Is it normal to feel breathless after a heart attack
Is it normal to feel breathless after... - British Heart Fou...
Is it normal to feel breathless after a heart attack

My ex husband had a heart attack 6 weeks ago, he did have 2 admissions to hospital with breathlessness after 2 stents, they put him on diuretics and seems to be getting back to his usual self now.

Thank you for sharing that x
I’m sure some do get breathless, but if you have discomfort too please check it out. neither time before his two heart attacks did my husband get breathless at all , but four months after his second he did get breathless with some slight discomfort on exercising. Got told by fr prob indigestion and dr would write hospital. Heard nothing even now, (this was reported to our surgery January and dr now left practice) so four months later In March/April we contacted cardiologist who said an urgent angiogram needed. No luck getting one on NHSas not having HA at time so paid nearly £4000 and within couple weeks they found blockage and needed largest stent they do inserting. Just glad we chased it. It was done privately but in the NHS hospital by the NHS dr treating him - (in his private capacity). Scary to think what could have happened if we had left it. Thank goodness as big holidays are out of question from now on we could pay for treatment. But won’t always be able to.If you have worries get them checked out for your peace of mind
Check side effects of meds as I was breathless unassociated with exercise, felt convinced it was meds…..thankfully Cardiac Rehab advised GP to change Tricagrelor to Clopidogrel…..breathlessness went after a couple of days!
I had he same problem with ticagrelor. It felt as if I had asthma. Got it changed to clopidogrel. Did you have stents? There is a very slight possibility they may have blocked but it's rare. See your GP
This was a year ago…no breathlessness on Clopidogrel though one of the meds makes me sneeze multiple times, annoying! I know I would feel fitter and better not taking all these toxins!