What does cardiac rehab class involve... - British Heart Fou...

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What does cardiac rehab class involve after mitral valve repair?

Warm-heart profile image
22 Replies

It is 3 months since my op (open heart surgery for valve repair & ablation for AF) and I have not had any cardiac rehab yet. I was meant to get notice of something, but nothing has happened yet. Can anyone tell me what it involves, eg is it a group or 1:1 and what happens in the time? Any experience welcome, as I'm wondering if it is something I can manage myself without going somewhere? I have chased it up several times, I am sure the pandemic has something to do with it not happening though I expected it online anyway.

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Warm-heart profile image
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22 Replies
BernieMB profile image

Had the same issues myself. The hospital did there bit and referred me for Cardiac Rehab to the local hospital but it didn’t get actioned. I contacted my GP practice and asked them which centre I should be referred to, then I contacted the hospital and asked them to refer me there. It is now over 3 1/2 months since my op and I have just had my exercise assessment with the classes due to start in about 4 weeks via zoom or some other link. They will send me the link nearer the time. During the sessions I will be supervised. I asked about Cardio Rehab classes I saw online but was told I should not do them as I need to be supervised.

Warm-heart profile image
Warm-heart in reply to BernieMB

Thank you for your reply!

MONIREN profile image

Cardiac rehab involves exercise done at a pace that the physio thinks your health can tolerate. Online , that, can't be done, it is done in a group with many levels of ability. Then there are the talks on various topics that might help, dietitian, physiotherapy, even coping with the emotions that go with it. It is such a pity covid has interrupted such a vital part of your healing process. Online might work if your careful and they know where your recovery is at. Please take care. Moni

Warm-heart profile image
Warm-heart in reply to MONIREN

Thank you for your helpful reply!

Dauris profile image

Mine has never happened , mentioned this to my GP numerous times but 2 years later nothing and guess what , I still struggle with fatigue, I still feel

Absolutely exhausted walking up stairs. Still struggle sleeping , and I’m taking more Sertraline than ever before


Warm-heart profile image
Warm-heart in reply to Dauris

Thank you, but I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering fatigue ongoing, sleep issues, exhausted. Do you think side effects of any of your medication is playing a part? I know some of my medications in the past gave me fatigue and insomnia, and added to breathlessness too.

Jessiebrown profile image
Jessiebrown in reply to Dauris

Same ,I think no one cares once you’ve been operated on you just have to get on with it,I still feel the same as you,try and keep as well as you can xx

andy110519 profile image

Hi, I had OHS 2 years ago for a new aortic valve and a graft. My rehab consisted of 2 1 to 1 sessions with a cardio rehab nurse. An over efficient receptionist took me off the list rather than reschedule my 3rd appointment but I was happy enough with my progress.Andy

Warm-heart profile image
Warm-heart in reply to andy110519

Thank you!

Reuben52 profile image

Hi.. I had AVR and double bypass on 26/02/2020. When I came out of ICU, the whole world had changed. All cardiac rehab classes were cancelled and I basically had to plough my own furrow.I made sure I listened to the physios when I left hospital and set up my own programme based on increasing walking range and, crucially, breathing exercises. Having a dog really helps!

From an average of 14k steps per day pre-op, I was back up to 10k per day within a few months. Every improvement was a little win.

I was initially disappointed not to be involved in group activities, but you can achieve a lot by setting yourself realistic goals and achieving them.

Good luck with getting into classes, but I would advise setting yourself some regular improvement goals, if you haven't done so already. Is there a cardiac nurse you can contact by telephone for advice?

Warm-heart profile image
Warm-heart in reply to Reuben52

Thank you for your help. No unfortunately, I'm now between 2 hospitals: the one where I had the surgery discharged me quickly and I'm awaiting my followup after 6 months at another hospital where the cardiologist works. My GP is expected to pick up any pieces during this 6 months...

Jocastina profile image

Hi, I would call your local cardiac rehab - find it here: maps.cardiac-rehabilitation... I called them before my operation and they were very helpful in explaining what will happen afterwards regarding rehab.

There is also a useful section on the BHF website in case you haven't seen it already: bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo...

I had a mitral valve replacement nearly 7 weeks ago and I had my first cardiac rehab appointment 2 weeks ago.

I had 45 minutes each with a cardiac nurse to go through my medication and general issues, and from that she referred me to a cardiac psychologist (haven't had appointment with her yet), then a dietician to go through a heart healthy diet, then a physio who did a 'shuttle' walking test with me, walking up and down a certain length and gradually increasing speed, and checking my pulse, oxygen and blood pressure. He then gave me a home exercise programme to increase my walking while I wait for classes. At my local hospital they have just restarted classes in person and I haven't been placed in a class yet, but have been warned that it's possible they may have to put classes online again, depending on developments with Covid.

All three, the nurse, dietician and physio emailed me the same day after my appointment to give me their contact details and to follow up on what we'd gone through. They said I can get back to them anytime with questions.

So, all in all, although I'm at the early stages of this, I think it's a very worthwhile service and if they have missed you out for some reason, chase it up and get into the system. Good luck!

Warm-heart profile image
Warm-heart in reply to Jocastina

Thank you, that is really helpful info!

Paul101 profile image

I managed to get two face to face sessions to assess needs but I was on my own when it came to finding a class. That was a consequence of a change in local policy that was just happening. Doing a little research, the countrywide pattern of rehab delivery seems very variable - some get excellent help, some don't.

I did find an excellent resource - the BHF dvds. These provide warm ups etc. But of course, unsupervised.

I found a local class that catered for people like us (heart op recovery stroke recovery etc) - run by a local charity. Good enough supervision for me. So I would recommend looking around for classes. Ask people for recommendations, talk to local charities, the BHF may know some names/organisations...

Warm-heart profile image
Warm-heart in reply to Paul101

Thank you, the BHF seems to have some good free videos to view on cardiac rehab which I'll go through, and may get the DVD you suggest if that adds extra.

Mazatectribe profile image

I had my op over 3 years ago and still waiting for mine! Had one follow up appointment at 8 weeks post op and that was it nothing since .

Warm-heart profile image
Warm-heart in reply to Mazatectribe

Wow, that surprizes me! I hope you are doing ok.

It probably depends on what stage NHS Trust are at opening up again.I had an initial face to face assessment this morning, but, going forward it's online exercises using the BHF dvd twice a week. The programme is an hour long and is meant to replicate what you get in a group session.

I've been in Cardio Rehab following surgery previously, so I know the benefits working in a group. I'm a bit sceptical of the online method, but, it's down to me to put the effort in and be honest on weekly calls with the Physio team.

Warm-heart profile image
Warm-heart in reply to

Thank you. That is great you at least get weekly calls with a physio team, I didn't even have that unfortunately. I think a lot of this is down to the pandemic period, I'm just glad I could get the operation done this year despite how things have been with covid.


Warm-heart profile image

Hi Dauris wow this sounds awful, I am so sorry. I think though you might have been posting to the wrong original question here which is about cardiac rehab. If so, you would get an answer if you post your comment to the question you need relevant to your issue? (if I am making sense?)

Dauris profile image

Yeah sorry delete post of you wish

Uhrwerk profile image

Hi, I was given an app by the rehab team of my hospital to put onto my smart TV, found it to be very good, did my exercises every morning. All the best to you

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