Today marks ten years since I was unexpectedly diagnosed with heart failure at the tender age of 31. I remember back then being told by Dr "Death Knell" Google that I'd be dead within five years. [Nowadays I know Dr Google is an unqualified quack who knows nothing and likes to present worst case scenarios and outdated research. Do not consult Dr Google!] Well, I've survived twice that long thanks to my tablets and my CRT-D device and am still feeling good and hopeful.
I always find this time of year a bit tricky (less so as the years pass) but I had been looking forward to the big 10th anniversary, feeling very relaxed and confident and stable in my heart failure. Unfortunately the rug was pulled out from under me a couple of weeks ago when it was confirmed that my heart function was beginning to decline (it wasn't just me getting older and lazier!) and I have spent the last ten days on the heart transplant list. I was even offered a heart already, via the dreaded 2am phone call, but the donor heart was eventually rejected by the surgeon and I was sent home again, thankfully before anaesthetic was administered.
This new development is obviously a lot to adjust to and I am finding it challenging and have had to take a step back from my PhD for the time being. But I'm still feeling good and positive overall, and fully expecting to be posting about my 20th anniversary of heart failure diagnosis in another decade's time.
Those of you who visit my research project's blog (and/or write haiku for the zine) will probably find things rather quiet over there for the next wee while, but I WILL be back as soon as I'm able and I might do the odd informal post in the meantime, so do check in from time to time if you can.
I hope this news doesn't put too much of a downer on anyone who is coming to terms with a heart failure diagnosis of their own. It's not quite where I had imagined or hoped to be on my tenth heartiversary, but I'm still in "good health" and confident that this challenging next step will have good long-term outcomes. It's just another bump in the road of living a long and good life with heart failure, I think.