Scared of having a heart condition - British Heart Fou...

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Scared of having a heart condition

Dorothy0 profile image
11 Replies

Hello! It s taking me a lot of courage to open up and ask here.

I have mental issues that prevent me to seek medical help. I can't talk to people well in real life, neither using a phone. I feel paralyzed in front of unknown people. My family is not supportive, and I have no friends.

Since last year I have been afraid I'm suffering from a heart condition. I'm 37 years old, female, obese, sedentary. I have a long history of heavy alcohol drinking. I only drink Soda since I was a child. The last time I had an opportunity to do a blood test Cholesterol was a little high. This has been 8 years ago. Might I add I eat poorly, I don't have much choice since I don't have money. I eat whatever there is here. My appetite has been poor lately and I have been eating less.

I'm having trouble going to places, particularly when I have to climb something. There is a place me and my brother buy things every week and it's just 10 minutes of walking up and I feel very dizzy and breathless. I have to stop during this time to rest a little, around 4 or 5 times and I still feel bad all the way until I come back home and rest. At home, the same has been happening when doing small chores like cleaning the house. I feel dizzy and breathless and I need to stop and rest for a while to feel better.

I cut the soda and I'm trying to drink carbonated water to see if the symptoms relieve but I'm still feeling the same. Alcohol, I haven't been drinking lately but I used to be a heavy drinker.

Sometimes, I start coughing, It's a dry cough. This is usually followed by dizziness and shortness of breath. I notice my heart is beating fast when this happens. My feet have been swollen, heavy and painful. Other symptoms I feel almost every day are nausea and headache. I have a constant need to go to the toilet at night, even if I don't drink anything hours before sleep. Last week, I have been fainting and that is what brought me here. I wake up very confused. I'm feeling more breathless lately which makes me wonder if it isn't something in the lungs but everything else seems similar to heart conditions symptoms. I have no energy to do anything and it is like the smallest things exhaust me. I'm also forgetting things easily, maybe because of tiredness.

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. I'm feeling scared and lonely, and I can't talk to anyone else. Do you think that could be heart disease? I would appreciate hearing from others that have experience with it.

Thank you very much for any help! Sorry for the awkward way I express myself. I don't talk much with people.

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Dorothy0 profile image
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11 Replies
AngMurf profile image

Oh Dorothy I really feel for you. You are having a terrible time of it. Sounds like your social anxiety is crippling, and on top of that your health is giving you more! I too suffer from terrible anxiety. You need to be brave call your GP and explain all that you have stated in your post. They could come out to see you and do some initial tests? It could be something or nothing but Whatever they decide needs to happen next is an an absolute must. You need to do this for you! Xx

Hello :-)

Please don't me sorry asking on here for advice

I relate so much to having MH problems as I do to

I suffer with severe anxiety ocd agoraphobia and I fear people to so I get what you are feeling You are stuck in with all these issues and yet deep down knowing your health is not what it should be yet to afraid to ask for help

I was to afraid to and it resulted in me having 3 heart attacks and now waiting for Bypass surgery and I am so angry with myself thinking if only I had spoken up , if only this dreadful Mental Health I suffer from had not got in the way I may not be in this mess !

None of us can say if what you are feeling is down to your heart , your lifestyle which again I understand , the drink helps us escape , lack of money can prevent us eating as well as we should , feeling low stops us exercising and the list goes on but it could also be simply down to needing to make some lifestyle changes , you could have Asthma , your Blood pressure and Cholesterol may be high but what I want to say to you is please do not be a fool like me , no matter how strong your anxiety is and taking control just this once face that fear and get checked out

Anxiety and Mental Health issues robs us of so much but don't let it rob you of getting the help and support you need because we deserve it to just like everyone else !

I would say you should get checked out and we will help support you the best we can but please don't be a fool like me , make that appointment we will be here to help in anyway we can :-) x

RufusScamp profile image

Dear Dorothy, I have to agree with Ang, you need to contact your GP as soon as possible. If you have a health problem, the sooner it is dealt with the better. In the meantime, trying to improve your life style may help. If you have trouble shopping, can you order on-line?I know it's easy to say and harder to do, but if you can get fresh food, and at least a little regular daily exercise it may help you feel better, and break out of the vicious circle that is pulling you down.

S11m profile image

Yes - you do need to see a doctor.

I am wondering if it might be diabetes or CoViD?

Is your pulse rate fast, slow, irregular...?

Bagrat profile image

Hi Dorothy, I do feel for you and what I am about to say may sound strange. I was having a lot of weird physical symptoms and when I actually got a physical diagnosis it was a relief to know it was not all because of my anxiety (although that had made it worse) I then got the help I needed. Could you ring or email a local Mental Health Charity, they could perhaps provide support for you to get in touch with your GP

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Hi Dorothy, my heart goes out to you. Please, please make a list of what you want to say to a doctor and give your surgery a call. I know how hard doing this is for you. Or is there anyone who could make the call on your behalf?

You know I don't tell people this, but I'm a little bit psychic and I can see you up ahead, having lost weight, eating more healthily and walking in beautiful countryside for your exercise, your confidence has improved massively and you feel well. However, I can't see this happening unless you make that contact with a GP.

Let me know if I can help in any way (I'm good on the phone, can turn on the charm and wheedle around anyone).

Sending you a big hug.


jeanjeannie50 profile image

Dorothy you may have read this before


“Don’t be fooled by me.

Don’t be fooled by the face that I wear

For I wear a thousand masks, masks that I’m afraid to take off, and none of them are me.

Pretending is an art that’s second nature with me, but don’t be fooled, for god’s sake don’t be fooled.

I give the impression that I’m secure,

that all is sunny and unruffled with me,

within as well as without;

that confidence is my name and coolness my game;

and that I need no one.

But don’t believe me. Please.


My surface may seem smooth, but my surface is my mask.

Beneath this lies no complacence.

Beneath dwells the real me in confusion, in fear and aloneness.

But I hide this. I don’t want anybody to know it.

I panic at the thought of my weakness and fear of being exposed.

That’s why I frantically create a mask to hide behind,

a nonchalant, sophisticated facade;

to help me pretend, to shield me from the glance that knows.

But such a glance is precisely my salvation. My only salvation and I know it.

That is if it’s followed by acceptance, if it’s followed by love.

It’s the only thing that will assure me of what I can’t assure myself - that I am worth something.


But I don’t tell you this. I don’t dare. I’m afraid to.

I’m afraid your glance will not be followed by acceptance and love.

I’m afraid you’ll think less of me, that you’ll laugh at me and your laugh would kill me.

I’m afraid that deep down I’m nothing, that I’m no good

and that you will see this and reject me.

So I play my game, my desperate game,

with a façade of assurance without, and a trembling child within.

So begins the parade of masks. And my life becomes a front.

Who am I, you may wonder. I am someone you know very well.

For I am every man you meet and I am every woman you meet”.

Dorothy - We all perform an act exactly as above, you are not alone in your way of thinking. We all feel insecure deep down, but you are being honest and open. You can be anyone you like, you just need to act the part. Get out there on the stage of life and give it all you've got to your GP. xxx

in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hello :-)

I just read what you have written here and I could not believe that was me as a child exactly all the masks trying to cover up been different and all my fears , it has been hard work pretending you were someone that deep down you wasn't , afraid of been laughed at and bullied even as a child if you really had let people see what you really was like

It is only just the last few years I started to slowly take the masks of even though I keep a few and still struggle

But what you have written is me ! x

BernieMB profile image

Hi Dorothy, I really feel for you, I have suffered with mental health issues for a very long time. I eventually got the right help with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The first thing you need to do is phone your GP and explain what is happening with you. I know this will be difficult with the anxiety you feel but if you write down all the symptoms and worries you have you won’t get flustered. Practice reading it out loud, you would be amazed how that helps. They will run all the tests you need to see if anything is wrong. You can talk to them about your mental health aswell. You will feel so much better once you have taken the first step.

stillaboveground profile image

Hi Dorothy, I am sorry to hear of your concerns and you need to get checked out quickly both for your physical and mental health. You mentioned you have a brother perhaps he could talk to a doctor for you. You have reached out to people on this site, you have taken the first step. Please get some help. Take care.


Paulbounce profile image

Hi Dorothy.

"I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. I'm feeling scared and lonely"

No it's not the wrong place to ask - and something else as well as will we are on the matter. We all feel scared and lonely - some of the time or most of the time. There's no shame in that.

Now then.

"It s taking me a lot of courage to open up and ask here"

Courage indeed - good on you. You have more gut's than many. Hold tight to that sweetheart - that's half your battle won.

"I feel paralyzed in front of unknown people"

Yep I'm with you. I understand this. Do you know they most likely feel the same about meeting you - I bet they do.

"Last week, I have been fainting and that is what brought me here"

Now first of all let's not panic. It's worth a call to your doc though - just to play safe.

"Sorry for the awkward way I express myself. I don't talk much with people"

Don't be sorry sweetheart - there's no need at all.

You'll beat this - I bet you do. In fact I know you will,

I just want to be totally clear about this. I can't give you medical advice or counciling. Phones on now and all I can do is listen - if you want a natter with a total stranger you are more than welcome to call me. It's unlikely I can help and you can withold your number.

Offers there


Loads of best,

Paul x

PS - I just want to add when you put a post on like the above (you have to be careful on the internet these days). I'm not in any shape or form asking for any personal details ie where you live or your number - it is purely a matter of offering support. Just want to calify that. I'm going to knock my number of the thread but will PM you with it. If you ever what to call you are most welcome - all I can do is listen though. You can withhold your number and I promise no names or anything need be mentioned.


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