olive oil sprinkled over. I put it under the grill for the tomatoes to cook and then sprinkle it with fresh basil. A friend told me one day that she'd had it for lunch and I was most unimpressed, but decided to try it and was very tasty.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to jeanjeannie50

It sounds like a favourite, I am always happy to try new things.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Heather1957

Yes, it's always nice to have something tasty recommended, that you've never had before. I'm fed up with green salad and would like someone to recommend a couscous or bulgur wheat based dish instead of that green stuff all the time!

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to jeanjeannie50

I like quick and simple and it sounds tasty too.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Heather1957

I have to say it's the garlic and fresh basil that make it so tasty. I wouldn't want it without either. I buy a small basil potted plant and it lasts for ages. I'll try the avocado too now that you've mentioned it - I don't find them over tasty though, but who knows!

A friend used to add turmeric to the flour when making savoury pastry. I alternate daily with a little ginger or cinnamon in my breakfast muesli. Garlic I use a lot.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to jeanjeannie50

Buy a basil plant or plant a couple of seeds and it will last all year . I buy potted parsley and still have last year's growing.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Qualipop

You know I've had some garlic that has been sprouting and thought of planting it in the garden. May well do it, now you've spurred me on.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to jeanjeannie50

Shop bought garlic can have diseases but worth a try. I used it the first time I grew it. It's better to buy a couple of bulbs from somewhere like the garlic farm online. Literally just push a clove ( NOt the whole bulb) about 3 inches into the soil. Put a marker in and wait until Autumn when the leaves droop.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Qualipop

Thanks, will have a go, once the wind dies down.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to jeanjeannie50

NO wind here but absolutely torrential rain. Bucket under leaking conservatory roof has 4 inches in it now

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Qualipop

So annoying for you. The wind here is almost as bad as it was on Friday. It's wild!!!

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to Qualipop

I feel your pain as my guttering between the conservatory and roof is obviously clogged up so it is spilling over into the conservatory. I have 4 buckets in a row. To top it off I now have water coming in over the front door (I live in a bungalow) which I believe is caused by a cracked tile. I had someone come around on Saturday and he is coming on Tuesday to clear the gutters and repair the tiles and give the roof the once over.

I think I am paying a great deal to his next holiday in the Caribbean!! Not a lot I can do though I think this is a time where roofers make all their money!!

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Heather1957

\I had all the gutters cleared before christmas. The water comes through the boss at the centre of the roof. There's at ray the should drain but it fills up and overflows.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to Qualipop

I had 2 people who after saying they would come and clear the gutters and change the cracked tiles failed to come back - to small a job I guess. The guttering is really narrow so whoever does it has to climb onto the roof.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Qualipop

I buy potted basil too and so long as I remember to water it, they last for ages.

Caravan-lover profile image
Caravan-lover in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi, I do Cous cous with roasted veg, I sprinkle seasoning on the veg before roasting: Moroccan spices, bbq or ripped fresh basil. I use the giant cous cous delicious hot or cold

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Caravan-lover

That sounds nice. I do roasted veg - carrots, red pepper, mushrooms, and red onion with fish coated in garlic and dill, all on the same tray. Cook sliced potatoes with it too. It's my favourite meal. Do you have plain couscous, or mix it up with the veg?

Caravan-lover profile image
Caravan-lover in reply to jeanjeannie50

I mix it into the veg as it absorb the juices, good hot or cold

jerry12953 profile image
jerry12953 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Very mediterranean!

Heather1957 profile image

The garlic on toast - definitely, it looks simple enough, I just need some avocados. I always pop into Sainsburys on Tuesdays so will get one then.

Mentdent profile image

Placebo effect

HenryTudor profile image

I make mashed avocado on toast a couple of times a week. Seasoned and just a teaspoon of garlic infused olive oil.

uzininemm profile image

Nobody seems to have mentioned the less obvious benefits.

I have found it is far easier to budget.

If you do a weekly food plan, then you just buy what you need, and it reduces food waste.

I don't waste time and mental effort trudging around supermarkets, getting bashed and people not respecting my personal space.

All in all a winner.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to uzininemm

Every time!

Yogi1950s profile image

Hi Heather1957,Sorry to step away from the culinary masterclass and the benefits of a vegetarian diet for one moment, but with regard to your original question regarding medicinal properties of certain spices - yes there is evidence that some do have certain, specific benefits. I am no expert in these things, but curcumin which is an active ingredient of turmeric is said to be a good anti-inflammatory if it in combined with another active ingredient of black pepper.

I don't understand the why's and wherefore of the how or why it works but apparently it does and people swear by it.

Good luck with your learning around the subject.


Chris1945 profile image
Chris1945 in reply to Yogi1950s

Hi, interesting to read this, I love turmeric but have been actively avoiding it because I thought it was a no-no when taking blood thinners? Because I'm veggie and love eating greens, I changed from Warfarin to Apixaban a year or so ago and within a couple of months I was in agony with muscle and joint pains and it has now come to light that Apixaban is a possible culprit so I'd be very happy to add turmeric into the equation, what amount per day would be best? Thanks in advance....... x

nursenancy53 profile image
nursenancy53 in reply to Chris1945

The chap who owns our local health food shop does not recommend turmeric alongside blood thinners. I just take aspirin and he reckoned I was safer without.

Bagrat profile image
Bagrat in reply to Chris1945

When I was on warfarin always ate loads of greens. As long as you eat them regularly the dose of warfarin can be adjusted to compensate. I'm sure I've read on here that taking regular greens tends to stabilise your INR as minor changes don't have a huge effect whereas if you avoid them altogether it does. I'm on apixaban as my warfarin got out out of sync after surgery and nurse said now's your chance to ask about apixaban.!! My OH still on warfarin eats and drinks as he pleases and always in range- very annoying

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to Yogi1950s

I have heard many people talking about the benefits of Turmeric for many things. I have a feeling if I get 'Graham' again I will be getting more food tips!

Jetcat profile image

Yes Turmeric is a anti inflammatory, I have it in a glass of warm water a few times a week. It’s not to everyone’s taste though.!!

My wife takes Aged Garlic and Turmeric supplements as she’s on no medication. I have Turmeric, Garlic and Ginger added to recipes not supplements as I’m on Aspirin, Clopidogrel and blood pressure medication.

Cruise1 profile image

My wife takes apple cider vinegar, turmeric and honey to help with her arthritis every morning.

Crystal-21 profile image

Fabulous! I’ve learnt a couple of things from you now . Incredible xxx

Qualipop profile image

The last 3 yes. Turmeric, ginger and garlic are all mildly anti inflammatory but do get more info about turmeric. Too much can be dangerous.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to Qualipop

Will do, thank you.

Qualipop profile image

Tesco have some great drivers. I started using them at the start of you know what because they are the only company that will bring my shopping indoors for me. I can't carry bags so they put all my fridge and freezer stuff right by he fridge and the rest on top of the relevant cupboard. Most of them even demand I let my dog out for a fuss. ( I shut her in the conservatory). Like someone else I've written to compliment them several times but they've shut down their email just now- not enough staff to read them all. I had a driver this week giving me advice on spinal operations.

in reply to Qualipop

I used to be part of the Tesco home delivery system, and they are required to bring shopping to the kitchen or where ever you store your food. They are encourage to offer any help with how the system works, how maximise use of the system in a way that helps maximise the accuracy of your order whilst also reducing your outlay.

When I was doing the job - I would’ve been stumped on the medical stuff, but now I can give chapter and verse on CABG x3, Stroke, Sepsis, HSV, Davids Procedure (Aorta Replacement).

The drivers do like to sit and share info that will be useful for doing the job 👍

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to

I have found them worth their weight in gold especially during the lockdown.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

I know how they help; that's why I've stayed with them. They have brought in shopping right through the past 2 years; all masked up and careful. I just had one nasty young lad who told me he wasn't willing to risk his family to come into my house. ( I hadn't been out of the house since last June). I believe he got sacked the following week. None of the other supermarkets would bring it in. You have to pack it all into your own bags on the doorstep and carry it in. Now if I could just get some half decent carrots, they'd be 100%.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to Qualipop

I do feel sorry for them as some people get mad with them over items not included or the subs given. It is NOT their fault that is down to the pickers (who are not my favourites)

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Heather1957

Maybe not but it's the only supermarket where you can leave a note for the pickers. We had one driver furious when they were rushed off their feet at the start of C. The couple before us, both young and perfectly capable of shopping, refused their order because he was 20 min early and told him to come back at the right time. I choose my time when I know someone is coming to help me but if it comes early, so what? They battle all sorts of weather and c onditions. I had one order came an hour late because he got held up by a huge bull in a country lane. Had to find the farmer to move it. When our road was snowed in they brought my order from the main road on foot. Who can complain?

in reply to Heather1957

You can give restrictions as to what the pickers can put in, such as quality of goods etc. You do the picking before you progress to driving the vans, so they all understand how to make your shopping experience. That was the part I always enjoyed.

Gundoglady profile image

Pineapple juice is also an anti inflammatory.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to Gundoglady

I did not know that, thank you.

Qualipop profile image

Every recipe for veg these days seems to have peppers in it as one of the main flavours. Peppers make me sick. What do people use as an alternative apart from tomatoes?

Heather1957 profile image

Some great tips, advice and recipe ideas on here and lovely to know that Tesco drivers (in the main) are helpful the country over.

uzininemm profile image
uzininemm in reply to Heather1957

Not just Tesco drivers, mine are from one of the other supermarkets and I find them just as courteous and helpful.

I would also think for those people who live on their home, to have someone to talk too, even briefly does benefit.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to uzininemm

I am sure during lockdown many single and elderly people got more than just food deliveries from these drivers.

MONIREN profile image

Turmeric works for my pain, I always make sure it's on my medication list, cardiologist has approved it. My husband loves apple cider vinegar, here in Australia you can buy it with ginger and honey in, my husband got rid of age spots on hands with it. Moni

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